CanadaCivitello2 years ago

"But it's explicitly disallowed in av categories" Simple compromise, require any segments to split during one of the versions instead of in between.

CanadaCivitello2 years ago

"would need to be done in one sitting as av runs are exploitable otherwise" Segmenting is explicitly allowed in AA categories.

CanadaCivitello3 years ago

Mods generally won't consider categories that have never been finished. Want to see the category? Run it!

CanadaCivitello3 years ago

You know what would solve this necro issue? Allowing people to sort threads by date of OP instead of only by date of last reply.

CanadaCivitello3 years ago

TAS runs are a thing (I'm not sure if they are on this site though), those are without a doubt "hacked" runs, minecraft doesn't have save states and speed changes, those had to be "hacked" in. FSG is a lot like cheating. Heck one could even argue Icarus is a kind of cheating. All those categories of runs have rules that level the playing field within the category and none of those categories are "dumb" or "stupid". Some may be perceived as "easier" than others, but that doesn't mean that they are inherently "lesser".

Hacker versus Hacker competition is a thing for tons of games. And for competitors it can be rewarding, fun, and challenging. For viewers it can be interesting, entertaining, educational, and impressive. The key is that all participants in the competition are playing by the same rules.

A hacked run category would be very challenging to moderate and verify, heck, even coming up with a set of rules that would be enforceable, fair, interesting, and fun which enough people could agree on would be difficult. I would say, don't allow any cheats that would allow you to do something that couldn't be done by a player in a set seed TAS. This allows for things like assistance with speed bridging, aim assist, and x-ray but wouldn't allow flight or teleportation.

There's nothing stopping you from loading up a client, recording a run and posting it to youtube. I suggest calling it Random Seed Anarchy, or if you have rules Random Seed Partial Anarchy.

If you do, I suggest that you list all the modules that you used in the description, and disclose in the title that it is an Anarchy or Partial Anarchy run.

If you make an interesting video and people watch it, then you're on your way to creating a new category, I doubt it would get approved by the speedrun.com/mc mods and verifiers, but that doesn't matter, you can make your own leaderboard.

CanadaCivitello3 years ago

This would make as much sense as solo runs in coop categories.

CanadaCivitello3 years ago

What part don't you understand?

Owfi menyukai ini
CanadaCivitello3 years ago

I found a slight optimization to improve the current standard sequence of inputs for a keyboard world creation macro/script, you can remove an input by using Shift+Tab to go back and up through the menu to "Create World" instead of Tab to go forward and down. Assuming that you are using the 70ms delay recommended in the rules, you will save one input and 70ms. Current (Total Delay: 1050ms): Tab Enter Tab Tab Tab Enter Tab Enter Enter Enter Tab Tab Tab Tab Tab Enter Optimized (Total Delay: 980ms): Tab Enter Tab Tab Tab Enter Tab Enter Enter Enter Shift+Tab Shift+Tab Shift+Tab Shift+Tab Enter

Really a tiny optimization, over 1000 runs that's just over a minute, so, certainly worth tweaking your script/macro if you are in the habit of doing several thousand resets a week but probably not worth it if you're doing less than that.

Significantly greater speed should be possible by using mouse inputs, but I am unsure how well that would work with the verification process.

EllaTAS, xrup dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
CanadaCivitello3 years ago

As long as you have access to all the files and it is not using any mods that aren't permitted, that should be fine.

CanadaCivitello3 years ago

I am writing an AHK script for cooperative speedrunning server resetting that needs to input server ip addresses and the /stop command. I know that there is a 70 ms requirement for inputs but am wondering if something like:

Send, t Sleep, 70 Send, /stop Sleep, 70 Send, {Enter}

Is acceptable (it send the entirety of /stop all at once, as if pasted in) or would it count as multiple inputs and have to be split up like this:

Send, t Sleep, 70 Send, / Sleep, 70 Send, s Sleep, 70 Send, t Sleep, 70 Send, o Sleep, 70 Send, p Sleep, 70 Send, {Enter}

I suspect and hope it is acceptable as it would make the script/macro a heck of a lot easier to write and it would also perform faster.

I would like an answer citing someone of authority or a direct answer from someone of authority.

CanadaCivitello3 years ago

I am working on a variety of tools, scripts, macros, documentation, and more to help with cooperative speedrunning. I want to release them for the benefit of the community. What open source license do other members of the community (especially developers) think should be used?

Encripted dan leto_saa menyukai ini
CanadaCivitello3 years ago

You can do window capture on a timer and add it as a source in obs, then you can put it on top.

guffguffguffy menyukai ini
CanadaCivitello3 years ago

This is something me and my teammates could really take advantage of for our AA runs! I added some issues to the tracker that need to be resolved for us to be able to make use of it. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help/thank you. Thanks. Linux support Add way to turn off or disable Add rename world instead of delete Add Enable Autosave Support

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