Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH5 years ago

Just smashed the PC WR on console by 47 seconds so that Would be great ?

benang: Destiny 2
Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

Im gonna do a run with in hopes that this passes to see how it goes. Votes 6-0 in favor so fingers crossed lol

benang: Destiny 2
Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

Speaking of confused...sorry if this is somewhere else but what is the difference between NG and NG+ on here? Is NG+ just there by default setup or is there another run I don't know about?

benang: Destiny 2
Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

I like this change. Was practicing last night and noticed I couldnt get the gauntlets I got my 1st try and was not a happy camper. Good addition :-)

Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

Sorry edited above post before i saw u respond Punchy

Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

"If the people of RE7 want an active, thriving community then blaming its shortcomings on anything to do with speedrun.com is going about it wrong. It's in the runners hands to keep discussion and player activity going. Not really anyone else's. A moderator doesn't need to take lead in something that spearheads a method of keeping the RE7 community engaged -- "

Someone who is a large part of our community and discovering strats etc. was banned from the Resident Evil discord by a moderator of this game on speedrun.com

I also think it comes down to the fact that situations have happened that makes it very uncomfortable an unwelcoming for some runners to want to be in any kind of a communicative situation with you guys being involved that doesn't directly have anything to do with their runs and the verification thereof. I think that was the whole point of this thread even being made was to try to fix that. I think I said my original post it saddened me that I almost missed a chance to be a friend to someone who is presented to me in a bad way. And that same aspect I think stuff like this sucks because I can't even get to know who you are or play games with you guys. I don't think any of you are garbage human beings because none of you have ever wronged me, however there is stuff out there that makes other people feel that way about you and whether you are or not is irrelevant because that's what people believe. Something took place at some time that earned you that reputation to some people. If that's not true that sucks. However I have personally seen one of you guys say that Resident Evil 7 Runners are human garbage... That doesn't give much Merit to the fact that you might want to hang out with us and be involved. I was really hoping my post try to get this shit settled would have actually worked so everyone could just move on with this shit because personally I'd rather be somewhere talking about boobs or something but that's obviously not going to happen. Anyways that's probably why the other was made. Others were probably very uncomfortable in the other one thus it never got used. For me personally I wasn't even invited to the other Discord I thought it had been shut down for child porn or something. I eventually got in to it but never used it because I was already a part of the new one. Goes doing what I needed so I never gave it any other thought. Anyways I do hope someday you guys can move on from these things and we could all hang out together cuz I would love to share strats with you punchy if you ever needed them and you should have that ability to find them. From the looks of way things are still going though I don't see that happening unless I'm serious salt is removed from some people's lives and start extracting their energy on more important and positive things.

Snoozexd dan Psarthex menyukai ini
Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

As for the other discord...im not sure when it was made but im pretty sure it was made to have a community because for whatever reason there was no community.

And No disrepect but lets just be honest here, would you REALLY have wanted to be a part of it anyways? We arent hard people to find if you wanted to be a part of what we are doing.

Snoozexd dan Psarthex menyukai ini
Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

Smh..no one gets it. Im done

Psarthex dan Snoozexd menyukai ini
Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

Is the pride in this room really so out of control that the parties involved can't all just apologize to each other and Let It Go and be in the past? And I'll just say this I love everybody in this game and this community, but if he gets banned for that response I want my runs taken off of this site because that's bullshit. Everything to this point has been brought back and pointed directly at him as if he's the only one that's ever done anything wrong and is the sole cause of the drama this thread. Did Psar handle it really badly...uh yeah, but ill tell you what you guys lowered yourself right down there in the shitter with him and act like you came out clean on the other side as if it was justified. And you know what Who Cares! We all mess up, but take some ownership for it and lets all play some freaking vidja games again like we love to do. Forgiveness is a real thing...it can work if you let it.

Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

I've decided to make a post here for "contextual" reasons and to give an example of the problem that exists here. First and foremost I know that there are a lot of runners playing different versions and all vary from different creeds, colors, and age groups. I dont get involved in a lot of discussions like this tbh because honestly (and I mean this with no disrespect) a lot of you are still kids. Not kids as in you are babies, but compared to my XP...you are just low level in life still. I have a 15 year old son who i expect to be more involved in online stuff etc. Zgl is probably the only other person I know that can personally relate to me on this level. Stay with me here because there is a point to all of this.

^now that thats out of the way.

Being older, I am not "savy" to as much as I probably should be. When i was gaming at most of your ages Laura Croft had triangle boobs and this was exciting. We played games by ourselves not online. I was very against online gaming for a very long time...just didnt understand the need to have a 12 year old tell me to go f¤¤ my mother or what not, however, times have changed, so have I, and my gaming experiences are stepping out into new areas I never thought a person of my age ever would.

So one day I saw a video by UhTrance (sorry if i mispelled your tag) and he was speedrunning Redisnt Evil 7 and I saw my time wasnt complete garbage next to the World Recods or what not but in my mind "this is a PC" thing...bummer. I say all this because I didn't even know that there was the ability to speed run on PS4 until six months ago. That's how new to this I am. Again stay with me this is important for context.

My friend asked me what the world record was for PS4 and I said I had no idea I didn't even know there was one. So I checked and saw that there was and decided to start Speed running Resident Evil 7. Not sure but I can't remember what place it was but I cannot tell you the excitement I used to have when I found out I was number 107 in the world! Fuck me running I was hot shit! I bragged about it at work to all my friends and coworkers. It was awesome. Once I made my way up to the top 70 or 60 mr. Santos contacted me and congratulated me as did a few other runners. This is when I began to get my first sense of the community. I don't know what was more amazing the fact that I was climbing this large ladder of world rankings, or the fact that the other speedrunners in this category were actually rooting me on. To my knowledge this would have been a cut-throat thing, very competitive and every man for himself. I started studying and people were sharing strats with me. It was slowly becoming the best gaming experience of my life, I was now part of something.

Then I was invited into a group where we chat and share strats, Give opinions, shoot the shit with each other, and try to push each other to be the best gamer we can possibly be and bring the best out in each other. So I would keep running and I would keep using speedrun.com to submit my runs and then go back and we would all talk about it.

This is where the problem starts. Through all of this context up above I forgot to mention one thing....ewww I hate Psarthex. Did I also mention that he plays on PC, I have never talked to him once, I have never watched a single one of his streams, but he was a piece of shit troll that I wanted nothing to do with. What a travesty this is because let me make very clear that I have become very good friends with Psarthex the past 3 weeks. It breaks my heart because I realized that I didn't like Psarthex purely because the moderation team taught me to hate Psarthex. This is where the leadership of this community has to hold itself to some kind of standard. Let me also make very clear I have zero issues with any mods on this game, in fact I love them and I thank them and they have never lacked in the area of verifying one of my runs. In fact my world record was just verified 12 hours after I submitted it #inb4Psarthex8dayslater.

My point in all of this is that I just realized that what I do with these other Runners outside of this website is actually what we're supposed to be doing on this website but we don't because other people are scared to do it here. I look at these other Runners is almost kids of my own, we all have a love for one another and they show me respect back which I think I've earned. I don't see a lot of other 36 year old men who can't see with arthritis that are three time world record holders and two of them still stand. However being old doesn't make me perfect and I was plain and simple flat out just as much of a victim of online bullying and slander as Psarthex was. I almost lost a chance to gain a relationship with a very good person because I was taught to hate him from the ones that are in charge of this website. I didn't realize that then however moderators have the power to accept or reject my runs. When I would see the moderators spewing hate at Psarthex I wanted to stay as far away from that as possible because surely he is an idiot troll that has nothing better to do than cause drama. Your words impact other people way more than you think they do. The way you handle things affect others way more than you think you do.

I don't even know if the people that are in charge of this community even want to be a part of this community because I've honestly never even talked to any of them. However there is a large group of us out here doing work and communicating about this game every day for hours. If the people in charge of this community don't have the want to, or let alone the maturity or leadership skills necessary to help this community grow, then I suggest some others like myself, or zgl, or many others who are very active in this community should be given a chance to try. In the last 2-3 weeks I've seen more progress made in this game than I have in the last six months that I grinded to the top on here. This is purely due to a community that has began to regrow and Thrive outside of speedrun.com but the sad thing is no one on this moderator list is inTHAT community... you can agree or disagree I'm just saying. There I said my peace, if you don't like it honestly I don't give a fuck but I do truly hope that someone out there listens to this because if you don't you're only proving my point that nobody in charge here cares about anyone here but themselves.

Unbound_selrahc, Jakasmo dan 6 lainnya menyukai ini
Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

Jack be doing all kinds of crazy shit to me in the garage...the shelf is the sucks tho

Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

Appreciate it guys. I knew it was a stretch but hell why not ask lol. @maxy the RNG is brutal..

Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

Maxy its when you lay a bomb down in the attic and blow yourself into evie for a 1 cycle. I figured it was a stretch but thought I'd ask here instead of risking a try 1:45:00 into a run lol.

Missouri, USAPhilber-ROH6 years ago

Was curious if the bomb strat at the end of the game could be used in knife only mode due to the fact that you aren't actually attacking anything with the bomb?

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