FinlandPolari4 months ago

There appears to be a misunderstanding here, because nobody is proposing anything "solely score-related", nor a board to "track scores". The proposed category would be a time attack to a specific score goal which is very common on this site, not a score attack, and that argument supposedly going against it is entirely beside the point.

jalankan: Mamono Sweeper
FinlandPolari1 year ago

whoops, forgot to change visibility after initially uploading as private and trimming with youtube's editor, resubmitting

benang: The Site
FinlandPolari6 years ago

Oh ok, so actually this was more specifically about categories nobody else runs rather than the game itself, and you just lied to make the issue seem bigger than it really is. Never mind then.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
FinlandPolari6 years ago

[quote=Cyberdemon531]kirkq, as i said the mm site does not support these versions and the moderators there have no wish to support them, they are not comparable to the originals and there is no where to house runs for them, and if they "retain control" there will never be a location.[/quote]

Hi, this is factually incorrect. You can find CW runs grouped together with AC under Games - Classic - Mega Man Anniversary Collection. In the future if you have trouble with the site I suggest you ask people familiar with it instead of using your ignorance as a pretence for a yet another attempt at a power grab for a game you have passing familiarity with.

Tidak diketahui
FinlandPolari6 years ago

I have arrived in Växjö, expect to get some solid raid action going over the week, and should be able to provide a hotspot too.

Having some kind of a live chat to call out worthwhile raid spawns would be nice. Can we do that in ESA Discord #offtopic or should we set up something for this specifically?

benang: Mega Man
FinlandPolari6 years ago

Mega Man DOS, Anniversary Collection, Legacy Collection, Game Boy games (Dr. Wily's Revenge, II, III, IV and V) would also fall under Classic Mega I believe? Only the first two currently have boards on srcom though.

Also man, I never realized what a huge mess some of the less prolific games's leaderboards are. Going through the Mega Man clones category on mmlb, almost all of those games have a board on srcom too and it's a total crapshoot which site is the better maintained one.

Joka menyukai ini
benang: Mega Man
FinlandPolari6 years ago

It's fine. The situation's been what it is for years already, a week or two is nothing. Just good to know it's on the agenda.

benang: Mega Man
FinlandPolari6 years ago

I don't think anyone here disagrees that option 1 is a bad option. The problem is that as neither the additional dev work nor the manual labour for option 2 seem to be happening, realistically the choice is between options 1 and 3. The opposing view isn't that option 1 is good, it's that option 3 is worse, and I find arguing against option 1 without acknowledging this highly disingenuous.

Here, let me apply the same rhetoric the other way around:

"The site is stuck in a constant unstable cycle where site users are finding false information on this site because of the combination of the site not having API functionality to automate moderation and the community not wanting to do it without the API. The issue on our end is that the current circumstances put runners in a position where we constantly need to correct false impressions gathered from this site, which I find highly frustrating on a personal level and from a precedent perspective. So originally it's fine to delay remedying the situation until we get an API for this, then we never get an API for this, so then it's like this forever, which really isn't a fine way for the site to run day to day, and isn't a situation that I support."

BaronHaynes menyukai ini
benang: Mega Man
FinlandPolari6 years ago

Personally I would like to see 1) by default with 2) allowed case by case when a single game's community is demonstrably committed enough to keeping it up to date. The position of "nobody should be barred from submitting runs" sounds nice and all, but it effectively is actively choosing the option 3).

I wish speedrun.com luck with its aspiration to become THE central leaderboards resource, but big goals should come with the work to back it up. Mmlb is still ways ahead of srcom in terms of features and usability, there's no support for automated mirroring, and seeing how little has changed over the last few years regarding either it seems safe to say the situation isn't going to change any time soon.

If the site administration insists on staunchly opposing option 1), at the very least I'd like to hear it stated outright that they are ok misleading people with shitty leaderboards with false information for the unforeseeable future. Because that's the situation now and I don't see a reason to expect that to change.

FinlandPolari7 years ago

Notifying about a relevant thread on general Mega Man series forum at http://www.speedrun.com/mega_man/thread/dtpsq

benang: Mega Man
FinlandPolari7 years ago

The recent X3 drama brought up the topic of our two different leaderboard sites over on the classic mega side too, and I feel this discussion is important enough that it should be out in the open instead of splintered across private messages between various people and semi-private chats, as it has been so far.

The current situation is that Mega Man speedrun leaderboards live on megamanleaderboards.net, which has existed before speedrun.com and is preferred by the majority of Mega Man runners (or classic mega runners at least) for a variety of reasons. On the other hand, many players who run many differents games would like to have all their runs in one place. As full migration to speedrun.com is clearly off the table, this would mean having the games on both sites.

The ideal solution would be full automatic mirroring. Joka has stated that this would be technically possible, but a lot of work that nobody wants to touch.

The realistic options are, if I'm not missing anything:

  1. Have runs on mmlb only, have srcom direct users there with something like what's now on the DKC boards at http://www.speedrun.com/dkc1

  2. Have people manually mirror the boards. Some individual games are successfully doing this at the moment, but it's unlikely to work on full scale given the sheer number of games and the commitment required.

  3. Have the boards open but unmaintained. This lets people get their runs on their profiles, but it will also result in people looking up Mega Man leaderboards and finding ones with outdated records, players with multiple entries, many missing runs and such, as you can currently see for Mega Mans 1, 3 and 6.

Pear, BaronHaynes dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
Tidak diketahui
FinlandPolari7 years ago

Paris-Dakar Rally Special!

Megami_infini menyukai ini
Tidak diketahui
FinlandPolari7 years ago

How to get from airport to venue:


How to get from train station to venue:


Links will open the english version of the public transit guide from airport/train station to venue at current time. It will only display schedules a month or so into the future but the options you'll have when you arrive will be very similar to what you see at around the same time of day at any given date.

carska menyukai ini
Tidak diketahui
FinlandPolari7 years ago

count me in

curseddolls menyukai ini
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