ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

Okay well I will try to answer the first part, the answer as fair as my concern is YES. If YouTube Analytics showed zero views that's not the first or the last time that that happened. Among other issues YouTube Analytics encountered in the past there is the inconsistency between the count in the Analytics Studio compared to the Video page (one showing zero, usually the Analytics dashboard). Delay in the viewcount being updated and added after long time even days. Data can be sampled especially if you try to go granular in demographic information such as location of the viewers. Literally copied from YouTube help page: ""if your video or channel doesn't have enough traffic during a selected time period, you may not see your data"". I can continue even listing specific issues YouTube had only in recent month (i.e. https://piunikaweb.com/2020/12/22/youtube-analytics-real-time-view-count-issue/ ).

However, I don't think the problem is really related to the view count, but rather the second part related to the Moderators themselves. Being periodically brought up. Am I wrong?

Anyway, personally I have nothing to hide so you can shows screenshots if you have and want.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

Well for start I don't recall that to be the reason for DeadHunter being removed. After he was removed runs were reviewed and there were lots of problems though. Second point, only FullMod have the "power" to remove moderators and after visioning the case they decided to remove him which is not common at all on SRC.

Said that, if there is a problem let's face the problem. Otherwise I don't understand the point of the post. What is the actual problem here?

ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

To be honest I can't understand what the solution of the problem was and if all problems are even sorted now or not.

From the Discord server the problem doesn't even seem to be the windowed mode or the absence of the second screen, but rather the autosplitter not working.

It would be easier if the actual person with problem would write here otherwise we are all playing "Chinese whispers".

Either way I don't think there will ever be a one-solution-fit-all. As you all know this game gives different issues to different machines. We need to look and try to help in a case by case basis I'm afraid.

Vendettavic dan Kaladere menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

I'm not sure why global hotkeys doesn't work, maybe using the Livesplit browser version can help? https://one.livesplit.org/

This is rather unusual case (no second monitor) for an unusual game (scuffed PC port) that doesn't allow windowed mode in some modern PCs.

I hope someone can come with a solution, either way questioning the IGT auto-splitter being mandatory on PC is out of question and off topic here.

Update: it seems a solution was found in the Discord server. I hope to receive a run from pewpew soon.

Kaladere dan Vendettavic menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

It is rather easy separate in-game music from external music through OBS. In that way you can listen and have external music during the stream (also for the viewers), however the recording and highlight won't have external music.


This can also be used to remove Mic voice if wanted too.

Not having external music in your video is a best practice, both YouTube and Twitch will likely remove your video at some point due to copyright infringement.

On top of that external music can be used as trick to cheat, making Mod life harder in the verification process.

Kaladere menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming2 years ago

@SirRetro91 The only category where Segmented is allowed is "Knife Only", so you don't need to worry about it if you are interested in either NG or NG+.

As for "Knife Only - SD Console - Easy" (The only SD Console sub-category with segmented runs), those two runs in the board were not even submitted by the runners themselves, but rather by the Moderators in order not to have an empty board. My two cents: If/when someone submits a Single Segment run there, we should remove those two runs (made by @randumbutubeuzur and by @mikagami94) from the leaderboard, de facto making Single Segment mandatory in all "Knife Only - Easy" sub-categories. Additioanl point is that those two runs are over +3hrs long, so they can hardly be called speedruns.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

@Nazzareno Well if you compare us with RE3 yes we are less runners, however if you compare us with any Metal Gear Solid game they have less runs and runners than us. Nevertheless, they always have all available difficulties in the leaderboard in any game and leave the choice and sensibility of which difficulty to run to runners. What I'm arguing for is to leave the decision to the singles rather than barring an option. I think Easy should have been there all along from day one. That's all.

To clarifying, I'm not arguing this for myself. I don't even have the NTSC-J version for the PSTV, I have the NTSC-J for PS2 but not a PS2 :D Just it has always stricken me the fact that Easy difficulty was not there when available in the game. usually you have all difficulties in the speedrun leaderboards.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hello runners, I have been thinking to ask this question to the community for long time.

As you know Easy mode cannot be run at the moment. I think the original rationale behind this was that either “Easy mode” is considered a meme difficulty or that Easy difficulty is not present and cannot be selected in the PAL and NTSC-U versions of the game.

Personally I don’t see why we should be barring runners to have a go with Easy mode which is an integral part of the game. It’s up to the individual runners to decide if something is “meme” or not, running it or not, and it’s up to the runner to decide to buy and use a NTSC-J copy or not. Additionally, going forward NTSC-J will become the new Meta for PC when we will finally receive the ReBirth patch, making Easy mode widely accessible.

Another pros I see is that "Easy" mode may succeed where other categories have failed in attracting runners. As you all know, Any% Hard, Low% (both Normal and Hard) and 100% are all tedious categories for different reasons, while Easy mode Any% and Low% (at least psychologically) would have no entry barrier. At the moment runs, runners and effort are really concentrated around Any% Normal only.

You may have concerns about Easy mode becoming the new norm or standard, but I assure you that Normal mode will continue to be the standard, so much so that we would anyway default to Normal mode when you look at the leaderboard. Just like this happens in the Resident Evil 3 Remake leaderboard https://www.speedrun.com/re3r (defaulting to Standard) even though an easier mode exists (and Standard has more runs than Assisted). Another example is Metal Gear Solid 3, where the leaderboard defaults to the European Extreme category https://www.speedrun.com/mgs3#HD_Edition_PS3 and that category has indeed more runs than all other difficulties.

The only cons I can see is that, someone may argue that the leaderboard would start to become cluttered. Adding Easy as difficulty means adding de facto 10 new categories due to all permutations. However, I have already a plan to modify the structure of the leaderboard when we will be adding Rebirth and/or DoorSkip which itself would exponentially increase the amount of categories. The change I have in mind will make the leaderboard less clattered, keeping all categories but just organized differently. This is not the time to do that job yet, but I hope you can trust me on this one. The restructure will require a lot of work and so I rather talk about this and do the work when ReBirth finally materialise.

That’s just a coincidence, but recently “Easy mode” (called Light) was finally added also in the Resident Evil 3 og main leaderboard after the community demanded so: https://www.speedrun.com/re3/thread/0z1sk . That category partially existed already, but it used to be relegated to the “category Extension” until few days ago and limited to only for PC runners and limited to only Any% Taiwan, probably because considered a meme category or so. From having only 1 category now they have 24 separated Easy mode categories in the main leaderboard.

What’s your thought about this?

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Just a friendly reminder. As announced two weeks ago, starting from today we won't accept runs submitted using RTA LiveSplit/Autosplitter comparison anymore. The Resource section has been updated with the correct Autosplitter (151 rooms). Make sure you are using IGT comparison: Right click on LiveSplit -> Compare Against -> Game Time. Make sure that the Autosplitter is fully automated: Layout Settings -> Scriptable Autosplitter -> Start/Split/Reset are all flagged. We won't make exceptions to anyone for any reason, so make sure to update your settings if you haven't done it already. The final time on LiveSplit must match the IGT End-Screen of the game, otherwise we will assume the video was spliced and the run will be rejected.

If you run into problems setting up LiveSplits feel free to contact the Moderators.

xtra2Ez dan Vendettavic menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Just wanted to share a time save I wasn't aware of until yesterday. This was particularly important for Console and Emulator runners, but now it's relevant also for PC runners.

Basically the IGT keeps running until the FMV with Regina entering the portal begins. Between that FMV and the last door there is one FMV that can be skipped. I'm talking about the FMV showing the mainframe falling on Paula. If you skip that cutscene you can save up to 6 seconds.

Watch this video below as reference: You can see at 51:07 the IGT is still running and that cutscene can be skipped.

I hope this is useful for someone.

Kaladere menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

A massive thank you to everyone who has voted and expressed their opinion either in the community Discord or the forum ( https://www.speedrun.com/dino2/thread/ip46g ).

As for my surprise, nobody voted for the status quo, and so keeping the RTA timing method and the PC board as it is. Zero votes were also given to the proposal of keeping the RTA as main method, but locking the board when the Rebirth leaderboard gets opened. The proposal of using IGT as timing method won with 11 votes (Including 3 votes from Non-PC runners). 2 votes were given to the proposal of removing the board altogether and restarting from scratch with the PC ReBirth board. Additionally 1 vote was unclear between proposals 3 and 4. Either way that would not change the final outcome. The results can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MsE4jF-UmW53yMPkGwc7XCSUB2S1o8RPVekpNlQSl44/edit?usp=sharing

What will actually change now? Not much. We will allow 2 weeks (until the end of the month) to change the LiveSplits settings. In this two weeks you area allowed to submit runs either using the RTA Autosplitter (common setup) or the IGT Autosplitter (we will explain how to setup this). The IGT Autosplitter will become mandatory from the first day of next month, so please keep this in mind and start migrating now! As member of the community, please if you see someone speedrunning on Twitch/etc. using the RTA timing method (after the end of this month), let them know that the run would be rejected. The final LiveSplit time must be consistent with the IGT End-Screen of the game, otherwise we need to assume there was some sort of splicing going on.

In the meantime the Moderators will work on the board, unifying the two timing columns in one (finally showing only the IGT time in every category), and updating rules, guides and resources.

If you have any question please do not hesitate to contact the Moderators.

Farmery87, Klumpackis dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Please remember that everyone loves DC2 in its own way here, otherwise we wouldn't be here. It's fine to have strong opinions for this important decision. I'm sure everybody's heart is in the right place., and so I'm sure @Kaladere didn't mean to offend anyone. Let's keep this friendly as much as possible and please let's mind our words and let's respect other people vote.

This comes from the person with the worst temper here... :D

Kaladere menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

@Kaladere Not sure if you meant something to vote anonymously, but in the meantime I prepared this really simplistic Google Sheet to keep track of all preference. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MsE4jF-UmW53yMPkGwc7XCSUB2S1o8RPVekpNlQSl44/edit?usp=sharing

@Vendettavic I really hope I can change your mind on this and convince you of the goodness of the proposal number 3. Kaladere probably explained better than anyone else. Moving to IGT sorting actually removes any chance of cheating, or unfair advantages (taken in the past, present or future) both intentionally or unintentionally. Nobody would have been wasted their time grinding the game. The real way to evaluate fairly everyone is already available and a low hanging fruit. This is a such important decision that I would love to see an unanimous decision on this rather than a simple majority.

Kaladere menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Thanks @Nazzareno for writing this clear post.

As for the vote I'm totally for number 3 and call the category "PC Legacy" or "PC Vanilla" or "PC Un-patched" and keep it open also in the future after the patch comes out for future submissions.

However, if we instead keep the leaderboard timed by RTA, I'm personally totally against keep it open for future submissions. "We" as moderator have no way to keep control and assure the community a fair competition. The game is potentially open to all sort of hacking to get the edge with higher and higher unnatural FPS. In a way this is already what is happening right now. The game has always been intended to be run at 60/30/20. If so, I'm to call the category "PC Deprecated" or something similar and close it for submissions after a pre-decided end date.

It is really unfortunate that this information and confirm from Gemini has arrived exactly when Xtra got WR with lower IGT and better RTA. There would not be a revolution otherwise in the top positions. The only exception is Garl_Memory who will pass 4 people, but not because of the FPS, rather because he submitted an incorrect RTA, taking it at the end of the cutscene and not at the last door.

I have always agreed with @Dimension_Bomber about IGT, and thought it was always correct all along, but had no way to prove it, I believe now it's the good time to revert everything to IGT.

This is my two cents.

xtra2Ez dan Kaladere menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

@Symm The PS4 version is actually an emulated PS2 version, so technically it falls under SD Console. On top of that the PS4 version is much worse than the PS2 version it actually emulates. Bottom line PS4 is the last console you want to use unfortunately.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Hi there, nice to see you created a DuckStation sub-category like Parasite Eve 2 and Dino Crisis 2.

I hoped this was also the opportunity to finally take out Console emulations runs from the "Emulator".

You have a bunch of runs made on PSvita/PSTV/PSP under the "Emulator Legacy" sub category and you have a bunch of PS3/PSN runs under the "PlayStation" category now. I think all of those should be unified under a single category "PSN" just like on Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3 and Dino Crisis 2.

As PSTV gamer I find it odd to see a PSTV official Sony console considered at the same level of a broken emulator for PC like ePSXe.

Subsonix, Plywood, dan Raclesis menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Just to announce that "100%" is officially a category of Dino Crisis 2.

Congratulation @DeepStackDave for the first verified run on the board!

xtra2Ez dan Kaladere menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

FILES/BLUE DISKS (17) DINO FILES/RED DISKS (11) Support File Mission Data (missing file in USA PS1 version and EUR/USA PC version) Inostrancevia (file) - City Front/Haul Road Triceratops (file) - Comnd St./Outer Perimeter Shop Owner's Papers - Drug Store Oviraptor (file) - City/Living Quarters ① Allosaurus (file) - Dock/Suspension Bridge Incineration of Plants - Control Shack Velociraptor (file) - Water Tower Tyrannosaurus Rex (file) - Military Facility/Entrance Doctor's Papers, Time shift - Medical Room Storage Room Items - Hardware Storage Management of Keyplates - Control Room Giganotosaurus (file) - Data Control Room Superintendent's Will - Facility Entrance Noah's Ark Plan - Superintendent's Room Researchers Records - Power Source Room Researcher's Notebook - Research Lounge Compsognathus (file) - Research Lounge Report on Unidentified Body - Precision Lab Pteranodon (file) - 3rd Energy Facility/Storage Space Soldier's Papers - 3rd Energy Facility/Storage Space Mosasaurus (file) - 3rd Energy Control Room Managers Diary, Mechanics - 3rd Energy Control Room Elevator Security Code - 3rd Energy Facility/Walkway ③ Mechanic's Note - Sub Level/Elevator Preventative Maintenance - Water Cir. Sys. Control Rm Plesiosaurus (file) - Inside Cooling Aqueduct

MAIN WEAPONS (11) - [231.000 EP]:: Hand Gun (Regina) Shotgun (Dylan) Needle Gun (Regina) Anti-Tank Rifle (Dylan) - [38.000 EP] Flame Launcher - [8.000 EP] Heavy Machine Gun (Regina) - [35.000 EP] Missile Pod (Regina) - [50.000 EP] Rocket Launcher (Dylan) - [50.000 EP] Solid Cannon (Dylan) - [18.000 EP] Submachine Gun (Regina) - [12.000 EP] Aquagrenade (Regina) - [20.000 EP]

SUB WEAPONS (6) - [17.000 EP]: Large Stungun (Regina) Machete (Dylan) Shockwave (Regina) Signal Bullet Chainmine - [12.000 EP] Firewall - [5.000 EP]

SUB WEAPONS UPGRADES (2) - [30.000 EP]: Power Battery for Large Stungun (Regina) - [15.000 EP] Heavy Blade for Machete (Dylan) - [15.000 EP]

TOOLS (4) - [115.000 EP]: EPS Gold Card - [40.000 EP] EPS Silver Card - [20.000 EP] Inner Suit - [20.000 EP] Light-Weight Armor - [35.000 EP]

EVENT ITEMS (6): 3rd Energy Disk Plug Diving Suit Starter Battery Gas Mask Mechanic's ID Card

KEYS (6): 3rd Energy Facility Keycard City Keycard Key for the box Key Plate Living Quarters Key Research Facility Keycard

Ammo cartridge upgrades are not considered objects and so they are not required.

EPS Platinum Card is not required, since it can only be obtained post run.

ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

@xtra2Ez The nice thing of this category is that you must pick up the file for Ellie :D so no 8 codes RNG!

Vendettavic dan Kaladere menyukai ini
ValhallaRapixOnGaming3 years ago

Alright I guess I withdraw my proposal then. Better keeping intact the classic meaning of a 100% category without any "help" of infinite ammo.

Kaladere menyukai ini
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