jalankan: Dino Crisis 2
SpainVendettavic2 years ago

GZZZZZ 3rd!!!

pewpewpewletsgo menyukai ini
jalankan: Dino Crisis 2
SpainVendettavic2 years ago

GG! i need to use that reverse psychology too XD

appallingmango menyukai ini
jalankan: Dino Crisis 2
SpainVendettavic2 years ago


pewpewpewletsgo menyukai ini
Tidak diketahui
SpainVendettavic2 years ago

I think the same as Rapix.

It´s a fun idea for some of us but this will create a lot of empty leaderboards, cos i don´t think there is much ppl interested appart from PC runners and some emu runner maybe. We need a larger community first. If there is a votation someday and i´m not here to vote, my vote is "not yet"


OR u can see it like "the actual comunnity wants it, so let´s do it" i don´t know what is best. Maybe a votation is required to see how much ppl wants it.

Kaladere menyukai ini
jalankan: Dino Crisis 2
SpainVendettavic2 years ago


Kaladere dan Setyan_Chokdee menyukai ini
SpainVendettavic3 years ago

I talked about that just twice, u are attacking me now and i find ur post accusing me of that offensive. I have nothing more to say. The problem of the thread is in the title, stop acussing me of something else. Thread ended for me.

SpainVendettavic3 years ago

"However, I don't think the problem is really related to the view count, but rather the second part related to the Moderators themselves. Being periodically brought up. Am I wrong?"

Yes i have problems with actual moderation, but this is not the point of the post and that is personal. I talked that with you in private.

SpainVendettavic3 years ago

The issue is not about the views, is about the time watched. And that´s why i waited 2 days till i have the complete data (that´s why im showing the date in the screenshot) I don´t want to say any names cos u can just say i manipulated my clock or i manipulated whatever. I just want the mods to work, simply. You say the mods are working? i believe you. I don´t have any more concerns have a nice day. (But i´ve been a youtuber for 12 years, i know how youtube works)

SpainVendettavic3 years ago

https://gyazo.com/b1a32ea6ed8a10fd16705bc37d145d4a u can see the reason of this thread in this gyazo. Again, im giving no names.

Edit again: The reason of this post is just i want the mods to do his job, im not wanting anyone´s head, that´s why im giving no names.

SpainVendettavic3 years ago

The point is the tittle "Are mods properly checking the runs?" I said also "among other reasons" (to the deadhunter thing, but this is not the thread, this thread is "Are mods properly checking the runs?"

And my problem was not the removal of Deadhunter, is that the new mods were not chosen my the community, but again this is not the point of the post.

SpainVendettavic3 years ago

And i said YOU fired Deadhunter cos it happened without warning, putting the new mods without any warning too.

SpainVendettavic3 years ago

I have data of some of my recent PB that shows noone checked it. I won´t throw names (and u won´t know looking at my pbs cos not just one accepted my recent runs) I just post this cos months ago u fired Deadhunter for this reason (among others) but now it´s the same. (Just in case, i documented everything) (Read this as just a concerned runner, not angry or wanting to disturb anyone)

SpainVendettavic3 years ago

Thx @Rei_Leo the game is working for him now, but this can maybe help other ppl :D

Rei_Leo menyukai ini
SpainVendettavic3 years ago

I told he/her to play on window but u know this game doesn´t allow that to some ppl.

SpainVendettavic3 years ago

Sorry for being annoying with another post.

Pewpew just told me that she/he cannot be on the leaderboard cos she/he doesn´t have a second screen (the game doesn´t allow the auttosplitter to work even with "global hotkeys" activated) (autosplitter is mandatory)

So this post is just to ask if someone knows how to do this. It will be helpful for others with the same problem too.

SpainVendettavic3 years ago

Why? It would be so nice for me to run with my music. If u can clearly hear the game music and it´s SFX i don´t know why to ban other music, so pls if u can tell me why or delete that rule, it would be nice.

xtra2Ez, Kaladere, dan Nazzareno menyukai ini
SpainVendettavic3 years ago

Hi everybody.

I´m Vendettavic, the new mod of this game (the previous one was inactive for a long time) I´m active daily so feel free to run this game, and your runs will be checked asap.

In order to have more control of the runs (to prevent splicing or other tricks) it will be mandatory from now on, to have a timer on the screen (this is actually a must in other fight games, im not innovating at all). I know it can be difficult for console players but there are ways to do it.

This is the main thing i want to add right now, but if u have anything to add or to say, feel free to reply this thread or to open a pm.

Let´s Rock!!!

SpainVendettavic3 years ago

My opinion:

We are just a bunch of active runners, some actions may require a larger community to decide if they are good or not to the environment (also to prevent small groups to control the entire fate of this community (is easier if we are less))

My pov is that if u are a new runner searching for interesting games to run, and you see a game with A LOT of empty categories or with just 1 or 2 runners, it doesn´t encourage you to run it a lot (unless your really love that game and you don´t care about the competition at all)

I would be totally negative to this IF "Easy" mode was an invention of a modder or so, but it´s already in the game so i will vote YES to this WHEN we are much more to decide. For now, for me, it´s a "not yet"

And to the JP meta thing / door skip / etc i´m not on that boat too, but i guess this is a war for another thread.

MASH dan Dimension_Ice_Dragon menyukai ini
SpainVendettavic3 years ago

@Kaladere U cannot throw the rock and hide the hand. If u are going to apologize saying that I misunderstood it, that is not a good way.

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