United StatesSibby189 months ago

@R0main I see what you mean. Doing mini% without completing the game first will always require modding, so essentially you would be trying to beat the game in a way the base game doesn't even allow. Even though it would be fun, it's completely cheating to modify the game. Like you said, though, it could work like Individual World RTA's where you take the route you would if each level wasn't already unlocked. Making a file with mini mushrooms loaded up in the inventory wouldn't require modding, and that's probably the closest you could get to being "legit."

@DMZL Also, I looked into modding the game for console. I couldn't figure out how to incorporate cheat codes into them (I'm sure there is a way, but it is not within my knowledge), but what I can do is edit the room in peaches castle to have a ? block with a mini mushroom for the run. This way, you could run it on a console using riivolution. It still wouldn't be legit, but for those who don't want to take the time to dump their game and set up emulator, or if their computer can't run it well enough.

If anyone wants a mod like this for console, just ask. It won't take long to make and I am fully willing to help! (I'm actually gonna make it anyway once I get around to trying this category)

DMZL menyukai ini
United StatesSibby189 months ago

@DMZL That's a really cool idea! I've never heard anything like this, and it definitely has a lot of potential. I actually feel like doing some runs of it. Also that bombful was really impressive! In my opinion, it looks like Mini% has a lot of potential and would make a great category extension (though, not a main category like Liano said).

Only problem is this: I'm pretty sure the moderators would approve of a hacked game file to start the game. They would definitely not approve of using any emulators (for various good reasons), but, like you said, a considerable option may be to mod the game on console. This could be done with a riivolution patch approved by the moderators, but such a thing does not yet exist. If it were to be made, however, it could be an exclusive downloadable riivolution mod approved by the moderators, accesible through SRC. The mod would only change mini mushroom quantity and no gameplay. I doubt this would happen, but it would make a really fun category.

Another thing I'd like to point out is bombless. I'm pretty sure that with mini mushroom you can very easily get up into bowser junior's cart and defeat him that way. With any other power-up, this is very hard to do because you have to presicely fit your big self into the small space you have above the clown car. With a mini mushroom though, your hitbox is significantly smaller and it would basically be a free trick (however, I haven't tried this, so I'm not 100% sure).

If any moderator wants to reply to this, I would definitely appreciate it. I'll definitely try out this category for fun at some point. As they say, "you do not need a leaderboard to run a category." The goal is to have fun, not be competitive (although that can be fun too).

Cads, Xenovia, dan DMZL menyukai ini
United StatesSibby1810 months ago

still mayb boppable

Cads menyukai ini
United StatesSibby1810 months ago

I did an Individual World speedrun of Lost Mangroves, and I must say it was fun! I really think IW's would make a good category and would lend shorter speedrun options for runners who don't want to do super long speedruns

United StatesSibby1810 months ago

I was wondering if it would be allowed to press the "home" button to pause the game and then have all the time the pause screen is on be removed from the final retime. Categories like 100% and Max% require huge time investments and I would love it if you could pause for long periods to take breaks in the middle of a run. I'm not allowed more than 3 hours of screens a day, so it would be awesome if I could pause it for the day and then continue the next.

United StatesSibby1811 months ago

Okay, thanks! I play on wiiu so I probably will need another user for that since I already have 2 game files for casual completions

United StatesSibby1811 months ago

When I want to start over a run, how do I reset the game without saving the game progress I've already done? I don't want to delete my file, watch the intro scene and exit to the world map every time I do a run.

United StatesSibby1811 months ago

I would really love if IW's (individual worlds) could be added. They would make really nice extra categories and would do well for practice

United StatesSibby1811 months ago

The discovery of ATC was released June 17, and it saved 10 seconds. Within 4 days of the discovery, you've already taken 9 seconds off Sharp's world record. ABSOLUTE LEGEND

Cads menyukai ini
United StatesSibby1811 months ago

You pushed Pidgey out of top 4 that is insane

United StatesSibby1811 months ago

"What is now proved was only once imagin'd" ~William Blake

HUGE gg's, bro. So glad you could be the one to achieve the first 21! Summoning Salt said that one day we would see a sub 22, and I was definitely not expecting it to be this soon. This is the most historic event in the game so far, and this may very well be the final minute barrier we will cross. Well done.

Cads menyukai ini
United StatesSibby181 year ago

@Cads Good point, but I don't see how Dolphin is not accurate. I always thought the main reason emulator was banned was because of how easy it is to cheat. Also what discrepancies are you talking about? All of the errors reported are either old or having to do with graphic settings incompatible with their computer. Also I couldn't find a lot of reports anyway lol

United StatesSibby181 year ago

@JacksonSR Good job, I feel like going from there is definitely possible but very difficult

Cads dan JacksonSR menyukai ini
United StatesSibby181 year ago

I was recently looking at bingosync.com and thought that challenges involving it would make great categories. There could be four categories - Bingo set seed, Bingo random seed, Blackout set seed, and Blackout random seed (there are more patterns you could also include like four corners or something else).

For normal bingo random seed, the objective would be to complete five-in-a-row objectives with a randomly generated seed, and for regular bingo set seed you would be allowed to set the seed to whatever you want. For blackout the objective would be to get every square.

The timing would still start when mario moves left or presses A on the world map and players would be allowed to plan before their initial start for randomly set seeds. The card generation must be recorded before the run and the seed generated must also be visible.

I really think this would be a fun category extension, but I have been wrong before. Is there anything wrong or "not fun" about these categories? As of right now I can't think of any.

SpeedIn menyukai ini
United StatesSibby181 year ago

Oh didn't know coin grind took 2 hours lol

United StatesSibby181 year ago

Come to think of it, max score would be a lot more fun. Many people seem to like Max% even though that has a long coin grind. Might do an experimental run of it at some point

United StatesSibby181 year ago
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