New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

Welcome! There is only one hard part in 1-1: the triple jump staircase skip at the end. I would recommend not doing that at first (this video shows the old strat well: ). If you want to try the triple jump, watch any top run. You should join our discord server (linked in the sidebar) if you have questions about other levels.

R0main, Otterstone_Gamer, dan J_duude menyukai ini
New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

Yeah sure, I’ll add the category. I’ve been brainstorming new categories to add anyway, so I’m down with that.

KilleDragon menyukai ini
New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

Oh yeah it does. Guess that just slipped my mind for some reason lmao. The fact still stands though, the mini castle exits don’t count as secret exits.

New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

No, they do not count. They aren't technically secret exits because there are no red flags to symbolize it. However, in order to get actual secret exits in worlds 4 and 7, its required to defeat the both of those bosses as mini mario anyway, thus not really making much of a difference in the long run.

benang: The Site
New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

How do you change the image of the game you're a mod of? I'm a supermod, so I know I'm able to do it, I just don't know how. Thank you :)

New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

When you put it that way, it does sound kinda dumb actually. What does make all levels and nse miscellaneous categories anyway? How are they any different than the other 4? ?

Imaproshaman menyukai ini
New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

Yeah, that’s the thing. It’s tough to think of unique categories that aren’t basically just an existing one but with like 1 or 2 less levels, minor rerouting, etc.

Imaproshaman menyukai ini
New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

Pretty much the only reason i posted this here is because i feel like a lot more people would see it, as opposed to the CE board where not as many nsmb runners are. I thought that made sense anyway :p

New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

So I recently brainstormed a couple of (maybe) fun category ideas that I believe would kind of be cool to run. So I’m just gonna list them all out here :)

1.) All secret exits - pretty self explanatory, grab all 18 red flags as fast as possible, time would stop upon touching the last one.

2.) 99 lives - ALSO pretty self explanatory, just get 99 lives. That’s it. :p

3.) All bosses - Beat every single boss/mini boss in the game. Timing would stop upon hitting the switch in 8-BC

4.) All cannons - Unlock all 5 cannons and use them. Timing would stop upon blasting off in the fifth.

So yeah. There’s my list. Btw, I mentioned for these to be on the CE board cuz I know none of these would really suit the main nsmb board, unless the mods think otherwise (which I don’t think they will).

Bogdan_mk dan Lachurs menyukai ini
New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

Thanks so much Andre, hopefully i get a 270 or 271 soon enough lol

Imaproshaman dan AndreMH menyukai ini
New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

Is there a step-by-step tutorial on how to do the shell grab and throw thingy? I wanna tie (or get close to) the il record.

New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

I’m still new to RNG manip, but I’m pretty sure that it does work 100% of the time, as long as you play 1-1 correctly (The right amount of double/triple jumps, blocks hit, etc.).

And I know my biased opinion doesn’t matter, but I obviously think it should be allowed lol.

New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

This is probably a stupid idea, but I think it could work. It's pretty self-explanatory; adding a "secret exit" category on all the levels that could apply (1-T, 2-3, etc.). As for the ILs that already use a secret exit for the wr, they could just be transferred over to the other tab, labeled "Secret Exit" or something. idk, maybe it could work

J_duude dan Hubadad menyukai ini
New Jersey, USAPidgey5 years ago

Is there any existing tutorials on how to do it? If not, could someone give me a runthrough of it? Thanks!

J_duude menyukai ini
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