Tidak diketahui
California, USATwoXPanda2 years ago

Thank you for the suggestion! We're currently working on adding a different category first. However, as soon as we are completed with that we will add K2K for Sumeru!

Glisin menyukai ini
California, USATwoXPanda2 years ago

On the topic of commission runs: This has been something people have talked about since the sr.c page for Genshin came up. Commissions have too wide of a range of events to regulate. Escort missions take up to ~2 minutes alone, and that just ruins a day for someone trying to speedrun it. The inconsistency of the daily commissions makes it impossible to have it as a reasonable and fair category for runners. Despite the many people who have brought this up thinking its a good idea, I can't with good heart create a category for this.

As for potentially creating ILs, although I'm not totally against the idea, I still have a hard time believing that having these individual commissions would be of enjoyment to anyone in the community. Since commissions are randomly generated, players obviously can't choose what they'll run. When I think about speedurnning, I think the goal is to play the same thing just trying to get faster, and better. Runners are unable to practice or get a faster time if they are unable to get the commission again. Also (not a deciding factor), our current IL section is used solely for boss fights. Making commission ILs would mean we move the boss fights to its own main category and have each boss be a sub category. This isn't something I'm opposed to, just something to be kept in mind that some people may disagree with doing.

As a mod team, we are now more open minded as what we think we can regulate as categories. Introducing boss fights as ILs really made us sit down and talk about how we can make a ruleset for some things that are almost impossible to regulate (such as character builds & artifact differences from f2p and p2p players). If any solid ideas come up in support for commission runs, I would be more than willing to test it out.

Andrueninja, yikou, dan goldenONX menyukai ini
California, USATwoXPanda3 years ago

We try to keep all levels of speedrunning and competition as fair as possible. Which is why we don't have categories like the spiral abyss or dailies%. Categories like this would be expected to use your own account, which are vastly different in nature, and could easily be stronger or weaker based on how much money was spent on wishes. People have suggested it in our discord in the past, however we can never think of a good way to make a category like this fair to everyone.

Tentang TwoXPanda
5 years ago
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