United StatesOcarinist_Drew12 days ago

Hey is it okay to put an emote over Mario's face for the life counter? It isn't covering the "dynamic" part of the HUD element, but I'd rather check before risking my runs being rejected.

United StatesOcarinist_Drew8 months ago


So I tried to use the Google Drive link to download v2.3 but I get a message saying,

"Sorry, this file is infected with a virus.

Only the owner is allowed to download infected files."

Not sure if it's real or not but it won't even allow me to download...

benang: Pikmin
United StatesOcarinist_Drew8 months ago

Hey guys, I'm a huge casual Pikmin fan who is thinking of getting into speedrunning Pikmin 1. I have put dozens of hours into both the OG GC version as well as the Wii NPC version (which I own digitally on my Wii U).

I really enjoy the Wii's IR motion controls for Pikmin and think they may be the definitive best control scheme. Plus I really enjoy the QoL features of the NPC version (slightly less stupid Pikmin, being able to switch Pikmin with the d-pad, etc)

However I also really like C-throwing on the GC version and find the controller very comfortable.

I haven't even played the Switch version so I am not really aware if there are any benefits.

My question is, between GC, Wii/WiiU, and Switch, which is the best version to speedrun? Or rather, which version do YOU speedrun, and why?

United StatesOcarinist_Drew1 year ago

Sounds like Whomps 8 + SBLJ. I personally don't see the value in that. But then, I'm a 70/120 runner who doesn't see the appeal in 0/1/16 Star, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

But, as far as rulesets go, I think this is a valid suggestion. It's exactly as arbitrary as 16 Star. If a category where SBLJ is banned but everything else is allowed (16 Star) exists, then I don't see why a category where LBLJ is banned but everything else is allowed (8/9 Star) can't exist.

The thing is, 16 Star has the the value of being beginner-friendly. It's short, and the mandatory major skips are pretty easy to learn.

8/9 Star does not have that value. SBLJ is a huge barrier to entry, and if you're taking the time to learn it, it's probably just to get a 0/1 Star run (which is true Any%) on the board. Why add Whomps 8 to that? And if you just want a short category where you collect stars, why not just run 16 Star, where you don't have to do SBLJ? Or just do IL's? Basically, there's no selling point to this category. You're not getting anything here that you can't get from other categories.

JTown2909, de_oScar, dan rapic menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew1 year ago

Yeah I would think Secrets don't count since the "Secrets" are actually just invisible objects/trigger points. The coin is just placed as a courtesy to the player so you have some sort of visual que/hint.

Neat idea for a run though. The 100/reds are some of my favorite stars in the game (long, uninterrupted sections of movement), and this could be a fun way to practice them.

lostinspeedruns menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

You can't just say "Please don't tell me to follow the rules" just to avoid following the rules.

While the category submission process is far from perfect, there are many reasons why it is what is, one of them being to avoid duplicate category submissions.

Maybe this is a hot take, but I think if a category idea is really good, you would be passionate enough about it to check if it already exists, try it yourself, and go through the proper channels. If you can't even muster up the motivation to try it yourself, why would you expect anyone else to care about it?

Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude or attack you personally or anything. I'm just at a point where I've lost all patience for these kinds of posts. I'm trying to help you understand why a lot of us role our eyes at these sorts of posts.

3ommy25, Duckable dan 8 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

Yeah adding CE's also feels a bit arbitrary to me.

United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

I've seen people do "Main Board Marathon" runs in the SMO community, which is exactly what you're describing. Unfortunately, there's no leaderboard for it.

Honestly though, now that the SM64 league is going, having a leaderboard for this would be pretty cool. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is considering just doing Main Board Marathons to farm PB's for the league.

Linkarf, enmysune dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

Actually, I don't think the Sunshine outfit becomes available until post-game, so it would be Any% (picking up some Luigi Hint Arts along the way), then buy an outfit and go to Seaside.

But yeah, if these runs sound like fun to you, do some runs of them and submit the idea in Tech's pinned thread:


United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

I like it. It's like Thread Locked% but you don't have to deal with the RNG of how long it takes Tech to notice the post.

Gabby_smo, SpeedIn dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

@Gorganim Rip Talkatoo% because technically it's just Any%. (And most other categories for that matter.)

@DMBOS_27YT But anyway, I'll tell you the same general thing I tell everyone who has a new category idea.

1.) Do a run. Try the run yourself and see if it's something worth doing more than once, or instead of something like Darker Side.

2.) Check the pinned thread on how to submit category ideas.

Gabby_smo, 3ommy25, dan DMBOS_27YT menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

Yes, technically joycons are the optimal controller, as downthrows do save a little bit of time. But the difference is negligible. There are only a handful of places where down-throws are useful, and even in an AM--an 8+ hour category--the down-throws probably only save a couple of seconds total. Whenever a downthrow is useful, there's always procon-friendly alternate strat that only loses half a second.

So use whichever is more comfortable to you. I'm on team procon. I used to use joycons, but my hands would cramp, and I would lose more time from accidentally pressing buttons with my giant hands than the down-throws could ever hope to save.

Pear menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

My understanding is that he will never give you painting moons before you get to the credits (beat Bowser at Moon), but after that he can give you the painting moons.

Having done a Talkatoo AMNPG (All Moons No Post Game) race, I can confirm that he will not give you painting Moons before the post-game. However, I can't confirm that he will give them to you during the post-game, as I have never tested it.

Tippi (formerly known as Timpani) may be the guy to ask about that, as he has done Talkatoo AM before. Or you could painstakingly comb through his 12-hour VOD to see if it ever happens.

BaconFearMC dan finn67676767 menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

Yeah I think it's a bit too easy and arbitrary for it to have a leaderboard. Most decent speedruns of the main board categories are deathless. Dying is usually slow, so people already tend to avoid it.

The only exceptions are the handful of death warp strats. In Any%, you can death warp back to the Odyssey after collecting the last moon in Lost, but it's actually a bit slower than the deathless strat. In Talkatoo%, runners death warp all the time in Lost to get back to the checkpoint near Talkatoo, but even then, you could just do a normal warp back instead, which is only a tiny bit slower.

I can only really speak on the categories I'm experienced in, but I'm willing to bet that there isn't a single category that would be very different to do deathless.

3ommy25, GoodGoomba dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

Yes, I think 1:30 is a great time for a first run. I also followed Smallant's guide and I believe my first run was a 1:48?

Also, yeah, definitely use Tomshi's guide. It's much more up to date. Lot's of free time save.

FloppyPants menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

Some other tips...

When making a practice file, grab all the moons you need to leave, minus one. Dump them. Grab one more moon, save, make copies. This way you only have to watch Mario dump 1 moon at the start of each IL, which saves time.

You can also have profiles with saves right before forks (Wooded/Lake, Snow/Seaside) to save space.

You can also buy a nice outfit in a previous Kingdom so Mario has some swag in your practice/IL file.

GoodGoomba menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

To my knowledge, the SMO practice rom doesn't have savestates, which to me, makes it not worth the hassle of modding my Switch. It pales in comparison to SM64 and SMS's practice roms.

I think the best way to practice SMO is to use the other Switch profiles. You have 8 user profiles, which can each have 5 save files. In my experience that's been plenty. Have a profile for each Kingdom you want to practice, save a file right before leaving the previous Kingdom, make 4 copies of that file, and there you go. You have 4 attempts at an IL before you have to make copies again. It takes like 15-30 seconds to make copies maybe.

GoodGoomba menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

Yes, Switch Lite is allowed. You would just be forced to play in handheld/tabletop mode, of course.

The rule on handheld vs docked is that as long as the video signal doesn't cut out at any point, you're good. So you can't switch between docked/undocked mid-run. You have to pick one or the other and stick to it.

Incorrect, SpeedIn, dan Pear menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

Yeah I capture sound by connecting the Switch's headphone jack to the "line-in" on my computer.

Pear menyukai ini
United StatesOcarinist_Drew2 years ago

So I run SMO, SMS, and SM64, and here are my thoughts: SMO is the best speed game. All three games have great movement and very high skill ceilings, but SMO is the most accessible game in many ways.

1.) It's the easiest game to get a hold of. You don't have to hunt down tons of old hardware. 2.) It has the best resources. As Collin said, there are so many great tutorials. SM64 literally has like... a wiki with some uncommentated videos of each star you can try to copy. SMO has Smallant and Tomshi's beginners guides. 3.) The movement has a very high skill ceiling but it's also very forgiving. In SM64 there is no "course correction". You make a jump, you're locked into that jump. If you messed up the jump, you're probably dead and the run is over. In SMO, if you mess up your jump, you have like 15 ways to correct it and recover from it and only lose a few seconds at most. 4.) None of the advanced tricks/skips in SMO Any% are necessary. Seriously. You could get sub-hour without Nut Clip, Lake Clip, DSS, Snow Dram, Scooter Clip... All these tricks save like 5 - 20 seconds tops. (This is more of a slight on SMS, where every other level has some stupid clip/OoB trick that you HAVE to go for because it saves MINUTES. SM64 isn't quite as bad with stupid tricks.) 5.) The gameplay flow is better, IMO. Not getting booted out of the level after each Power Moon makes it a totally different experience. SM64/SMS feel very "stop-and-go", whereas SMO feels like it flows much better. It's hard to find the words to explain this, but if you've speedrun both games you'll know what I mean. 6.) The 60fps looks incredible. Seriously, switching from SM64/SMS to SMO is always a treat for my eyes. The game is just gorgeous, and I can literally feel my eyes relaxing with the smooth 60fps. (And that's a good thing if you're gonna spend hours looking at it.)

So yeah, I definitely lean towards SMO, as you can tell. But SM64 is a great speed game too. As others have said, try both, and see which one feels better to you.

Tsukumo, GoodGoomba dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
Tentang Ocarinist_Drew
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