Osaka, JapanR-01095 months ago
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benang: GT Racing
Osaka, JapanR-010910 months ago

As written in the category rules, there are vehicles that can be unlocked by progressing through the championship. As for ClassA/B in the IL category, the following vehicles may or may not be allowed.

  • RX-7
  • GT-R
  • NSX
Osaka, JapanR-010910 months ago


The specifications are slightly different, but a run on the Japanese version may be helpful.

In the Japanese version, we have the following rules as No Major Glitch.

Forbidden Glitches:

-carrying over second Phoebes Resistances. (You have to reset when Kaeli 1 joins, after that it is optional) -Buying 0 Items to change Items or create Items -Rewriting Item Slots by purchasing Items -Intentional Proliferation of consumption Items until Ice Golem -Cure on Dark King -0 Mega Grenade Event duping

Permitted Exploits:

-Life/Exit on bosses that are not resistant

Osaka, JapanR-01091 year ago

When the number plate is determined, you can get bonus CP by making a 7 with a number randomly determined by pressing the Y button. This is not mentioned in the rules, but may I use this one? If possible, we would appreciate it if you could create a new subcategory (Restricted/Unrestricted) where its use is allowed.

Osaka, JapanR-01091 year ago

But it is true that when you separate NG and NG+, what they both do is not much different. If you could add the NG application when you receive it, I would be happy to do so.

Osaka, JapanR-01091 year ago

Hi, is it correct that the All Classes category for this game is NG+ (saved data use is allowed)? Also, are there any plans to create a new New Game category just for All Classes?

Akuretaki menyukai ini
Osaka, JapanR-01092 years ago

This leaderboard will only deal with Quest mode. If you would like to have a board for Time Attack mode, please apply to Speedrun.com as Category Extentions.

ThrasherDBS menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Osaka, JapanR-01093 years ago

https://www.speedrun.com/ffxv#Console_Royal_Edition Hello, I'd like to hear from you. I'd like to talk about the LeaderBoard in Final Fantasy XV." For some reason, only Category in "Console (Royal Edition)" shows PS4 Pro records by default. I don't know why this category only shows PS4 Pro records, since other categories show all console records. I contacted the moderator, but they said they don't know the cause, so I wrote here. I'm sorry for your time, but please check it out.

Osaka, JapanR-01094 years ago

Hello. I have a question about the Run Rule for this game. -It is possible to narrow the T.O.P. for home use only and increase the damage dealt. You can't do that with arcade archives or other commercial MVS. The current leaderboard has a mix of modified and non-modified T.O.P.'s, so I think this should be divided by category. -There is no difficulty level specified, but is it okay if the difficulty level is arbitrary? This game is an important element in the run because the damage you can do on the maximum difficulty varies. If possible, it would be nice if this could also be divided by category. -I think it would be nice to have a survival mode category for home use as well. -I would like you to add a character item to the application field.

こんにちは。 このゲームのRun Ruleについて質問があります。 ・家庭用のみT.O.P.を狭くし、与えられるダメージを大きくすることができますが、  アーケードアーカイブスなど、業務用MVSのものだとできません。  現在のリーダーボードには、T.O.P.を変更したものと、そうでないものが混じっているため、  こちらはカテゴリで分けるべきだと思います。 ・難易度の指定がありませんが、難易度は任意のものでよいのでしょうか?  このゲームは最大難易度で与えられるダメージが変わるため、Runにおいて重要な要素となります。  もし可能であれば、こちらもカテゴリで分けられるとよいと思います。 ・家庭用のサバイバルモードのカテゴリもあるといいと思います。 ・申請欄に使用キャラクターの項目も追加してほしいです。

DBcade menyukai ini
Osaka, JapanR-01094 years ago

迅速な対応、ありがとうございます。 タイミングに関しても、The endの描写が終わった後に統一、ということで理解しました。 次回のRunからは電源投入から計測を開始いたします。


Thank you for the quick response. As for the timing, I understood it to be a unification after the depiction of The end is over. From the next run, we will start the measurement from the power on. Also, regarding the 100% Run record, I noticed that I forgot to get the Apollo helm, so I deleted it.

Osaka, JapanR-01094 years ago

初めまして。 記録の承認、及びJPカテゴリの新設、ありがとうございます。

さて、表題の通り質問がございます。 私が走行したときにはUSカテゴリしかなかったため、そちらのルールに準じた区間のタイムを計測していました。(名前の決定~Dark kingを撃破) しかし、今新設されたJPカテゴリのルールでは「電源投入~The end」となっています。 1位の記録は「タイトル画面のボタン押下~The end」 2位の私の記録は「名前決定~The end」(The endのタイミングの補正、ありがとうございます。) 3位の記録は「電源投入~The end」となっています。 このように、区間がばらばらになってしまっているのですが、どれを基準にすればよいでしょうか? もし、「電源投入~名前決定」までの時間計測が必要な場合、私の記録は+5秒ほどの追加が必要になります。 これは、連射機を使用して最速で名前を決定した際の平均タイムです。

また、日本のRTAではThe endの描写が始まった瞬間にタイマーストップではなく、The endのペンが動き終わり、ボタンを押して黒枠を消した状態でタイマーストップとなっているため、過去の日本の走者の記録とも違っている状況になっています。

Nice to meet you. Thank you for approving the records and creating a new JP category.

Now, as the title suggests, I have a question. When I drove, there was only a US category, so I timed the sections according to the rules of that category. (Deciding on a name ~ defeating the Dark king) However, the newly established JP category rules say "Power on - The end". The record for first place is "Pressing the button on the title screen - The end". My record for second place is "Name Determination ~ The end" (thank you for the correction of the timing of The end). The record for third place is "Power on - The end". What should I use as a basis for this? If you need to measure the time from "power up to name determination", my record will need an additional +5 seconds or so. This is the average time when the fastest name was determined using a serial shooter.

Also, in the Japanese RTA, the timer stops when the pen of the end is finished moving and the black frame is erased by pressing the button, instead of the timer stop at the moment when the drawing of the end starts, so the situation is different from the record of Japanese runners in the past.

benang: The Site
Osaka, JapanR-01094 years ago

First of all, about Game: Metal Max2, the account of the super moderator who gave me moderator authority has been withdrawn, and only me is the moderator. I want to give moderators the role of an active player, but since normal moderators can't handle it, is it possible to temporarily make me a super moderator in Game: Metal Max2? This text is written using automatic translation. I'm sorry if there's anything that doesn't make sense.

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