United StatesTheTerrificTracy7 months ago

The credits warp will not work on Switch, successfully meeting the conditions to trigger it will just cause the app to close the game.

If a friend of mine can make a patch for this game that removes it's obnoxious flashing, is that okay to run on? Personally for me, the way this game flashes when you use the "tiger powerup" or whatever is a genuine eyesore and I don't think I'd be able to play it like that.

benang: Kirby
United StatesTheTerrificTracy2 years ago

I'm Tracy

jalankan: Later Alligator
United StatesTheTerrificTracy2 years ago

Wow I had no idea the pre-Mona version had less menus. Nice run!

Funado menyukai ini
United StatesTheTerrificTracy3 years ago

Sorry to be posting on a really old thread, but would despawning any of the boulders in Stage 10 that you have to break with the rock cat be considered a glitch? I've not watched a lot of the regular runs so idk if any runners do that on purpose there but I have stumbled upon this and I've done it twice so far. Once in a run. I'm not sure if that'd really count or not.

United StatesTheTerrificTracy3 years ago

You can find the Japanese version on Amazon Japan pretty easy, oddly it's Japanese and not Chinese despite the fact that nowhere states it was ever released in Japan on Xbox? This game's history is extremely confusing to me. I got mine for like $35 a year ago but still haven't set up my Xbox for it yet.

United StatesTheTerrificTracy3 years ago

I've got a friend who has been interested in the PS2 version of this game, but they are unsure on if they would want to compete on the boards due to the fact that most PS2 emus load faster than hardware. I know this game is definitely not popular nor on anyone's mind generally for speedrunning but I was curious how others would feel about listing them differently for clarity?

TankMastro dan TheDanielRivas menyukai ini
United StatesTheTerrificTracy4 years ago

Do any of you runners have a server where you share and learn stuff or is this game mostly dead and without a hub like that?

United StatesTheTerrificTracy4 years ago

Sometimes the various eggs in Garden seem to despawn, and I've noticed you can get most to properly load in if you move the camera away and then back. But the second egg with the spring in it, that one never appears for me if it despawns. Does anyone know a way to prevent this from happening, or should I just accept my time loss to this seemingly random event?

United StatesTheTerrificTracy4 years ago

Okay, we have rearranged the way the categories are done with manipulation. It's fine to submit runs using them again. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone.

United StatesTheTerrificTracy4 years ago

Though only one runner has come through lately and went forth with pushing the manip strats in all of the Famicom categories. He doesn't see it as fair to have in the glitchless ones compared to the glitched ones. Full game manipulation in glitchless drastically alters everything about the routing and while it does make the game more skillful, it can also feel harder and less appealing than just dealing with luck. Having both runs with full game manip and runs without any on the same board may not be an appropriate comparison at all. And we also don't want to alienate any new runners getting into it who may find it hard to grasp manip, on top of a lack of guides on how to do all of the advanced manipulations. So while the amount of runners may still be very low, especially active ones. We'll hold off from including manip in these categories until some of us come together and decide how we want to organize it better for the boards.

benang: The Site
United StatesTheTerrificTracy4 years ago

Hello, I'd like to request moderation for Mendel Palace. I have a run that's been waiting for over a month now and one of the two moderators hasn't been on in three months. The other hasn't been on in a year. I've tried reaching out to both on twitter, discord, and the messages on here but I've had no luck in making contact with either.

benang: Hebereke
United StatesTheTerrificTracy4 years ago

It does seem to be down, dang. There is this here from Zoda.

United StatesTheTerrificTracy4 years ago

Has anyone else been interested in throwing together a server for the game so any potentially interested runners could possibly get some resources together? I had thought about trying to make one but I'm not that great at running servers or anything. And at least one or two runners I know are definitely interested in joining a server for the game. Just curious if any others would like to go ahead and join in.

United StatesTheTerrificTracy5 years ago

Sorry to reply to such an old post but I had a question about 100% and figured this would be fine. A potential new runner approached me about it, asking how it'd work exactly. But honestly, I'm curious. Do the unlockable clothes for Kitty come in a random order from random levels or is it consistent? Also playing as Badtz unlocks some too so wouldn't you have to switch back to Kitty to verify that you have them? And then lastly, when playing as Badtz don't you have to repurchase all of the character info and videos and etc even if you got them as Kitty? There's so many confusing variables to me, I apologize.

benang: Micro Mages
United StatesTheTerrificTracy5 years ago

Where's the password for HELL Mode? Not sure how you find that.

United StatesTheTerrificTracy5 years ago

Went ahead and added a link to a server since a few people had already wanted one. Hopefully any potentially interested runners would like to check it out and get more help directly!

United StatesTheTerrificTracy5 years ago

Yeah I realized that so it seems good.

Tentang TheTerrificTracy
Semi-retired speedrunner?
6 years ago
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