Indiana, USADwindlin6 years ago

Yeah unfortunately the handful of times I've tried it, it doesn't seem to even last out of sector 5 (I assume because my non-walking steps aren't consistent). So prior to Rocket Town if I get pincer just have to fight until I can escape yeah? (without blowing limits I assume)

Indiana, USADwindlin6 years ago

New to attempting this speed run. Using mainly the Any% No Slots guide by CreativeEly. I've heard several people comment that you don't HAVE to do step count, and even some recommend not worrying about it while new to the run. My question is, if I choose to ignore it how to I handle the unaccounted for random battles, especially attacks from both sides? No one has really commented on how to proceed if you aren't doing step count. Also, if I don't want to focus on step count yet is there a better guide/video to use for learning the run?


Tentang Dwindlin
6 years ago
5 years ago