benang: Dark Souls
United StatesDazzanii2 months ago

Checked the game files. Nothing was wrong. After that I was able to fix some corrupted files in windows with the commands you gave me. Unfortunately that didn't solve my issue. I ultimately had to reinstall windows, and that's what fixed my problem. Thank you both for replying to my message. Also, sorry for the late response. I finally was able to have some free time to work on this.

benang: Dark Souls
United StatesDazzanii3 months ago

I've been using gadgetlemage with no issues until today. Every time I use the hotkey to create a weapon or kill a black knight, it keeps crashing my game. I've tried multiple things and can't seem to fix it. Has anyone else had this issue and know how to fix it? Thanks

United StatesDazzanii4 years ago

I've been trying to get autosplitter to work for months now, I was just about ready give up lol. Deleting .exe is what worked for me as well, thanks for the information Guiizera.

Tentang Dazzanii
6 years ago
2 months ago