Washington, USADestroshade3 years ago

so im trying to capture my emulator in obs but i can't figure out how to get it to display the bar that says what emulator im using since thats part of the rules

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Washington, USADestroshade3 years ago

hey so im thinking of starting to run this game but can someone tell me what is a blue balls?

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benang: Speedrunning
Washington, USADestroshade3 years ago

well the run in question knocked my friend out of being first place for the apprentice solo any% so thats why i had asked the mod of the board and he told me basically asking was an offense to the guys run i would show you all the thread but well he commented on it the other day then deleted it before i could read his last reply

benang: Speedrunning
Washington, USADestroshade3 years ago

im glad im not the only one who finds no audio runs to be weird and out of place sadly the guy who runs the for the king board does not seem to care and basically jumped on me when i asked why a run with elevator music had been approved when there was no in game audio

benang: Speedrunning
Washington, USADestroshade3 years ago

i just think it's weird to not have in game audio i understand not every one is a fan of music they listen to for hours and hour on end but most games have sliders for that

benang: Speedrunning
Washington, USADestroshade3 years ago

would you accept a speedrun where there is no in game audio and said in game audio is covered up by some weird elevator music

Washington, USADestroshade4 years ago

hey i was wondering what emulators are allowed for any% because it does not say and also wondering if anyone could teach me this run

benang: Hammerwatch
Washington, USADestroshade4 years ago

hey does anyone play this anymore

Tentang Destroshade
4 years ago
2 years ago
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