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Iowa, USAProswagerdude3 years ago

Don't listen do Lazyturtle. He is just a russian spy who wants to hide the truth from you. In reality Liam actually is facing life in prison with no parole for murdering a family of 5 and for Jay walking but you would never hear it because it would ruin the Reptilian agenda.

thevgdb, piki_SSBM dan 7 lainnya menyukai ini
Iowa, USAProswagerdude3 years ago

When I was experimenting with the clip in skull kid, I found that you can skip the part where you jump and the ceiling pushes you to the side and then you land and then jump again to start running on the JRB wall and instead when you do the jump where the ceiling pushed you to the side you can run onto the top of the JRB wall when you are at the peak of that jump. This trick is pretty hard but it probably save almost 2 seconds.

Here's a vid of me getting it -

Speedie013 menyukai ini
Iowa, USAProswagerdude3 years ago

I was wondering if anyone had a screenshot of the progress tab that showed all the stars that are possible to collect in this current version. If anyone did I would appreciate it.

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