Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago

Hey guys! Alright I know it's weird, but I've had the idea to at least try a few times a New Game speedrun of Destiny 2 Story. Now my question is, since it's New Game, am I still allowed to use Glimmer from time to time to buy weapons, even though that Glimmer obviously comes from my other characters? It might not be a big factor in the run overall (I expect it to be maybe around 4/5 hours from what I could route) but it might help at some points in the run. Tell me what you think since there's no runs of New Game yet, I'm not sure what the rules would be ^^.

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Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago

You were waiting for it, well it's arrived, you can find the Garbathon schedule here: https://horaro.org/garbathon/schedule .

For all runners, please check your availability twice and send a message to me or any of the mods on discord so we can make changes as fast as possible!

Have a good day and see you on marathon day!

Sayuri menyukai ini
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Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago

Alright people, time to try our first Garbathon! The Garbathon is a marathon that specializes in bad games, or should I say the worst games, the ones so bad most people just put them in their trash bin and forget about it. That's the kind of games we're looking for and the kind of games you should submit!

    Submissions are currently open will stay so until November 1st to give us time to choose runs and make a schedule. Please note your availabilities with your submissions so we can make a schedule that is compatible with everyone's possibilities. 

    I hope we get a lot of games so we can showcase more of those awful games!
benang: The Site
Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago

Alright for whatever reason I didn't receive a ping of the answer so sorry for the late answer Liv. And yeah, I changed my name on twitch but not on src i'm dumb, the_handsome_historian is me, Strife. And no, it's not specifically for those users. I don't know what i said that would give this impression. It's an online marathon open to everyone to submit run and watch. But since it seemed that the format of the requests before put a list of moderators for the marathon, well I put that. Should I have not? Sorry for the confusion

benang: Transistor
Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago

For me that goal: After bay, don't use jaunt in a primary slot unless at the beach, is a main point of imbalance, and most people that run it won't even think about it, because playing without jaunt doesn't just stop you from doing skips, it just slows everything down. There's alternatives for load, spark or even breach. There's no alternative for jaunting. Other than that there'll probably be a bit of balancing required for the other goals but they look fine in general. I understand that you want to force the players to play differently than in a normal run, but removing jaunt is such a mosntrous handicap it'll just kill possibiliites on the bingo grid

benang: Transistor
Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago

Well from what Ican seee by the goals in a card I just generated, some things will just be a no-go if you do simple bingo. By that I mean Not using Jaunt in a primary slot except at the beach means you don't do any skips and you significantly slow down. If you could send the goal file we can check together if some goals like that are unbalanced and what we could replace them with.

benang: The Site
Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago

Hello guys, I'd like to submit a new marathon, the Garbathon. It's a simple marathon focusing on games unanimously considered bad but that have been picked up by speedrunners nontheless to change them into speedrunning gems.

Name: Garbathon Venue: Online Cause: N/A Dates/Length: Nov 17 - Nov 18 (2 Days) Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/the_handsome_historian Moderators: Strife, rythin, havrd

benang: Transistor
Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago


benang: Jade Empire
Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago

Yeah most probably.

benang: Jade Empire
Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago

Alright so after a few tries everywhere, I think we can determine a few things: the fights that can be skipped with the sneak skip are fights with ennemies not yet on the board. So for example that excludes all the starting fights and most of the fights against humans in general. Not sure if there are any other rules yet, I'll get back to you on that.

benang: Jade Empire
Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago

Well the good news is the ghost skip works on PC too. So that means the "sneak skip" technique works, maybe not as much as xbox, but it does work. Good news!

benang: Jade Empire
Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago

Ahh interesting, I was so focused on generic bioware glitches that i didn't check what you did sorry. I'll try it tomorrow. Also if you have some spots where you could go OoB, just tell me where and i can try on the pc version plus I can try to understand how to do it more.

benang: Jade Empire
Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife5 years ago

Hey boys. I've been trying this game out during the weekend and it's not too bad. I've been trying to reuse glitches known in kotor in this game but most don't work, either patched or because they changed the system (menu glitch can weidly happen but nothing comes of it and that means FLU is impossible to do). I also killed the quicksave function at some point by trying out menu glitch, had to reinstall the game, fun things and all. One of the things i've noticed is that invisible walls seem to spawn around any fight even if it's not triggered. For example the fight right before you go to the beach in two rivers, i can save buffer to get to the entrance to the beach without triggering the fight but the invisible wall is already here. There may be other ways of doing that though, not sure. Another "glitch" I found and that probably only works with a keyboard is wiggling rolls. Basically it's only faster in stairs or slopes, but if you start a roll outside of combat and press D multiple times while in the air, your character will start sliding and gaining speed. While it's as fast as the focus run on a plane terrain, I'm pretty sure it's faster on slopes and stairs. It's also really easy to execute. I wonder what you're calling "sneak skip" @dressupgeekout, is it a way of skipping fights? Finally i guess RTA PC runs would be overall faster by the simple fact that loading screens are less than 2 seconds long in most cases. I think that's pretty much it. I tried to reproduce the transformation glitch i got once or twice with the jade golem to finish a combat with it, see if you keep it and if it modifies your hitbox or not. No luck this far . And door clipping doesn't work, not a big problem but heh, could have allowed to break dirge maybe. Anyways this game could have some potential but i'm not sure if I'll search much further. Also hi Ben, see you at ESA.

Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife6 years ago

heyo guys, Just done my first run back of the game (before that I wasn't submitting anything because it was years ago and I didn't know SRC existed at the time). Soooo I start the game after a few years of non-usage and what is my surprise when I see debug prompts popping on by themselves in the bottom right of the screen. I submitted my run so you guys can see it. Is it something common? I haven't modified any files nor used command prompts in MW2 cuz I didn't even think they existed. It's just warnings about textures or lightnings being cancelled but also sometimes messages about scripts or AI behaviours. Anyways have a good day/ night. I'll run this game a bit more later.

benang: Transistor
Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife6 years ago

Yeah Nvidia control panel can dick you sometimes and update your settings to "best default" without asking you. I never knew about this rule, however I always played online. If I get back to speedrunning Transistor I'll just use the option!

benang: Transistor
Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife6 years ago

heyo Murihoro.

I was just wondering: 2:30 AM when? cuz it's hard to determine if I can make it or not without the date XD! Anyways I'm up for it if you want me, even though I'm only 4th or something on the leaderboard. I know all the tricks of the Any% run, and I'm not too bad as a caster, I was on the couch for a few runs at last ESA and I was also a host at the same event.

Just tell me when is your run so I can tell you if I can be there ^^/

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Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife6 years ago

I was attending for my first time at ESA, and also volunteered for setup, hosting and scheduling. I also helped Fatzke organize the small Quick'n'Crash arcade tournament that we held on the Tuesday.

It was my first time attending a speedrunning marathon but I've watched a lot of them over the past few years. This is my own feedback, not someone else's and I take full responsibility for it.


Setting up the venue was a tiresome but fun task and overall well organized by KrazzyRasmus. A lot of sweat was shed on the floor, but it was, I think, definitely worth it. I like the fact that we let people move stuff around, even though I still wonder where one of the gaming PCs left, since only one was brought to the stage, but other than that, having a very relaxed approach to floor organization allowed for the spontaneous organization of diverse tournaments, races and other events. I think we had enough screens and I personally loved the couches (the hosting couch was the greatest thing ever, i hope you guys put it back where it belonged though!).The presence of the Burger King was good, but bad for my diet. I do hope there will be more food on next year. Trash was a problem, but it's already been told many times, so I won't come back on it. I have absolutely no idea how much this venue cost you, but I still think a more central location would be better for a growing event like ESA. I'm not even talking about changing the country which would include a lot of changes in organizations, but at least another city, maybe bigger, so that people can hang out more. That's just my 3 cents on a very complex issue.

HOTEL I was in mass housing, and it was great. i'm not very difficult as long as I have place to sleep. The constant noise in the mass housing was slightly annoying, but I don't know if we could have done anything about that. I don't see the point about hotel complaints though, as this is a feedback thread on ESA , not where you decided to sleep. Changing the location could change this issue though, as a bigger town would have more hotels but maybe with higher prices.

STREAM Scheduling for the event was pretty tight, but I still think one thing isn't right: the scheduling team should have access to the different incentives for each game, as some added 5/10 min to the game, thus moving everything at least 5 minutes behind or ahead. Communication was good though, and there was always someone to check the schedule at least every 2 or 3 hours. The addition of chat screen next to the stream screen was really funny, even though it might have been distracting for runners, with such a big chat. Stream 2 was great, I enjoyed its placement and just its existence. Liva did an incredible job at managing everything on stream and even reading donations when no one was there to host. I respect the fact the stream 2 was made on his channel too as he was a one man army of a sort. The problems with DMoMM were not solveable by him and it took tech guys almost the whole night to figure out what happened. Not pointing fingers at anyone as tech did a formidable job during this week., I don't know much about what really happenned during the Silent HIll run and I don't think it's worth mentioning in this thread. Oh and if you bring back arcades next year, let me know ahead so I can organize real tournaments and a true esaarcade channel. The idea was honestly great and a lot of people had fun on it, even though they were old machines.


Ok this part might be a little harsh and remember I love all of you organizers for what you do and I don't mean any harm, I just want you guys to be aware of the problems that a lot of people might already have told you about. But here comes my part: I didn't have a direct problem with the tracker. It is unfortunate a lot of donations didn't show, but this kind of things happen. I still think showing the doubled amount of dollars on stream, even though hosts were telling people, was a bit dishonest, but I can undestand it to make the hype go further. Incentives though were way too high at the start of the event. and this needs to be adressed. We are not the european GDQ. We are ESA, our own event with our own organization, and we don't need to compare ourselves to them. Is ESA better than GDQ? It's not what matters, and it's not what we should care about. I'm not asking you guys to devaluate ESA, I'm asking you to be realistic. Incentives are supposed to be achievable, something that people thrive for rather than something impossible to reach.

Finally, a short point on safety and security. We had people at the entrance managing the people that wanted to buy for their entrance but no one checking the wristbands. This might seem like a marginal point, but as ESA keeps growing, the security risks will grow at the same rate. People do random shit for no reasons and you can't just count on the honesty of everyone. You might want to think ahead for next year, maybe have a crew checking the wristbands at the entrance or even a security team. I don't know if it can even get in your budget, but if everything was perfect this would be the must.

Conclusively, this event was a pure load of awesomeness. I had a lot of fun watching, helping around, organizing the arcade tournament, hanging out with friends and just straight up playing. I'm obviously not saying anything in this post to harm people, simply to point out my opinion as a volounteer and first time attendee. Please keep on being awesome for the next events, and ESA shall soon dominate Europe! Mwahahhaha ¤evil laugh¤ ¤fade to black¤

Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife7 years ago

Yeah it's called The Typing of the Dead: Zombie Panic and was only released in Japan apparently XD. But thanks!

Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife7 years ago

Hey guys, I am not a part of the speedrunning TOTD community. I didn't have the chance to play this game before seeing it speedran and i wanted to TAS it for a while now. SoonTM it shall be possible! It won't be the original version (as there is no Dreamcast emulator with either savestate or rerecord function), nor the Arcade version not supported by any emulator, nor the PC version which is, well, you know, on PC. No the only version I can TAS is indeed the PS2 version. I know the game on PS2 is slightly different and will de facto be in Japanese, but it's the only version where emulators have thanks to members of the TAS community, tools to go fast. The only thing I'm waiting for is the answer of a coder if yes or no he can help me create a support for keyboard rerecording in PS2 emulators and then I will be all set. This doesn't concern you at all, I just wanted you guys to know I should be able to start the TAS in a few weeks, and possibly before December, to END it.

Have a good day folks.

Rhône-Alpes, FranceStrife7 years ago

I'm not gonna run this game much personnally anyways, currently running 2 other games and creating supports for some TAS on PS2, plus IRL stuff, so yeah, I just wanted the whole page setup. If latter people want to change it, we already have a rather involved mod here.

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