benang: VA-11 HALL-A
Michigan, USAfissionprime7 years ago

I think I'd be down to do a race! I haven't been playing for quite a while, so I'll have to get myself back in shape. I definitely thought it was a shame not to have more runners when I was playing a lot, and it was a combination of that and real life stuff that caused me to put this on the backburner. Maybe something like this could pull a person or two in, though. Regardless, it sounds fun if nothing else.

And yes, I've also had the game crash on me before, for what it's worth, so I think it's the game itself. Resetting the game between runs certainly sounds like something that could help.

Matriarch menyukai ini
Michigan, USAfissionprime7 years ago

Hi, I think I might be interested in running ROM. I was just wondering if there are some notes on the current route or anything. I'm obviously planning on watching current WR a couple times to get a general sense of how it goes, but it seems like manually recording all of the dialogue options and interactions with people/items might be time better spent on investigating potential timesaves, that is, if there's any info down in writing.

benang: VA-11 HALL-A
Michigan, USAfissionprime7 years ago

Hey, so I've been thinking about making an all steam achievements route for a while, and I wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts on rules for the category. My thought is that this run would definitely be much more interesting if it had to be a fresh file rather than a NG+. Doing NG+ would have issues in that acquiring enough money to pay your bills, and buy all the items (and keep Jill from being distracted) are all things that need to be worked into the route, and allowing NG+ can trivialize that.

I think this could actually end up being a really interesting run. It will probably involve some additional drinks beyond those in NG+ all endings, because you will want to farm money. Something that also will cause some interesting things in the route are that some achievements can't be earned together in the same run, like "get all perfect service bonuses" and the easter egg from giving stella the flaming moai. This means that the route will almost certainly involve some interesting saves and loads. Off the top of my head, the things that are likely to involve save/load manipulations are the flaming moai easter eggs, getting all the endings, and having enough money to buy everything in the store upon entering NG+ (you need to start the NG+ because it triggers the songs being in the store. You would probably tie this in with getting the bad ending, as being slightly below the rent money leaves a lot of money left over for NG+).

Another thing that's interesting about this run is that it would mean you have to beat Model Warrior Julianne (which honestly kinda scares the shit out of me). I don't know about others, but it took me a while to beat it at all. Of course, it's mostly an autoscroller, but beating the boss as fast as possible without dying definitely adds another dimension to the run.

So right now my rough expectation of the route is as follows. I haven't figured out the money routing yet, so I don't know for sure that this is possible.

  1. All endings perfect service playthrough, triggering either 1/2 of the moai easter eggs. Take saves to trigger stella flaming moai and before rent is due to allow triggering bad ending. Watch all endings as achievements unlock as endings play. 2.reload, and trigger stella moai easter egg. Reload late-game file and get bad ending. Enter NG+ file and buy everything.

Model warrior should probably be as early as possible in the run, given that it's likely to be more reset-heavy than anything else.

The big question here is the money. Is it possible to get all endings and keep Jill from being distracted on the first playthrough on a fresh file, and if so, what are the fastest drinks that give enough money to do so? If you can't get enough money, you may need to go through another full playthrough, or do a bunch more save/load shenanigans.

Let me know if you guys have thoughts on NG+/fresh file, or suggestions for things I should check out that might help on routing. Otherwise, I'll probably just update if I get something hammered out for this.

Matriarch menyukai ini
benang: VA-11 HALL-A
Michigan, USAfissionprime8 years ago

I definitely feel you on the computer performance. I've lost a couple runs to the game running out of available RAM, and I've had a damn near heart attack a few times when I've lagged for a few seconds and thought the game died. I am honestly quite impressed with the execution in your run in spite of that.

I've thought about 100% a little bit as well. That would be a really interesting, and also difficult, run. I actually haven't beaten Model Warrior Julianne yet (though I haven't put in that much time on it) and knowing how long and unforgiving it is, it could easily be a run killer. I was also thinking that it would take two runs to get everything, but it might depend on what sort of saving and loading is allowed. It would be a cool run to look into, and I might think about what a route might potentially look like.

A couple of subtler things that I've realized in the last couple days: you can start adding ingredients to a drink as soon as the recipe book starts scrolling down the screen. You don't have to wait for it to get all the way down. Sometimes, if the drink is something like a sugar rush, you can serve it by the time the recipe book pops up. Another thing is that I didn't realize you could add ingredients after you started mixing until midway through my run last night. This can particularly save a bit of time with blended drinks. Before, I would add all ingredients and then have to wait 5 seconds for the blend, but you can add one ingredient, start mixing, add the rest, and then you will not have to wait as long for the blend. Thanks for the info on Lexi! It definitely saves a bit of time, probably 5-10 seconds. I had another PB tonight that incorporated that and a couple other slight routing changes. When Virgilio asks for purity on day 7, it doesn't need to be a fringe weaver, and I think can actually be anything in the whole game (sugar rush for the run).

I actually find it pretty interesting how the characters will interact with Jill on the various drinks I used as shortcuts, as in a lot of cases, they mention that it's not the correct order, but that it's good enough, or will just say "oh, don't worry about it," in a couple of cases. I also found it clever that the only thing required to avoid a mistake on Rad Shiba is to have some alcohol in the drink you serve him, because he's never had alcohol before, and isn't the smartest dog around. So many of the little interactions and stuff like that have a lot of soul in them, and it makes me appreciate the game even more. That said, it's a bit silly that you're able to skip lots of drinks a character doesn't normally order by just giving them "the usual," but I figured I might as well check and see if it worked to help skip blended drinks, and it did, so I wasn't going to refuse :P

I am also adding my most updated route to the guides page.

benang: VA-11 HALL-A
Michigan, USAfissionprime8 years ago

So I had a pretty good run tonight. I did quite a bit of routing, particularly eliminating as many blended drinks as possible, and realized that serving Ingram only sugar rushes the entire run saves quite a bit of time. I'm going to look to post the route I used sometime tomorrow, as it's pretty late and I should head to bed.

benang: VA-11 HALL-A
Michigan, USAfissionprime8 years ago

Haha yeah this is definitely not a super serious speedgame at the moment, and I don't know if it seems likely that there would be any major glitches/tricks hiding anywhere, so understandable to focus a bit more on your main games. One thing I figured out today is that a lot of the blended drinks seem skippable. It seems like you can get by without it not counting as a mistake if you give Donovan a big beer (didn't check regular yet) instead of anything else he asks for, and likewise giving Ingram mostly sugar rushes can skip some of the blended drinks he asks for as well. It's possible that in some of these cases you get some more text from making the different decision, but if you're saving 5 seconds for every blend you can avoid then I'm sure it's worth it as much as possible.

I didn't realize that the secret characters actually skipped certain drinks. That's interesting to know I might look into what exactly it avoids if you do some of them.

As for the all endings, I actually think that's a cool category. It's kind of the equivalent of 100% (though of course there's other stuff like the Model Warrior game), and makes it so you get more of a variety of drinks than I suspect you would in any%. I doubt there would be anything that would fit the game better as a run.

My hope is that some more people will pick this game up soon. The game certainly seems to be gaining some more popularity around the net, which is good, because it's an awesome game. Not necessarily a super traditional speedrun since the whole game is basically menuing, but I think it's actually pretty fun. Gonna do a little more routing and see how many blended drinks I can eliminate in total. I'll let you know any suggestions have for improving your current route!

benang: VA-11 HALL-A
Michigan, USAfissionprime8 years ago

I would say that perfect service (or something along these lines) is definitely going to be the most interesting route. Any% would be a good meme, but it would probably just come down to serving a sugar rush to everyone as fast as possible or something, and that's awfully trivial. Are the only criteria right now for perfect service that you need to not miss and service bonuses, and you need to trigger all the [good] endings? The very first run I did I thought I messed that up because I gave Ingram a moonblast instead of a marsblast at one point, but apparently he liked it. That leads me to think that there could be some interesting choices that we could make in routing, since, now that I go back and look, I didn't lose the service bonus, despite it not being what he asked for. I'm sure there are other places in the game where we may be able to substitute drinks that we are better at making quickly for ones that take inputs we're less good at. I'm guessing it won't matter too much which options yield the most dialogue boxes, since ctrl obliterates them so quickly.

Anyway, I think there's still more to figure out, and I'm excited to start learning more about the game

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