ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Personally I wouldn't make the RTA mandatory, but rather highly recommend/suggested (In order to avoid rejections due to frame rate lost etc..) Can't the RTA be extrapolated from the VoD itself anyway? Not a fan of forcing people using Livesplits, but I'm cool either way. Agree on the rest.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Definitely IGT! You have my vote.

benang: The Site
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello there, sorry the long post. I'm contacting you in regard to Dino Crisis 2. There are multiple problems with both the Moderators and the leaderboard itself.

Let's start with the first Mod: MisterDodi. who has never run the game once and he doesn't participate in any forum discussion. He is clearly breaching the rule: “Moderators should typically speedrun the game, or at a minimum be heavily involved with the community.” It is not that there is nobody else available, indeed his “participation” is limited to deny other runners the possibility to become moderators. Refusing any request. We, as community, demand his immediate removal.

The second moderator is a runner of the game, who knows the game really well and he promptly verify every run, making him a good moderator in that sense. However, he lacks every other skill of a moderator. He views the leaderboard as his own. Doesn’t listen the community, acting as a ruler of the land. He is breaching these rules: “Leaderboards should be viewed as owned by the community and curated by the moderators. A user who requests a leaderboard does not own the leaderboard.“ As well as “The users moderating a game should represent the consensus of the players of the game. If it is evident that moderators are not representing consensus among runners, site staff may change moderation.” You can see for example this recent discussion where all runners finally vented their frustration in a forum thread and showed to be united and to agree on the solutions of a couple of issues with the board. It is 9 runners all in agreement vs 1 moderator who doesn’t want to listen. https://www.speedrun.com/dino2/thread/njyj5 I believe it is fine to keep him as Moderator, but he needs to be balanced by active and respected members of the community.

We identified 2 SuperMods to be added to replace MisterDodi: @wolfdnc notorious speedrunner and streamer, runner of DC2 and moderator of other games. He can bring his experience in dealing with technical issues and management of the site, and bring his soft skills as a Moderator in general. He accepted to be added at least ad interim to fix the problems with the board. @If_And_While notorious runner of DC2, and multiple WRs holder. Surely the most active member of the community, always helps everyone with technical issues. You can find him in every DC2 stream. He can bring his experience with the game having tested all categories and platforms and his will to test and recommend Emulator setups. He wish to be moderator.

If this wasn’t enough we have @Dimension_Bomber, who took a break from speedrunning and gaming, but he could come back and help if needed. @Nazzareno, other WR holder, who doesn’t wish to be a moderator, but he is willing to be one if needed. I can also personally help as verifier in the future if needed. We are not short of options.

MASH, Ivory dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

All runs need game audio, if your run has portions muted due to copyright music your run will be rejected. Music also must not overpower the game audio.

LiveSplits or broadcasting elapsed timing on Console if capture card is not available are both recommended but not mandatory. Submissions with dropped frames may be rejected.

Submissions must contain all footage for the runs provided. Any missing footage could result in the run being rejected.

The run starts when "New Game" is clicked and ends when the screen is total white before the Lobotomy explanation. Time without loads field is dedicated to PC runners with validated and shared LiveSplits load remover.

Usage of Turbo / Macros in runs is not allowed. Mods are not allowed.

Please specify what route was used in the 100% and Glitchless categories between RATIONALISM, DEPRESSION, DISASSOCIATION, OBSESSION. If you don't know what route you are following check at the end of Chapter 12 what animation you obtain:


In the 100% category collect all 8 pages and see all 17 pictures in the school (make sure you actually clicked every picture and the counter updates every single time).

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

@Nazzareno @Dimension_Bomber ...Potentially also killing the PSP part of the same leaderboard in the future if people start using settings and plugins for emulators to gain RTA over PSP and other official and equal for everyone console (PSVITA,PSTV,PS3). This is particularly true with the version 1.8 of ePSXe with particular plugins and graphic settings which is used to gain RTA time even under PSP. See the Parasite Eve 2 community for example where PS Emu (Legacy) runs are faster than PSP and PSN in general. Everyone was using ePSXe 1.8 with ever changing plugins and settings to cut corners.

The whole nonsense category PSP/Emu/PSN is dead because of the ego of one moderator who doesn't listen the community.

In the same category you have all different Emulators with all different settings and all different plugins in all different machines with different graphic cards VS. same for everyone consoles with official digital copy equal to everyone with setting equals to everyone. Absolutely logical!

P.S. My PSTV is currently not even allowed in the leaderboard for mysterious reasons... All fine! The board is in good hands of Mr. "I'm moderating this leadearboard since 6+ year" and another moderator that never run the game and seemingly inactive.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

@Nazzareno you are aware yes, but Deadhunter doesn't seem to be aware since he said it is impossible to do. Or doesn't want to without saying why. It is also a matter of having more experienced mods, MisterDodi never run this game and Deadhunter doesn't know how to deal with technical issues, he is not on Discord and he is not willing to test Emulators, see for example the DuckStation that on Parasite Eve 2 was tested and declared best Emu for the game. @666Deadhunter I haven't run this game yet yes, but I can talk too as a speedrunner that considered running this game and bought a PSTV explicitly for that reason. As a moderator of other games, I can help you and I understand the complications and limits of the board. This issue doesn't have tech limits or problems. I have explained you how to do it. It takes 2 minutes. Just to make it clear, I'm not saying I want to be mod or I know this game more than you do. Other runners of this game have asked to be mod and you said no. You are acting as a ruler not as a moderator.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

@Nazzareno that is not impossible. It is really easy to do. Deadhunter either doesn't know how to do it or doesn't want to do it. Which takes me to the other point made above. Add other moderators! With more experience with speedrun.com and with the will to try various emulators, test and decide what's best and stable.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Man what's your problem? maybe you don't know you can change the run on the board?? It is sufficient that you go in every single run in the Emu board copy and paste the time of IGT field in the RTA field. It's about 18 copy and paste. It takes 2 minutes. @666Deadhunter. Everything remains timed by RTA, but PS, Emu and PSN have the IGT duplicated over the RTA time field.

Is it clear now?

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

@666Deadhunter nobody is saying to change PC or the RTA field as main field of sorting. If we separate PSN out of Emu, we can overwrite the RTA times with IGT. Easy doing. Just like on "PS". Same can be done with Emu if community prefers IGT also for Emu.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Guys you are literally trying to kill an ant with a bazooka. The solution is a low hanging fruit. Just separate PSN (PSP,PS3,Vita,PSTV) from PS Emu and you solve 99% of the problems. It is literally one click ,and it makes every runner happy, but the moderator apparently. No runner has been against this idea so far. In that category you are comparing oranges with screwdrivers.

This discussion has been going on for a long time now as well, between Discord posts and Forum threads. The mods of this game are breaking every rule of the site.

In referring to the site rules here: Rule n.1: ""Leaderboards should be viewed as owned by the community and curated by the moderators. A user who requests a leaderboard does not own the leaderboard.""

Rule n.5: ""The users moderating a game should represent the consensus of the players of the game. If it is evident that moderators are not representing consensus among runners, site staff may change moderation.""

Additionally one of the two moderators never run this game. You are typically allowed to be mod only if there is no other users available. Rule n.6: ""Moderators should typically speedrun the game, or at a minimum be heavily involved with the community.""

You have been rejecting users asking to be moderator while the rules state the follow: Rule n.7: ""Leaderboards should aim to have at least 3 active moderators if qualified people are available.""

As I see it, this issue should be solved democratically with a vote. And you need to add other moderators among active users/runners that request to be one.

Question n.1: "Should PSN be separated from Emu? Yes or No" Question n.2: "Should PS Emu be ruled by RTA or IGT?"

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

@666Deadhunter The only way to solve this is separating EMU from PSN (PSP,PS3,PSVita,PSTV), so that PSN would be ruled out by IGT just like the "PS" category. All PSN runs would have a duplicated identical time on IGT and RTA just like in the "PS" category. I don't think you can argue this is a problem for Console runners. Everyone would be fine with it. Doing that Emu would be alone, which would make everyone happy among Emu runners as well. Because that category would be ruled by RTA just like the PC category. It's a win win situation. Everyone's happy.

This must be the only leaderboard where official console emulation (PSN) is lamped together with PC Emulation of another console PS1. This doesn't satisfy anyone in either worlds.

Shouldn't this at least be voted by the community?

Personally I bought a PSTV to run Dino Crisis 2 among other games. I don't understand why the timing for me for this game should be RTA when this game has an accurate IGT. I should submit the run with the IGT in both RTA and IGT fields just like PS runners do.

DeepStackDave, Vendettavic, dan xtra2Ez menyukai ini
benang: The Site
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello there, I would like @RabiWilliam to be removed as moderator of Daymare 1998 https://www.speedrun.com/daymare1998 for inactivity. The last time he was online was 8 months ago when he wrote me: ""I'm not active for long time as you see. If you can proceed the speedrun for Daymare that would be great!"". I asked him to remove himself, but he never replied to me and never logged-in on speedrun.com again. Thanks.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello there, Benjamin Rivers agreed to host our small community in his Benjamin Rivers Inc. official Discord server. We have a dedicated channel #speedrunning https://discord.gg/RwaUFkW

f1y menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello there, Benjamin Rivers agreed to host our small community in his Benjamin Rivers Inc. official Discord server. We have a dedicated channel #speedrunning https://discord.gg/RwaUFkW

benang: Rule of Rose
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello guys just to inform you that the Discord link is not working. Can you update please?

speedwerd menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello there, I have some questions regarding the PSTV. Doees anyone know if the PSTV is a valid option for speedrunning? Did anyone test it and compare it against PSP/PSvita? Do you know if there any difference in speed between store versions? Should I buy from US or JP store? Any other info is kindly appreciated.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello everyone, a bit of recap: @GeothermalShrub I started running and testing stuff this week. I re-watched all runs and the only run in the board with Text-Skip is the run by @tictin in PC 2nd place. If it was in 1st place I would have considered separating the board in "Legacy" and "Current Patch" but there is not need for me at the moment, since the PC WR is beatable and it was run using the current patch (No text-skip). However, for fairness and clarity I added the ("Legacy" and "Current Patch") info as visible variable to all run (*check the leaderboard). The PC WR run by @f1y is a legit run without text-skip, a well optimized run with little time save.

The Console WR was removed from the board because, as @Droogie4Ever said, all videos were removed from SRC.com, Twitch, and Youtube. The time was highly suspicious being around 7mins which it's fair to say it is impossible with the current patch (I believe even with old patches). Also, that run was verified by a moderator that never run this game. If the run is legit, the runner can re-submit it and we will re-verify it and attribute the right variable to it. The Console WR is now hold by @VirtualBlend, a good run made with the latest Console patch 1.02 (visible from the home screen) and without Text-Skip. The time is beatable.

I hope this solve all issues and it shed light on the various version, times on the board and rules. All current WRs are beatable and done with the latest patch.

GeothermalShrub dan f1y menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hi @Droogie4Ever I have just been made new moderator for Home. I spent a bit of time adjusting the board to accommodate your requests. I hope it's not too late.

  1. Added "Switch" among the selectable platforms (as well as "PS4Pro" and "PSTV" that were also missing)
  2. Create a new category "Any" in order to replace the previous categories "PC", "PS4", PSvita". "PC" and "Console" are now subcategories of "Any%" instead. I don't think "Console" needs to be separated further in "PS4" and "PSvita" like they were before, at least until someone proves the various versions to be different in speed.
  3. Added a new category "Developer commentary" (I'm open for better naming)

Also added a background image, theme colors and a favicon for the game previously missing.

Droogie4Ever menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Is anyone moderating this game anymore? Clearly the PS4 world record should be removed from the site. The video is not available anymore and the time is suspiciously quick compared to all other runs. It must have done with the old patch. Can anyone fix it please?

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello everyone, I may be interested in buying and running this game for PS4 Console. I don't fully understand what the history of text-skip for this game is, so not sure if runs in the leaderboard at the moment can be beaten or not. Can you please explain?

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