Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone5 years ago

I would like to run this game (probably pretty poorly), I play on PSX, but I cannot find an input display anywhere for PSX/PS1, does anyone know where I could find one? I use xsplit and not OBS.

Riekelt menyukai ini
Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone6 years ago

So, instead of making a new thread, I decided to update this thread. Due to a cleanup on the resources page, I decided to host my romhack on mediafire at the below link.


This folder contains 3 files. The speed run file is version 1 (an inferior version), that I kept just for those crazy people who want to speed run it. The v2 file is the upto date version, and the best one for a playthrough. And of course the word document is a full spoiler walkthrough. Use with caution, as reading too far will spoil further aspects.

BambooShadow menyukai ini
Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone7 years ago

I thought you had a quicker run that wasn't uploaded?

Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

Lately for me, having profanity targetted towards moblin skip in my stream title.

Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

I think elphezo is also known for the original reverse rooster skip.

Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

I am wondering everyone's opinion on this. I understand that people can submit no S&Q times to the S&Q category, but this is a bit of a cop-out to those who dedicate to S&Q runs. I am wondering what everyone's thoughts would be to S&Q requiring at least 1 S&Q.

Warr90 menyukai ini
Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

Any% - Main No S&Q - Main 100% - Main

AI - Misc Legacy - Misc S&Q - Misc (since its basically the same thing as no S&Q minus a handful of detours)

Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

Yes to separate, don't mind if it is its own category under misc.

Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

I forgot about that zorlax lol, yeah, save and quit by accident and submitted the run for S&Q.

Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

PS: My mic was muted by mistake

Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

I don't run any%, but I believe ACE should be banned and assumed emulator only, until such a time where it can be proved with video evidence that it can be done on console.

Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

1, Chest didn't open, Can't be seen on frame advance (Chest opens in GTs run and can hear it open)

Agreed, skipped the frame where it is opened, and I think this is the most key thing.

2, Game screen increases in Size upon the white screen (GT's doesn't)

Again, I agree with this.

3, The last few frames of his video is reverts back to the Chest room where he softlocked in?

Possibly if he was indeed screen capturing twitch, it may have reverted to a default image, however I do not believe this the case.

4, Credits don't play out..

Now, technically runs should always have credits played out on a PB. Some people don't and they get verified, that's the verifier's discretion, but people need to get into the habit of letting credits play because of issues like this.

5, Sound levels are bad quality.

They are bad, but I don't think this is conclusive.

6, Sound cuts out on Sword being collected. 7, Played on VBA?

Sound cut out could be caused by VBA, or a number of things. I can tell you though, this is not BGB. BGB doesn't display the colours as bright as this.

8, Best Actor of 2015 goes too.......

I don't think this can really be considered a valid point, although it did seem he was certain he would get the 1 in several hundred chance of having ACE work. So, take from it what you will.

9, The game quality is different when he opens the chest. See the pictures below

This for me is along side the skipping chest open puts it beyond doubt.

10, Screen captured from Twitch Past boardcast (Broadcast now deleted) 11, Why didn't he just highlight this broadcast? (Because he had to splice it duh)

I believe OBS local records while you stream too, as does xsplit.

Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

Wow, occasionally you get 1 runner getting white scene every now and a game in 1 run. I have gotten 3 total in 9 months of speed running this game. I have never known someone to do it twice on the same day.

Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

Lol Tompa thinking you cant do it because of cue ball and the boss rooms. Cravone prooving him wrong xD. Was a fun race. GG to warr, and thanks for the puzzle tompa!

Tompa dan Warr90 menyukai ini
Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

It's difficult because if it were any other category, ACE wouldn't be allowed, but any% is different. Any% has to be the fastest completion of the game for it to be true any%, it can't be stipulated. However, ACE has effectively killed the category. I won't run it now for instance. I would be for it being separated.

Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

Ammended WW definition slightly.

Poitou-Charentes, FranceCravone8 years ago

I think this could be much better cleared up just with short concised rulesets on each category page. For instance:

Any% Rules:

Finish The Game.

All Instruments%:

Collect all 8 instruments. Finish The Game

Any% No S&Q:

Collect all 8 instruments. Finish The Game

No Wrong Warp No Out of Bounds No ACE No S&Q No Deathwarps

See definitions at bottom

Any% S&Q:

Collect all 8 instruments Finish The Game

No Wrong Warp No Out of Bounds No ACE

See definitions at bottom


Collect all 8 Instruments Collect all 12 Heart Pieces Collect all 3 Upgrades (Powder, Bombs, Arrows) Collect all 12(?) Pictures Collect Ocarina + All 3 songs Collect Level 2 Sword from 20 Seashells Collect Boomerang through trading quest Collect either blue or red tunic Finish The Game

No Wrong Warp No Out Of Bounds No ACE

See definitions at bottom


Wrong Warp - A screen transition that takes you to a destination unintended by the game. (Suggested by Disclude) Example: Doghouse, Grim Creeper Warp


Out of Bounds -

  1. Screen transitioning where the last tile Link's Sprite occupied is a tile unable to be naturally occupied by Link's Sprite.
  2. Positioning Link's Sprite on two consecutive tiles in which Link's Sprite cannot naturally occupy.
  3. Using Superswim to Remove Collision. Examples of OoB: Walls, Doors, Areas outside of designated cave walls. Examples of Non-OoB: Pits, Lava, Water, Switch Blocks.


ACE (Arbitory Code Execution) - Using file names to warp to credits.


S&Q - Using the save and quit function.


Deathwarping - Intentionally or Unintentionally dieing where the number of screen transitions to the next destination is less than if a death had not occurred.

These are in effect what we have at the moment. I think the key here is where Link's sprite can naturally appear. Under this, the debated topics:

  • Villa Skip - Allowed
  • Dungeon 4 Tunnel Traveling to D4 - Banned
  • Jesus Jumping - Allowed
  • Dungeon 6 Boss Key Superjump Return - Allowed if done correctly, Softlocking counts as OoB
  • Rooster Skip Skip - Banned
  • Flame Skip Skip - Banned
  • Blaino Skip - Banned
  • Dungeon 8 Switchblock Skip - Allowed
  • Dungeon 7 Boss Key Skip - Allowed
  • Grim Creeper Glitch - Banned
  • Dungeon 4 Superswim - Banned

Does this make it easier to understand? I do not know the exact definitions for WW and ACE, so correct me with those, and take what you will from those definitions. Just putting my input in to see if I could add clarity to what we already have.

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