benang: Kid Icarus
GermanyLaxxus22 days ago

okay, found this from good old gameFAQs, seems to be right at a quick glance:

 ~ Treasure chamber ~

A room with 8 pitchers containing either big hearts or mallets. You need 5
hearts to break a pitcher and reveal the treasure. After collecting your
first treasure, all remaining pitchers disappear.

But there's a catch. If you shoot the pitcher containing the god of poverty,
all the treasures you've uncovered will be lost. However, if you manage to 
break 7 pitchers without uncovering the god of poverty, he will be replaced by 
either a feather, a bottle, a barrel or the credit card! This bonus treasure is 
yours when you shoot the final jar. Since mallets and hearts are so easy to
come by, it's always worth trying to break them all.

If you feel like cheating, there is a way to always get all the treasures. This 
is because there only are four places where the god of poverty can hide, 
depending on what World you're in (thanks to Disch Wersher for this 
information), and depending on where he hides the hearts and mallets will 
appear in set places. First, let's give the pitchers some numbers:

    .1           2.
    ..           ..
    .3           4.
    ...         ...
    .5     6      .
    ....  ...  ....
    .7           8.

In the rooms in World 2 and 3 (Overworld and Skyworld), shoot the pitchers
numbered 2, 3 and 4. In World 1 (Underworld), shoot the pitchers 1, 3 and 8.
Count how many mallets you've uncovered, then look up the god's position in the
chart below.

World 2 and 3
Mallets:  0 1 2 3
Position: 8 5 6 1

World 1
Mallets:  0 1 2 3
Position: 7 2 4 6

Here's a printable version of the above trick. Just mark it, copy it into a
monospace text-editing program, then print it.

 ...............      Kid Icarus
 .1           2.    Treasure chamber
 ..           ..
 .3           4.  World 2 and 3: break 2, 3, 4
 ...         ...        World 1: break 1, 3, 8
 .5     6      .
 ....  ...  ....              Mallets: 0 1 2 3
 .7           8.   Position (2 and 3): 8 5 6 1
 ...............         Position (1): 7 2 4 6
AiSnake dan Thee_Deadguy menyukai ini
benang: Kid Icarus
GermanyLaxxus22 days ago

I don't remember specifics but I am pretty sure there are certain patterns and the losing pot can only be in certain positions, so by shooting some safe pots you can determine the pattern and avoid losing completely. So it is possible to get a consistent win if you know the patterns (which I couldn't tell you right now)

GermanyLaxxus7 months ago

If I remember correctly for some reason the bowling ball at the beginning deals double damage with the right timing. Couldn't explain to you why though

ScarfaceNico menyukai ini
GermanyLaxxus8 months ago

it ends at Bowser which is the end of the game...

pile menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus1 year ago

Sounds like I wanna be the Boshy.

jackzfiml, Grovmaw dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
GermanyLaxxus1 year ago

You can also just use a splitter if the capture card doesn't have passthrough. For a composite signal there is no need for a powered splitter, a Y-cable does the job. For HDMI definitely use a powered splitter.

And please don't convert retro console outputs to HDMI without a good upscaler like retrotink or ossc. The latency (and sometimes quality) is horrible.

Matse007 menyukai ini
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

Yeah, works the same way on spikes. I don't know of any way to use it in runs to save time though.

benang: The Site
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

There shouldn't be a Famicom category to begin with. No reason to divide into NES and Famicom. (and there used to be no FC category until recently which is why it has almost no games in it)

Also without looking through all of it you definitely list games that were on NES as well, like Kabuki Quantum Fighter.

benang: The Site
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

You actually don't write your name when submitting as a moderator but select "You are Player 1", then you can't fail writing your name.

M_CBL_, jackzfiml dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

It is generally pretty hard to TAS PC games, there are almost no tools that actually work. There was Hourglass (which was discontinued at some point) and there is libTAS, not sure if there is anything else. Generally you don't just have an easy tool to TAS PC games (especially more modern games) like you can do with emulators for consoles.

I think Celeste for example has their own custom TAS-tools but they might be based on libTAS.

Lameshark dan grnts menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

I don't :) Resets are the best.

nWoShroomy menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

There are also a ton of smaller marathons you could show off the game, it doesn't have to be gdq immediately. Always has the chance of having a viewer getting interested in it. But don't expect too much, most games will never get popular and just get a handful runners at most.

benang: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

no, that is perfectly fine, analogue stick or dpad does not matter (and it is rather a disadvantage anyway, usually easier to get accidental diagonals for example). Only stuff like turbo buttons would be an issue and not be allowed.

benang: The Site
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

Also I wish I could still switch someone else's profile to ordered by date cause sometimes I just wanna see what they ran last.

diggity, NoobKillerRoof dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

It looks absolutely awful and a lot more unclear because everything spreads over several rows. Especially on NES runs, 4 rows for one run, what a master piece of design.

The re-order option is neat even though I don't really care about it

TheDough_Nut, NoobKillerRoof dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

There are games with similar behaviours like that or a certain RNG manip works through setting something up before starting the actual run (for example Final Fantasy 6 does a manipulation to get certain RNG seeds for encounters and such, FF 3 NES has something similar). This here is not really RNG manip but feels pretty similar in the result to me.

So there are definitely games that allow this stuff (and I'm sure other games ban it), so it is pretty much up to the community of the game if they want to allow it. Since apparently you are the community, it is your decision ;-)

And if it is allowed there can arguments be made for making it a seperate category, depending on the impact and also how tedious/slow it is to even set up. But since it seems to stay for the whole session and you don't have to set it up again before every run, it's probably not too annoying to do.

LumKitty menyukai ini
benang: Power Blade
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

so I was just typing my answer explaining what the problem for us was... when I realized that both Xen and I are just stupid :D so for some reason we were like "yeah, that reset at the beginning looks like a savestate because it goes instant to the title screen instead of having a black screen first for a bit"... but there never was a reset, you just went from the intro cutscene to the title screen lol I will have to review my decision, you are probably good, sorry for that haha but for future reference: please try to actually include a reset at the beginning of the video for verification purposes.

Tinnue, xenkaroshi, dan rotorstorm331 menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

VVVVVV is a very fast paced platformer.

benang: Speedrunning
GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

Final Fantasy 5 skips the real final boss Neo Exdeath by applying berserk to Exdeath Tree, so his AI skips over the part of his script to summon Neo Exdeath.

GermanyLaxxus2 years ago

no, sorry, I have never looked at the memory. But if you find something out, I would definitely be interested in it.

Personally I like to time my attacks instead of mashing for most of the game but you surely have a better mash than me, so maybe it just works out like that.

Slackanater menyukai ini
Tentang Laxxus
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