Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

Recently opened! Discord for general TWEWY speedrunning, for future discussion and communication.


Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman3 years ago

Mirroring my notes from the demo

  • No skippable cutscenes at the start, I hope that changes in the final version.
  • Dialogues with voices can only be mashed with A, which is awkward. Dialogues with no voices are mashable with A and B. You can mash VERY fast.
  • I don't think there's any difference between JP/EN voices for now, there's a dialogue at the end of day 2 that waits for the voice line to play but I did one run with each and I saved less than a second in the EN run to better mashing.
  • Neutral Groove Attack (whatever they are called) is really good, you can charge another one pretty easily using the multi strikes during it. Fire Groove Attack is also pretty good as a nuke and easy to obtain. I still have no idea how to switch between them though lmao.
  • Fret's "remind" minigames are always the same directions, so they are easy to learn.
  • I didn't have too much strategy tested in fights but both bosses are weak to fire. Pyrokinesis AKA Firestorm is pretty weak for the gorilla but it racks up Groove very fast. The fire sword pin you get after MKN is ideal for gorilla, the rabbit blast pin would also be great but I think Noise fights are not random and I haven't found any ravens in the way, so not worth it, I think.
  • Using Minamimoto's default pin and letting it evolve is better than changing to ice pillar. I had Rindo use sword pins all the way (Shockwave -> D2 mission -> MKN fire sword) and changed Fret from Force Rounds to Firestorm to the other force rounds pin, but maybe he can use something else instead.
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

It took a while because of misc life stuff and other projects, but leaderboards have been overhauled, with tabs separating versions instead.

Things to know about:

  • All categories for Final Remix should now allow to submit with 1 or 2 players. I've added a small rule that player 1 in the submission should be the one controlling Neku, should to make it easier to know who is who right away.

  • Since current NG+ rules were not suited for Final Remix, as some people pointed out, no extra categories other than Any% Normal are in its leaderboards. If anyone is willing to route/run a new version of it, it can be added.

  • Similarly, since All Secret Reports has only been run and will only be run for now in NDS, it's only a leaderboard in there for now.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman5 years ago

Opening this for anyone to contribute about any possible speedy stuff in Final Remix.

Specifically interested in:

-What ruleset should this version have compared to the others? -General differences and things that can be exploited in this version -Decks/equipment for each partner -Is 1p2c worth it?

Contribute with anything you may have! Vids are greatly appreciated

ROMaster2 menyukai ini
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman6 years ago

Yo, I've been willing to learn this game for quite a while now and I'm finally getting around to it, but the link for the guide in the sidebar isn't working (goes to a generic Dropbox "file not found" screen).

Having this route in hand would make it way easier to learn as I don't have much free time to just study WR/completed runs, is there any mirror for it?

BambooShadow menyukai ini
Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

So I was contacted by a runner called St4rwave in Twitter and later in Discord, who was interested in running the game but found Any% too long, and we started talking about the possibility of creating a shorter category through NG+.

After consulting it a bit with eekcast we came to an agreement on rules for it. Today, now that I'm home from ESA, I finished writing these rules and added it to the leaderboards, will be doing a run, optimizing the route and making a pastebin for it in the next days, but for now I wanted to open a thread to explain the rules and get any possible feedback:

** - Complete every main game day (every day except Another Day) in any given order. A day is considered complete when the save screen after the end card appears. **

Of course NG+ means starting the days from the phone menu. I don't know if there's any weird order for the days that makes it faster but I'd assume just starting on W1D1 and going through the days as normal works. The saving card clarification is just a universal way to include the credits since it'sthe standard for Any%, and in case they're not the last thing in the run they should be included.

** - Timing starts when selecting any day in the phone menu and ends after saving in the 21st completed day. Check in-game time at the start before selecting a day and subtract it to the in-game time on the last save to get the IGT. **

Just a small clarification on how to count the IGT.

** - All battles that give a results screen must be done on Normal difficulty, except those which are mandatory for progression within the game.**

This almost couldn't have been a rule, honestly doing this in Easy could've worked but there's a reason this rule exists for regular Any%. I tested the only reason you'd want to change difficulty in NG+, and you can die to Taboo Minamimoto just like in NG, which IMO makes the rule worth having.

** - All post-game pins and items are not allowed. You can find a full list of banned items here: https://pastebin.com/aepz7LCi**

This is the main contention point of NG+, since you could just overpower yourself to the max before starting a run and just get a way better time than anybody else. This category should be able to be started right from completing NG, even if you have to prepare a bit before doing so. Anything that could IN THEORY be prepared doing NG is allowed for that reason, while anything that is exclusive to NG+ isn't allowed

** - You may prepare a pin deck and builds for every character in advance.**

Similar to last rule's reasoning. As long as this build in advance doesn't break that rule, it'll be allowed.

** - All characters can not have any base stat above 10, except BRV. **

ATK starts at 10 for every character while DEF starts at 0. The base value doesn't change unless you eat stat-boosting food. Obviously this is a problem for NG+ because you could just boost your attack to the max. Defence, however, doesn't necessarily make any fight faster, only safer, so with this rule anybody who wants to take it safer can prepare beforehand. BRV of course can't be controlled like the other stats but the NG+ equipment ban makes it not worth to be boosted to the max. Base drop rate also doesn't really affect the route in any way.

** - Text skip is allowed.**

Pretty obvious. Hold L or R to go fast.

Barcelona, CataloniaHerreteman7 years ago

I've been working on and off on adapting my notes into an actual written route, with boss strats and everything necessary.


Also submitted it as a guide but I don't fully trust that what I wrote is good enough, any amount of feedback is appreciated.

ROMaster2 dan st4rwave menyukai ini
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