United StatesMageius1 month ago

Question here what are you going to do about the switch version and whether or not it should be included in this or not ? Just wondering as I'm thinking of picking it up since it's on sale right now.

United StatesMageius1 month ago

Okay, so I know I'm not on the Discord but I figured out at least post this here: It's Complete Edition's Any% Gamer difficulty if any form of clarification is needed .

Next Saturday 16:00 BST (11 am EDT) I'll be showcasing it in UKSM's Summer online event

Yep, full game run so I thought anyone interested might carry to know since I'm not on the Discord . (Because yeah more people liking the game. )

Estimate I gave was a 3:30 , because my submission video was a 3:17 with a couple of dumb death's late in to the first PAX Americana mission and 1 death on the final boss not noticing missiles at the very end. But figured I'd at least pass along that info since it cost me like 15 to 20 minutes

United StatesMageius2 months ago

So I'm thinking I might speedrun the game but haven't decided yet. Figured I'd ask is there anything I should know about or things like that if I do decide to do it. Haven't played the game yet but you know what I mean.

United StatesMageius2 months ago

So I'm interested in maybe running the game, is there any notes or things I should know about if I decide to do it?

United StatesMageius10 months ago

So I've managed to come across a copy of the GBA version for pretty cheap although it's in rough shape so I'll have to see if or if not it's still works. But it makes me wonder about if or if not a category for the GBA version should exist. As since we'll I found a cart of the game.

GreyF0x menyukai ini
United StatesMageius1 year ago

Okay so not sure what happened and since at present it looks like the leaderboards might be dead for now: https://discord.gg/FdBx7V7Q That's the main anime speedruns discord

https://discord.gg/ezQwhX5s That's the old Macross and Robotech Speedrun Discord.

If anything happens and the links don't work just message me and I'll try to help where I can. Honestly don't know what happened with the mod and appently the runs on the leaderboards don't exist anymore so as a fellow Robotech speedrunner I'm just trying to do what I can to help.

Haven't ever gone and watched the run for Robotech invasion but:

There's a few other things like being able to clip out of bounce, through stages and climbing some of the walls because of then having collision and being able to mash jump and I believe if I recall transform to climb some of the more vertical surfaces to skip some things but never went through the entire game back then. Don't think I'll ever get back to trying to speedrun the game but figured it was worth posting these here so they don't end up getting buried further in my old twitch clips.

Anyway if anyone ever reads this again the community doesn't even know what happened so at minimum when I noticed I figured it was worth making sure something could be done about it in the future.

United StatesMageius2 years ago

So I'll start by saying I'm a complete idiot when it comes to knowing anything about what's even in theory possible that's already known about or been tried with the speedrun but as a speedrunner who's probably never going to even try a run for the game but does sometimes thinks of crazy ideas I have a question:

Is it possible to do back to back wall jumps in the game provided a wall is high enough?

As I said I sometimes think of dumb Ideas but am no where near knowledge on the game. I ask the question out of just having the dumb idea of if was possible to climb the wall at the start of 1-2 doing that and if so weather running along the ceiling would actually save time.

My gut instinct tells me it's stupid dumb and not worth asking about, but my curiosity as a speedrunner and as someone who lives to know things makes me want to ask about it

Sorry for bothering with asking what probably sounds like something dumb and probably well known but again I just had to open my mouth and ask after my mind thought of something dumb.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

Good evening everyone,

Now I am probably a fool, idiot, stupid and probably dumb for even considering this but I am considering contributing the minimum amount for the game to a "other side tournment" level tournment for Speedgaming live 2021 because which is 11/5-11/13.

Look I'm 100% aware that it's probably a dumb idea and well probably be considered inconsiderate but I honestly think it could be fun to actually see a "snapshot" of a very popular game like Dread 1 month into it's life as a speedrun. Because the game isn't even out yet I thought it was worth it at minimum to ask if anyone would even consider it a smart idea.

Hence this is why I'm writing this and asking for the communities thoughts on anything that would be around this even before I do anything else. I'm far from being the best at conveying my thoughts in text here and am probably getting caught up in the hype of the game finally getting the ability to come out, but as a fan of speedrunning and the series despite not running any games in the series.

Honestly since SGLive haa money on the line and with it happening so close to the game coming out I don't know what the best thing would be to do. All I can do is I guess ask the community here would you want me to do this or would it not be a good idea and that I'm probably just being dumb and inconsiderate with even considering the idea. I'd leave everything up to the community to decide on it but as a fan, a gamer, a small peon, dreamer, and yes an idiot I wanted to ask.

(I know I'm dumb on this one so please don't yell, get mad or complain about me even asking the question despite knowing full well rhe community has a right to, just let me know on this one because I don't want to do something stupid here since I'd only be a fan.)

Please think it over and let me know what the community thinks, if the community says no I'll just probably but the minimum amount ($25) towards one of the other tournaments.

Thank you very much for your time and again sorry for bothering you all.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

So just wondering is there going to be a separate leaderboard for the switch version or not?

Haven't played the switch version but figured I'd ask about it. (Don't know if the switch version has achievements or not.)

United StatesMageius3 years ago

Good afternoon. sorry to bother you all but I wanted to pass along the info for this:

"Hey folks, Licenseathon is back and we'd love to have your licensed game speedruns at our event! This year's event runs from July 30-August 1 and submissions are open from NOW until the end of May.

For those who don't know, we're an online marathon focused on licensed video games specifically. Many games in this meta-genre are rather under-represented in the speedrunning community, and we want to highlight as many of these games' speedruns as we can!

These are games based on an existing franchise, like movies, TV shows, and celebrities. If you want a good idea of what sort of games count as licensed, check this page: https://www.giantbomb.com/licensed-game/3015-1098/. It's not a comprehensive list, but should give you a good idea of the games we accept.

We also have a FAQ on our website that addresses some common questions around our marathon.

If you want to participate or are just curious, stop by our Discord server!"

Look I'm a fan of games based on anime and manga both of which are really under represented when it comes to showing off the speedruns in a marathon setting so I wanted to at least pass along the info to the speedrun communities that run those types of games.

It just didn't feel right posting on the community discord or on each game in a series but still if anyone wouldn't mind passing along the info to the rest of the community Discord. As someone who also speedruns a few games based off anime I just felt it was worth passing along the info.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

So I'm a fan of Star Wars and felt I'd pass along the info for the speedrun marathon since submissions just opened:

"Hey folks, Licenseathon is back and we'd love to have your licensed game speedruns at our event! This year's event runs from July 30-August 1 and submissions are open from NOW until the end of May.

For those who don't know, we're an online marathon focused on licensed video games specifically. Many games in this meta-genre are rather under-represented in the speedrunning community, and we want to highlight as many of these games' speedruns as we can!

These are games based on an existing franchise, like movies, TV shows, and celebrities. If you want a good idea of what sort of games count as licensed, check this page: https://www.giantbomb.com/licensed-game/3015-1098/. It's not a comprehensive list, but should give you a good idea of the games we accept.

We also have a FAQ on our website that addresses some common questions around our marathon.

If you want to participate or are just curious, stop by our Discord server!"

United StatesMageius3 years ago

Good Afternoon all, figured I'd pass this info along in case anyone wanted to show off any of the speedruns:

"Hey folks, Licenseathon is back and we'd love to have your licensed game speedruns at our event! This year's event runs from July 30-August 1 and submissions are open from NOW until the end of May.

For those who don't know, we're an online marathon focused on licensed video games specifically. Many games in this meta-genre are rather under-represented in the speedrunning community, and we want to highlight as many of these games' speedruns as we can!

These are games based on an existing franchise, like movies, TV shows, and celebrities. If you want a good idea of what sort of games count as licensed, check this page: https://www.giantbomb.com/licensed-game/3015-1098/. It's not a comprehensive list, but should give you a good idea of the games we accept.

We also have a FAQ on our website that addresses some common questions around our marathon.

If you want to participate or are just curious, stop by our Discord server!"

I'm a huge fan of games based off of anime and Manga so figured it would be worth at least passing along the info considering it's Gundam. A franchise that's one of the original giant mech animes and manga.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

Good Afternoon all, figured I'd pass this info along in case anyone wanted to show off any of the speedruns:

"Hey folks, Licenseathon is back and we'd love to have your licensed game speedruns at our event! This year's event runs from July 30-August 1 and submissions are open from NOW until the end of May.

For those who don't know, we're an online marathon focused on licensed video games specifically. Many games in this meta-genre are rather under-represented in the speedrunning community, and we want to highlight as many of these games' speedruns as we can!

These are games based on an existing franchise, like movies, TV shows, and celebrities. If you want a good idea of what sort of games count as licensed, check this page: https://www.giantbomb.com/licensed-game/3015-1098/. It's not a comprehensive list, but should give you a good idea of the games we accept.

We also have a FAQ on our website that addresses some common questions around our marathon.

If you want to participate or are just curious, stop by our Discord server!"

I'm a huge fan of games based off of anime and Manga so figured it would be worth at least passing along the info considering it's Gundam. A franchise that's one of the original giant mech animes and manga.

sityslow menyukai ini
United StatesMageius3 years ago

So figured I'd pass along the info here and ask if anyone wouldn't mind passing along the info to some of the Yu-Gi-Oh Speedrun communities:

"Hey folks, Licenseathon is back and we'd love to have your licensed game speedruns at our event! This year's event runs from July 30-August 1 and submissions are open from NOW until the end of May.

For those who don't know, we're an online marathon focused on licensed video games specifically. Many games in this meta-genre are rather under-represented in the speedrunning community, and we want to highlight as many of these games' speedruns as we can!

These are games based on an existing franchise, like movies, TV shows, and celebrities. If you want a good idea of what sort of games count as licensed, check this page: https://www.giantbomb.com/licensed-game/3015-1098/. It's not a comprehensive list, but should give you a good idea of the games we accept.

We also have a FAQ on our website that addresses some common questions around our marathon.

If you want to participate or are just curious, stop by our Discord server!. "

I happen to be a fan of games that are based on anime and manga so thought it was worth passing along but didn't want to stop the info on each game's forum.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

Just wanted to say congrats on doing speed run for the game as this game has been on my list for ages to create one for since it didn't have one.

Just figured since I saw there was one I would pop in to say congrats.

TheStellarStrix menyukai ini
United StatesMageius3 years ago

Good afternoon noon everyone sorry to bother you all but figured I'd pass this along to you all. I'm not admin for it (Well technically I am but am just doing more of the let's pass along info role). Anyway:

Hey folks, Licenseathon is back and we'd love to have your licensed game speedruns at our event! This year's event runs from July 30-August 1 and submissions are open from NOW until the end of May.

For those who don't know, we're an online marathon focused on licensed video games specifically. Many games in this meta-genre are rather under-represented in the speedrunning community, and we want to highlight as many of these games' speedruns as we can!

These are games based on an existing franchise, like movies, TV shows, and celebrities. If you want a good idea of what sort of games count as licensed, check this page: https://www.giantbomb.com/licensed-game/3015-1098/. It's not a comprehensive list, but should give you a good idea of the games we accept.

We also have a FAQ on our website that addresses some common questions around our marathon.

If you want to participate or are just curious, stop by our Discord server!

As I said I felt I should pass this along since I'm a fan of anime based games and series and thought I'd pass the info along in case anyone wanted to submit a game.

United StatesMageius3 years ago

So I'm thinking of maybe picking up the game for the switch to play casually with my SO since she's a fan of the show. And maybe late since I do speedrun games I might consider doing a run. Anything interesting I might want to know speedrun tech wise?

(Yes I run other games so I know the usual stuff on running RPGs)

United StatesMageius3 years ago

So I'm planning on doing some theory crafting and testing to see about finding some sequence breaks, clips, etc. on an older game that uses the Havok physics engine.

Anyone got any suggestions on what type of things I should look for? I kinda don't want to keep jumping) running into, etc on every object and NPC for testing every little thing as I'm normally not someone who usually to run games with this type of tech in 3D games

So I figured I'd ask for advice about what to try and look for.

Sorry for asking since a dumb question but figured it was worth asking before starting anything major since the engine is known for having a lot of these types of things for testing.

Tentang Mageius
7 years ago
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