United StatesGoldenBoko2 years ago

Sounds about right, I figured there would be another way to get the key faster. Ill keep playing with this glitch, but I’m not certain that it’s consistent. It very well may be hardware related. Thanks for the quick reply!

United StatesGoldenBoko2 years ago

Hey all, I am a casual Herc’s Adventure player and have an interesting story to tell and question to ask.

I play a co-op playthrough with my brother every few years or so, and our last one had a very interesting occurrence. We can’t remember the exact chain of events, but somehow we were able to duplicate “Io the cow” thus allowing us to receive 2 Hera keys in Elis. I remember we delivered the first cow in some strange way, and were then able to trigger Hera’s initial dialogue rather than her usual “get outta here” dialogue. Upon returning to Sparta, io the cow was back in her cage ready to be brought to Elis for a second time. Delivery of the second cow yielded another Hera key.

Recently during a new playthrough we have attempted this again, but with no success. Hera simply accepts the first cow regardless of how we deliver, and never gives the initial quest giving dialogue.

There are lots of variables to consider in the order of operations; whether we talked to Hera BEFORE the first trip to Sparta, whether we officially delivered the first cow or simply left it on the ground during the first trip, whether console differences could have caused a “bug” (original instance may have been on ps2 90k w/ FDS active; currently testing on ps1 original)

My question is this: if collecting 2 Hera keys in Elis can be consistent, could it be useful for the speedrun? What are Hera keys useful for, and would a second trip from Sparta to Elis be faster than another method of acquiring one?

United StatesGoldenBoko2 years ago

So short answer: Super gameboy runs faster than other methods, but the time can be converted which makes the run legit.

United StatesGoldenBoko2 years ago

Super gameboy is allowed, however it runs at a slightly faster clock speed than the original gameboy. There is a link to a formula under “rules” that converts SGB time to the proper timing. Super gameboy 2 fixed the timing issue and runs at the same speed as original gameboy. Imo SGB1 games run fine, the extra speed can actually make the games more enjoyable. However, there is a slight screen “stutter” that occurs every now and then which accounts for the increase in speed. Visually its a little messier. Always having to tell your chat that your splits have to be converted at the end can be annoying as well.

United StatesGoldenBoko4 years ago

Correction: i currently own the SGB for SNES, not the GBP for Gamecube

United StatesGoldenBoko4 years ago

Im interested in speedrunning this game, but after having taken a look at the hardware requirements i have a question on what is allowed.

I currently only own a North American SNES and the original GBP. I could run on this hardware and simply convert my times, but i may prefer to play on the more accepted SGB2.

My question is this: if i "mod" my NA SNES to work with the SGB2 by removing the cartridge slot tabs from the console, will my runs be disqualified for use of "modded" hardware?

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