Florida, USAGUITARMACIST6 years ago

Hey guys and girls, Guitarmacist here regarding the 100% category. I'd like to suggest changing the rules, they currently state "all items" must be bought to get 100%. As long as you have all 40 coins and all boss clears you will have 100%, and since the last coin is in the casino it adds an awkward pathing at the end of the game that also messes with auto-split. (Basically you have to go to Inkwell Hell, get the casino coin, then go back to Isle Three and buy the last item from Porkrind, then go back to Hell and finish the game.)

I'd like to propose nixing the item requirement but keeping the coin requirement of course. This would also add more diversity in strategies considering buying items vs time loss.

Also, Supers are not explicitly stated in the rules either but "all levels" is. But "levels" could be misconstrued as Run n' Guns only, not Mausoleums. So the new 100% completion rules would be: All bosses (regular), all coins (this takes care of all 6 Run N' Gun requirements as well as all World Map coins and the completion of the tutorial for that coin), and all supers. (this takes care of the Mausoleum requirements)

Please let me know your thoughts and thanks for considering. Really looking forward to working with yall on this run. :)

6 years ago
6 years ago