United KingdomKrytzen2 months ago

Must be an error on my device ig

United KingdomKrytzen2 months ago

AND its not molten, its easy mode

United KingdomKrytzen2 months ago

This isnt Lay By, this is Grass Isle

United KingdomKrytzen3 months ago

Where mah old runs go?

Is legacy not getting them?

United KingdomKrytzen3 months ago

I know its flawed, ill fix it

United KingdomKrytzen4 months ago

dpends on the map, for some maps you can swap g scout for g cowboy, but mostly what alby said

United KingdomKrytzen4 months ago

Plus, the game doesn't actually count the time after for the triumph screen

United KingdomKrytzen4 months ago

Phew, I thought this was official, no, this is ridiculously difficult for like, ANYONE with a lower end device, Its already obvious in my runs alone (with the ryzen 5) that a lot of devices struggle to run 1080 recording obs and roblox at speedrun pace alone. A timer would help to lag the device even further, genius. If the game has a free timer, honestly just use it, my device, and probably a lot more (ryzen 5 is supposed to be above average) already struggle. Lets not do this, or encourage this.

Tidak diketahui
United KingdomKrytzen4 months ago

I have beaten it, Imma try one more time before submitting the true best run to both with and without event categories, G Scout > Glad now

Tentang Krytzen
4 months ago
1 month ago
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