BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

both tyler and plumbirb have a time of 21s 983ms and realm has a time of 22s 200ms, so tyler and plumbirb should have nr1 and realm nr2

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

On Arcie's and Ketsu's run on any% gearless, arcie beats level 5 in 20 seconds, and Ketsu beats it in 19 seconds, but they just jump straight, normally when you jump straight it takes 28-30 seconds, so do you just need incredible RNG?? or is there something i'm overlooking?

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

i mean if anything the level 5 run, you have a setback, bcs you lose like 5 frames, so i don't see why it wouldn't be allowed

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

what else can be done? i feel like the best time possible is a 2:21

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

the world record just slipped away from my hands bcs i accidently jumped whilst being on the centre of a trampoline

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

i was on 2:23 pace reeeeeeeeeeee

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

breh i just used archies skip in a run, and it worked first try, and then i fell off the damn trampolines, i'm so pissed, bcs that skip is so damn hard

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

nvm, i fixed it, apparently you have to use it as an administrator

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

does any1 know how to use LiveSplit ingame? because i have to press on the LiveSplit icon or the timer for starting or stopping splits, i see everyone just starting or stopping splits ingame, can any1 pls explain how i do that?

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

oh i thought a 2:32 was the best possible time, do you have any video refference to show me the strats?

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

i just got another 2:38, i know how to get a 2:35, but i have no clue how to get a 2:33, and when i watch his vid, i'm clueless why he got a 2:33, guess i'm gonna have to get lucky on the green plateau that pushes you backwards

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

alright, i'll try that, and i guess i'm gonna have to grind some more to get that time back

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

The vod or the highlight is on my twitch channel, under video’s, if you want to check it out...

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

Thats the thing, the recording freezes, and then teleports like 40 seconds later, so you can only see like 4 parts of the run, so there is no way it doesn’t get declined

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

i used to record all my runs, and when i watched them back, they were fine, and then i started streaming, and the entire vod is laggy as hell, so i went back to recording, and all the recordings of the bad runs are fine, but the 2 runs that were good, both were laggy, i'm so pissed, and they will prob get declined, so does any1 have a solution for a recording software that doesn't lag, or does any1 know how to fix lag issues with obs?

BelgiumZalheide3 years ago

please shut up about this dream stuff, no1 cares, if you believe dream cheated, good for you, if you believe dream is innocent, also good for you, just leave it be PLEASE.

Tentang Zalheide
3 years ago
1 year ago
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Super Fun And Short Obby
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