ExplodingCabbage7 years ago

The link also works if you copy and paste it into your URL bar instead of clicking on it. I'd guess that SDA blocks incoming traffic that has speedrun.com as the referer to prevent SDA videos being embedded on speedrun.com.

ExplodingCabbage7 years ago

Yeah, the Maw kill with Throw is cool. :) Engy and I wanted to use that strat back in the SDA run in 2010, but couldn't because we were going lightside.

ExplodingCabbage7 years ago

Heat has really complicated triggers that it took me a bunch of effort to work out back in 2011 when I improved the run of that level on SDA. I got a 5:28 run in 2011, compared to the 6:11 currently listed as WR here - and I see that some of the mistakes made in the 6:11 are ¤also¤ made in the top full-game runs here. So I thought I'd share what you don't know.

This comment of mine on Surviv0r's 6:11 run covers all the mistakes I could find:

It's worth not only anyone who wants to take on this level but also people doing full-game runs having a read and improving their route; even on the scale of full-game runs, 40 seconds is a big chunk of time!

My original run can be viewed at:

(and my 2011 commentary read at http://speeddemosarchive.com/CallOfDuty4.html under the section "Mark Amery's comments") for the who are interested.

Tentang ExplodingCabbage
7 years ago
7 years ago
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