CosmicRelativity2 years ago

This speedrun (https://www.speedrun.com/scp_foundation_facility_site_35/run/yo75640m) should be moved to glitched or be redone since the door outside the interrogation room was either opened by a person or broke because of an exploiter.

CosmicRelativity2 years ago

Since legacy doesn’t allow mobile to sprint, it would make sense to add a category for it. It isn’t fair getting beaten by a few seconds just because a guy had a PC and can sprint.

CosmicRelativity2 years ago

Since the only categories here are escapes, we can probably add more miscellaneous categories like getting all the cards, dimension speedruns (1123 and 106), kill speedruns, point a to point b speedruns, etc.. Just more categories would make a fun challenge to try beating.

CosmicRelativity3 years ago

So anyways, I’ll resubmit the run.

CosmicRelativity3 years ago

My run from days ago just got rejected lmao.

CosmicRelativity3 years ago

No mention that swords/batons are not allowed.

Time starts on touching the bottom of the stairs or from trying to enter anything from the stairs Time ends upon exiting the prison / touching the ground outside the prison.

You must physically touch the stairs.

You must use a keycard

No one is allowed to help you.

Launch menyukai ini
CosmicRelativity3 years ago

^ Was accepted.

CosmicRelativity3 years ago

But I did have a keycard. Criminals and cops don’t have any difference in walkspeed or anything. It should be treated as the same with the other runs.

CosmicRelativity3 years ago

My run submission was rejected because I can only use keycard? The rules didn’t state that you can’t use a sword/baton. Why was it rejected?

CosmicRelativity3 years ago

I put my run in the wrong category. You’re free to delete it as I corrected it. Btw the wrong one was in the City Base category and not the Volcano Base.

Tentang CosmicRelativity
3 years ago
2 years ago
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