EnglandRebelDragon954 years ago

I have seen marathon runs up-kept in other speedrun communities and I felt it might be nice to have it here as well.

Below are the ones that I am aware of -

Essentia - SGDQ 2011 -

Atzero - SGDQ 2015 -

Atzero - RPGLimitBreak 2015 -

RebelDragon95 - Pre-ESA 2016 -

RebelDragon95 - ESA 2016 -

Sonicshadowsilver2 - KH Speedrun Marathon -

AbandonTheMyriad - KH Speedrun Marathon -

RebelDragon95 - KH Speedrun Marathon -

Grig - KH Speedrun Marathon -

Atzero - RPGLimitBreak 2017 -

Marvin - KH Speedrun Marathon 2 -

Wyattw8 - KH Speedrun Marathon 2 -

Sonicshadowsilver2 - KH Speedrun Marathon 2 -

RebelDragon95 - KH Speedrun Marathon 2 -

Sly - KH Speedrun Marathon 2 -

RebelDragon95 - AGDQ 2018 -

RebelDragon95 - ESA Summer 2018 -

RebelDragon95 - ESA Winter 2019 -

RebelDragon95 - UKSG Spring 2019 -

RebelDragon95 - UKSG Summer 2019 -

RebelDragon95 - UKSG Autumn 2019 -

Pessilist - Questing for Glory 2 -

Pessilist and RebelDragon95 - Questing for Glory 3 -

Pessilist - AGDQ 2020 -

RebelDragon95 - ESA Together 2020 -

RebelDragon95 - BSG@Home 2020 -

RebelDragon95 - BSG Online 5 -

RebelDragon95 - ESA Winter 2022 -

If you know of anymore, I will have missed a few, please post them below.

CapitanBublo dan AuhertBrahma menyukai ini
EnglandRebelDragon954 years ago

I have seen marathon runs up-kept in other speedrun communities and I felt it might be nice to have it here as well.

Below are the ones that I am aware of -

Atzero and Faye - KH Speedrun Marathon -

Atzero - RPGLimitBreak 2018 -

TheRolePlayingGuy - BSG Annual 2018 -

RebelDragon95 - ESA Summer 2018 -

RebelDragon95 - UKSG Winter 2020 -

RebelDragon95 - ESA Winter 2020 -

If you know of anymore, I will have missed a few, please post them below.

WitherMin, Pear dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
EnglandRebelDragon955 years ago

So we thought that the crowns were more a 2fm thing than a BBS thing so I had Axends draw me some new icons for the top 4 placing icons.

Screenshot (totally didn't pick Aqua Beginner Any% cos I have WR) - https://gyazo.com/dbf884fe2e795c356ac280a30e89a453

1st place - Aqua - Cos Aqua Crit is the fastest Any% 2nd place - Terra - Cos Terra Beginner is the fastest Beginner Any% 3rd place - Ven - Cos who likes Ven let's be real Kappa 4th place - Stitch - 4th place is now 1st place let's be real

Just a quick heads up. I have applied these icons to all BBS versions.


gamebrain, abandon, dan HyparSR menyukai ini
benang: The Site
EnglandRebelDragon955 years ago

Yo sick bro, thanks ill remember that shortcut

Imaproshaman dan Habreno menyukai ini
benang: The Site
EnglandRebelDragon955 years ago

I am trying to change the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc icons on some pages but every time I click save they revert to the previous images and do not keep the new ones.

Any assistance as to why this occurring would be appreciated.

For reference I am a super mod on the pages I am trying to edit.

EnglandRebelDragon955 years ago

Just a heads up but the category NG+ will now be known as Any% (Trophy Bonus) as that is what is really is.

DJSALTYNUTZ menyukai ini
EnglandRebelDragon955 years ago

If you don't want to make a post here feel free to DM me with any issues.

I'll try and sort them as soon as I can.


benang: Street Boyz
EnglandRebelDragon956 years ago


EnglandRebelDragon956 years ago

Hi all,

As you all are aware we have recently added a Category Extensions board to the KH leaderboards.

After many a discussion between us mods we have decided that it would work out better and be less cluttered if we separated the boards out slightly into 3 different boards. It was pointed out earlier that there are a lot of categories on that board.

The 3 boards we will have is Kingdom Hearts 1, Kingdom Hearts 2 and "Spin-offs" Titles.

Essentially KH1 and KH2 have the most Misc style categories out of all the games while the rest of the series, categorised as "Spin-Off" Titles, as they have WAY less in the way of Misc style categories.

So the setup will be:

Kingdom Hearts 1 (OG through FM HD (PS4))

Kingdom Hearts 2 (OG Through FM HD (PS4))

"Spin-Off" Titles (COM/RE:COM, Days, BBS, Re:Coded, DDD and 0.2)

The reason for the split is so the main moderators for the games have more control and room to edit the boards for their games while deciding what is considered a "Main" or a "Misc" run.

One of the Super Mods will be setting this up as soon as possible and we will seeing how this works out for us over the next few months.

Please be patent while we make these edits and we will keep you updated along the way.

Cheers, Rebel

LupineDream, CapitanBublo dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
EnglandRebelDragon956 years ago

The only category where getting Superglide early is used is Ventus Critcal Level 1 Any% and it only saves a few seconds over the rest of the run, since we don't put it on till OC since an extra menu right after grabbing it would make it slower so we put it on in an existing menu.

I personally don't do it in PB attempts but always do it in marathons to show it off.

Also to note it is probably slower on PS3 due to the D-Link load.


You CANNOT grab it in Ventus Beginner Any% as we need to be using Exp Walker for basically the whole run and Superglide bypasses walking so we don't gain any Exp from it.

Tidak diketahui
EnglandRebelDragon956 years ago

Id be interested bro

EnglandRebelDragon956 years ago

Hi all,

We are planning some changes to the Discord. It's a bit of a mish mash of both casual and speedrunning things.

We are going to trial the discord as being a full on speedrunning discord, a bit like the Sonic/Ratchet and Clank ones, to see if that works out for us.

This means that people that are not runners of the games will not be able to post messages into the "Speedrunning" channels unless you have been given a role to do so. This is to try and minimlise the amount of casual chatting that goes on in them, but don't worry you will still be able to read the channels so you can see any new strat videos or notes that popup if your interested.

As for the roles, I will discuss this with Draz, but while we are making these changes we will probably only be giving roles to those that have a run on speedrun.com. Don't worry if you don't after we are done making these changes you can request a role for the game you are interested in.

We are also going to trial condesing the "Casual" chatting channels down to try since having all of those channels seems a little unnecessary when not all of them are used a lot of the time.

Me and Draz will be putting this in place soon, we will announce it when it happens.

Here's my proposal pastebin to the other mods, don't take this as 100% be all and end all this was just my ideas and we have talk through and made some changes to it: https://pastebin.com/HgxGFdEA

Cheers, Rebel

HyparSR, Drazerk, dan abandon menyukai ini
EnglandRebelDragon956 years ago

I agree with Timmi. Nothing personal against anyone who has put in work over the years in ensuring that the LBs have been maintained but the severe lack of attention has been given to the LBs as of late. I can understand that people are busy, have other priorities that can take over and/or don't have as much free time to be checking runs. Those are just a couple of examples and if any of those are the case why claim responsibility if you cannot actually complete the task?

Timmi made mention of people attempting to ping the mods from in the community discord, then the person not gaining any response, not even a written acknowledgement and are upset when their requests don't even seem to have been acknowledged. How is this fair? I know that some of the mods are always active in the discord talking/answering questions/trying to help out and might not respond in the channel but take it to their own discord to discuss. It really isn't fair on the people shouting out for these changes expecting a response and it falling on seemingly deaf ears. Why is this the case?

I also don't really like the idea of having a "LB mods only" discord server, makes it seem like a secret cult doing things for "The greater good" but that's another discussion. I also know for a fact that some of the mods are not even fully active or even a member fully of the community discord, and if they are they only join for a short time meaning that most conversations will likely be missed on a regular basis. Why is this the case? If I am wrong I will apologise now, I was misinformed and/or my observations are incorrect there are a lot of names in that long list.

As for which option I believe would work overall and be able to provide the best moderation would be option 2. It would let each game have a point of contact and a voice of knowledge on the other end. It would also prevent mistakes such as the PS2 HDD one if there is a solid knowledge base behind the mods rather than them having just inherited the board from being a mod of another one.

Overall I feel like a change is welcome and might even create a smoother running of the LBs which would benefit the community greatly.

If I am wrong about anything I have said above I'll put my hands up and apologise now, my view is purely from an outside of the LB moderation without any kind of insight with what goes on. Hopefully we can come to some kind of agreement that will work for everyone and we all stay on good terms. :)

BlitzPhoenix98, VoidGear, dan Freal menyukai ini
EnglandRebelDragon956 years ago

I'm perfectly fine with this plus it makes sense to use the IGT in this situation. Put my vote in for changing it to IGT.

gamebrain menyukai ini
EnglandRebelDragon957 years ago

Ah hell fuckin yeah

EnglandRebelDragon957 years ago

Doing late Gantu has been a thing since the category started. It doesn't matter which way you do it on PS4, early Gantu was faster on PS3 due to loading times mostly.

They are about the same time on PS4.

Late Gantu is just more consistent in terms of Ice Cream but the fight itself isn't that consistent due to Stitch.

EnglandRebelDragon957 years ago

@phnx no memes I want what he is having....it looks like that mega good shit

EnglandRebelDragon957 years ago

Since Swift made mention to it, I'd happily mod the BBS (all versions) and DDD (all versions) boards too if you guys ever needed the help.

But that conversation is for another thread.

EnglandRebelDragon957 years ago

If a video isn't split up and the person has proof of splits, i.e. screenshot or splits.io, why are we forcing them to retime a run while local recording/edit their video/restream their run just for the purposes of having a timer on screen?

This more stems into the PS4 issue I spoke about before but I'm sure it can be applied to regular local recorded videos.

If we had a rule stating they had to include screenshot of splits or a splits.io link if no timer is visable on screen wouldn't that be a middle ground for this discussion?

Just a thought I wanted to add to this. If its possible I'd like to see this looked into as a middle ground rather than this circular conversation that's happening.

Gxmwp menyukai ini
Tentang RebelDragon95
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