benang: The Site
United StatesSlr526 years ago

And like I've said multiple time I understand why it was rejected, and simply saying "this is not a game" or "zzz" is not helpful at all. There were other commentators above who gave me insight into why they thought it was rejected, and I accepted their responses.

IlluminaTea menyukai ini
benang: The Site
United StatesSlr526 years ago

I mean you saying it is not a game, doesn't make it not a game. I agreed in multiple comments above that I understood the rejection, before either of you mentioned anything in the comments.

benang: The Site
United StatesSlr526 years ago

@komrade I'm not arguing about the game not being accepted and never have been. I'm just saying that this is a game. I don't know why you're still replying to this thread.

benang: The Site
United StatesSlr526 years ago

I mean there's still management involved, it's not as simple as hitting start. Just because you are not actually playing the games doesn't make it gameplay.

benang: The Site
United StatesSlr526 years ago

I'm not arguing that this game HAS to be on this website, or that the game isn't extremely a niche and probably boring to many, but the game is almost entirely gameplay. It might not interest you, but it's still a game. And like I said above we have a Google sheet and I understand the decision to rejected it.

benang: The Site
United StatesSlr526 years ago

@dkm I don't know how it isn't a game, management/simulation is a genre of games

benang: The Site
United StatesSlr526 years ago

Yea I understand that and agree with that to an extent. This was probably a poor decision to show this category (only category currently being ran), because a lot of gameplay elements aren't there, though like you said it would still just be point and click. If this post doesn't make any headway, then maybe I'll try a category that will show off more of the game and re-request it, but ultimately if this post or that doesn't work, at least we'll have Google sheets.

benang: The Site
United StatesSlr526 years ago

Yea we do have a Google sheets set up

TheGreatToddman menyukai ini
benang: The Site
United StatesSlr526 years ago

@TheGreatToddman I would disagree, I would consider other sports managers (like Football Manager, Out of the Park Baseball) games, just niche games. It's just a game with an open objective, whether you want to try to run a financially sufficient club, or be a championship winning team that's up to you. In this case, I'm just trying to create a dynasty as fast as possible.

Like I said, I understand if we are not granted a leaderboard; however, if there is anything I can do to give more details or evidence why I think it should be added please let me know.

benang: The Site
United StatesSlr526 years ago

Hello I have made a couple of requests for the game Basketball GM and they've been rejected. In my request I included my speedrun of what our community considers the "Dynasty" category, which is achieving the Dynasty achievement in the game. Reason given for rejection "we are not currently accepting content of this kind." Its a webgame which I understand this website is strict about. However I was wondering if there is any additional information I can share about the game to possibly get it accepted. Thank you for the help.

Here is the run in question

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