Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico1 year ago

I think it should be fine.

Any emulator is allowed as long as:

  • it's not faster than original hardware
  • it can't let you do things that are impossible on original hardware
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico1 year ago

I'm not sure how accurate the emulator is, I'll look into it.

Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico1 year ago

Other than that, to me this feels like 100% All Treasures but without the part that makes it fun. But I can see the appeal of having a category that's longer (and less glitch heavy) than any% or cauldron%, without having to learn the routing and gameplay of All Treasures.

Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico1 year ago

Do we really need the deathless category? The routing between deathless and with deaths is basically the same, since there's only 1 death you need. All you skip with the deaths is the screens with the falling rocks and the running and falling to get there. The orange line on the image below is the only detour you have without deaths.

Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico1 year ago

If you somehow do use a mushroom, p-wing, etc. the run is unfortunately invalid. The rules are like this because we believe it's easy enough to avoid such a situation. For the menus the risk is the same as accidentally using a warp whistle in warpless, which would also invalidate the warpless run.

Echon dan Rh4kor menyukai ini
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico1 year ago

I have added both Frog NWW and All White Mushroom houses. You can find Frog NWW as a new sub-category under Frog% and All White Mushroom Houses under the misc. section. Now go and submit your runs!

Macobra52, MwdaShadow, dan Rh4kor menyukai ini
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico1 year ago

GG! great pace into the dojo, WR soon?

omqwat menyukai ini
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico1 year ago

Special% is more like autoscroller% with the two clouds you get. It may sound interesting with all the power-ups you get, but the only useful (fast) ones are the hammer suit and the clouds. Which means you just end up with a boring world 8, since you skip 2 of the very few interesting levels.

The 2nd Bowser arena category is just too similar to NWW. There's no chance anyone is going to run that when they can run NWW.

Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico1 year ago

There is a stickied post about why we don't separate different versions on the leaderboard, but I'll copy the most important bit:

~ Unified Leaderboard ~

-> So, if there's a clear time disparity between some of the versions, why not separate LBs?

The main idea behind the unified LB is that almost every strat is the same in every version (ignoring PAL), the routes are also pretty much identical, and all the physics/core mechanics are the same. Meaning that the time difference is mostly from loading times. Having an entirely separate category/LB just because of loading times seems really overkill to us. Using filters is usually more adequate for cases like this (like for LBs with multiple language versions).

Rh4kor menyukai ini
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico1 year ago

GGs! I won't be 15th for much longer though!

thenesmaster menyukai ini
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

Any glitch that teleports you to the princess's room is considered a wrong warp and not allowed.

yatokami9, SpicyChickenSpiciBoi dan 6 lainnya menyukai ini
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

You can use it for practice though

Rh4kor dan TheNoSwearGuy menyukai ini
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

As long as we can watch the video too it's fine

Tidak diketahui
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

oooh interesting, do you have a clip?

Tidak diketahui
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

In 1-F you only want early p-speed as big Mario, not if you have the tail. If you start the 4 second flying timer too early it'll run out before you get to the top part.

Merl_ menyukai ini
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

I like stats so I'd be in favour of adding columns for EH and/or hands. We can slowly go through all the non-obsolete runs, but make it a priority to only focus on top 50 at the start and make our way through the rest when we feel like it. So far it seems we have 3 mods on board for this and I don't think the community would be against it.

Macobra52 menyukai ini
Overijssel, NetherlandsScarfaceNico2 years ago

nice run

also bruh how did you get such good squiddy RNG

dom menyukai ini
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