EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

I'll just watch the old runs and time them myself, then edit the times, don't worry. It could even be as simple as timing from the new end to the old end and subtracting that time. If it sounds good to your crew I can change time to end when the Gold hoarder explodes during his death animation, then he can be killed from any distance.

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

So do you think time should be as soon as you can see the gold hoarder's skull? Or as soon as it has been picked up because that's easier to measure. The main difference would be the range you want to kill him from. I agree that the long sail at the end feels unnecessary.

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

I also realised this, the gold hoarder skull is a bonus but not actually part of the tale. I didn't personally set the rule, but I think it's because time always ends on a turn-in. Maybe it's difficult to determine when to end time? Would it be when the gold hoarder pops or is there a pop-up saying he's dead? I wouldnt mind retiming current runs if we set a new rule for when time actually ends.

OldHarvey menyukai ini
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Hi guys, with today's update a new tall tale is being added. Obviously each Tall Tale will be added as a category but I can't do this until I know the start and finish requirements (obviously they all start on final vote). I personally play TT's for the first time with my family so I won't be playing the new one until friday night. So if ever a new Tale is added, comment the completion condition here (e.g. turning in the shroudbreaker) so I can ay least make the category ASAP. Whilst I'd prefer minimal spoilers, the runs come first.

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

I understand wanting this completely, especially considering I'm always solo sloop. Thing is you then have the 2 main athena categories plus the 10 adventure mode tall tales being split into 3 groups each. This ends up giving us 36 categories already. The community is definitely active, but not enough that we'd see any competition within all these categories. At the end of the day if you need a crew im sure you aren't the only one who wants a speedrun crew. Tall tales also have scaling difficulty based on crew size. Tt1 is always gonna be fastest on a brig but any with a boss fight will likely be faster solo because bosses scale with crew size. I think if more categories were being added it'd be solo vs with a crew. But I don't think it'll be too hard to find a speedrun crew. It depends on community opinions, but having loads of categories no-one will have a run in seems pointless. Im not saying my mind can't be changed, but having a co-ordinated crew is part of the run in my eyes.

lyran menyukai ini
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Post it to youtube, even if it was a category here it needs to be on youtube or something first. As for getting it posted here it's not currently a category, we'd need to decide when time starts, what the rules would be etc. We'd also need to decide if it's worth running. Surely scuttling is the same speed everytime, or once the ship's at max holes it can only sink at a capped speed, so if you had 3 or so megakegs on a sloop there likely wouldn't be much variation. Link the video in this forum anyway though. I'd like to see it.

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

That's actually awesome man, I took a crack at doing this myself a few days ago and I can't believe I didn't see this post. I ended up not using my version because it sucked but yours is amazing, I don't know how you've done it.

Auddy menyukai ini
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Theres a few changes and im not sure what they all are, the only thing in the patch notes is that the ending is 'more cinematic' so we might lose control at a different time. (I think staying away from edges of the shroud starts the cutscene earlier) I hadn't even noticed the 6 digs for the chest. Overall it's definitely faster so theres no reason not to re-run and get a great time.

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Eating the banana early now skips the Pirate Lords first set of dialogue in the new update, so you're pretty much guaranteed to save time if you run the tale again now. You can also skip some shovel dialogue but you cannot take tge shovel any sooner

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

All submissions have been retimed for the new rules, I can't wait to see new runs being submitted with these new rules

lyran dan Auddy menyukai ini
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Okay after leaving the poll open for 2 days it looks like the consensus is that rules should be changed to have time start when the pirate lord starts talking, regardless of whether you have control or not. I'll retime all submissions later today and change the rule

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Doesn't that serve the same purpose as starting when the text box does? Although admittedly that is the point where time actually starts getting saved. And yeah I don't mind just re-timing all current submissions so people don't need to try again

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

The latter option of time starting when the text box appears means in my run the time would start before I have control. If the runs starts when the pirate lord starts talking load times dont matter. If anything spawning late is bad because you might not be able to instantly eat a banana. The text box appears as soon as he says that line anyway.

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Upon going through every run submitted, the Pirate Lord does actually spawn 12s after the player gains control, apart from in my world record run. So this does mean that only I appear to experience this. Whilst MrLeSinge says he's managed to replicate it by fiddling with the internet, I've not actually seen it done by anyone except me. As such the community has 2 choices, try and do it yourself to get a faster time with a lot of effort, or make it so time starts when the first text box appears. I know we're all online at completely different times, so here's a straw poll. Now you can vote on what you'd prefer. https://www.strawpoll.me/19356995

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

I've updated the description based on research by MrLeSinge. It's not a pc thing as much as an internet thing it seems as he was able to replicate it by briefly disconnecting from the internet. If this becomes too difficult to replicate i don't mind deleting my run but this raises a new issue. Maybe none of us gain control at the same time. It might be by a second or 2 with my run being a dramatic example. So then we need to decide if we stick with the current rule and include manipulation/RNG or make time start when the pirate lord starts speakinh

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

I've changed rules for all tall tales that the ship and the crew must be in range of the starting island so there's no need to worry anymore

OldHarvey menyukai ini
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

Oh man, you raise some good points. Okay, time always starts after the final vote for the voyage. No other crews can help or I'll reject the run, rules say only 1 crew/ship. As for the ship position, yeah that needs to change. I'll set the rule so the ship itself HAS to be in range of the starting island when the tale starts. It doesn't need to be anchored but it has to be in range. You don't need to redo your runs unless you want to, in which case i can remove them. Old runs don't get removed because of new rules due to the ever-changing nature of the game. You can still scuttle to try and spawn near a better island after votes though.

lyran menyukai ini
EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

I've updated the rules, you cannot be parked at another island before you vote for a tale. If your ship isn't within the range of the starting island you can't be on it. If you want, you can set it sailing in a certain direction on its own, but if it changes direction or crashes you cant go fix it until the tale is voted for.

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

This rule was set by Smoosh so I might be wrong, but when I verify runs, I don't mind where the ship is too much if obody is on it. I believe the rule started because people used to start the tale with someone on a different island so they could skip sailing there. As far as I'm concerned it's okay to set your ship sailing in the right direction while you vote if nobody is on it. You're also allowed to scuttle just after voting in the hopes the ship spawns closer to the island you want. I allow these 2 things because the player isn't really in control of what happens. So parking your ship at the right island then swimming to the starting island so you can mermaid back sounds like what the rule was trying to prevent, I'll clarify this in the rules. Thanks for bringing this up though.

EnglandToastiewaffles4 years ago

I'm wanting to add a category for the parkour course around the sea dogs tavern at the centre of the map. Rare added this course with the bells for the very purpose of seeing who could do it the quickest and it has many unofficial runs, so I'd like to think it'd be a popular category. But I'd like to see if the community would be interested first.

Time would begin upon ringing the first bell and would end upon ringing the 3rd bell. I'd make a rule for all 3 bells to be rang to make sure people are actually going through the whole course.

If people would be interested, would you also want a reverse category where you go through the course backwards, which is considered a somewhat (But not really) more challenging version. Or would that be pointless? You can't ring the second bell in the reverse category without back tracking so it might be pointless.

I'd be interested to see if anyone else would want this, as I'd hope it would be a good entry run for more casual players

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