Ydennek3 years ago

In the games that have the most runs, it seems this game is one of the top, even greater than Minecraft, but expectedly under games such as Celeste and portal. When did this happen? Undertale seems to be popular as a story more so than a game, like I feel like I haven’t seen that many gameplay videos of it. One of the first vids that popped up when I looked up undertale speedrun was a Minecraft speedrun. So if it doesn’t seem to have a big speedrun presence, where are all the runs coming from?

Ydennek3 years ago

I recently finished an all awards speed run and I just checked the rules and I was wondering if my run could still be accepted. I ended the run as soon as I did the final thing I needed to do to get the award (send the choclodocus to a party) but I didn’t wait for the award to come in a notification in the bottom of the screen. Because the final time would only be a small displacement of the recorded time, could my run still be accepted? It took a lot out of my to do this, and my main reason for doing this run was to get on this website. I wouldn’t mind if you add a couple seconds or a minute or whatever you want to my run and penalty, but could my run still be accepted? I did everything I needed to do, I just stopped the timer a tiny bit before the rules said I was supposed to.

Tentang Ydennek
3 years ago
13 days ago
Game yang telah dijalankan
Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise
Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise
Run terakhir 4 months ago