United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

This was one of the first skips we found, here's me doing it not even a month after the game's release and before I really knew how to do it consistently

I think this would be classified as a glitch though. I can talk it over with other runners if you disagree as my say isn't exactly the final say

peck324 menyukai ini
United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

as long as you dont go above 100fps you will be fine. right now the only known glitches are possible on all versions of the game, so FPS doesnt really matter on Cold Darkness

Voldez menyukai ini
United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

You might be calling certain skips differently than we have in the past. the gondola skip is after you pass through shanty on the way to the beach. as for the area not loading after clipping the gate (like 25 minutes or so before the gondola skip), that could be a patching issue. you can't do that skip on vanilla, you have to be on the latest patch. is there any chance you can upload a video of it? I might be thinking of different skips or errors

United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

this would be a very interesting way of skipping cutscenes. Here's to hoping huge skips are found to either minimize this or make it unnecessary

United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

I usually limit myself to 2 hour long runs, so yes, please bring this time down. Dont worry about massive improvements, those can come from a single trick or even just better movement. I honestly don't know of anyone who would see a big difference in time and decide not to run it. I know several people who dont run a game because there isn't a community or runners. come on in and let us know if we can help and I personally look forward to the improvements

United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

Genesis, do you sleep? like ever? haha

Since that is a small thing, I'm not going to change anything. and it was done before these rules were in place, so no worries there jawibae.

to clarify about doing "scramble jumps" on accident is quite simple. if you can make a jump without it, then do so and you are safe. There really isn't much in the way of accidental areas that it could happen. but if someone is looking for new skips, it's best to just look for them without it, or at least confirm you can do it without.

For the cliffside bunker, if you are against shooting the lift at the top, there is a way around it that I used in This Run (<-- that's a link) which also shows the way through here, skipping killing all enemies, and how real the struggle is.

United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

the problem we ran into, is what is and is not allowed? someone may come in and say, "hey, i didn't do any glitch", so eventually rules will need to be put into place. the skips listed do not use any kind of glitch. skipless and glitchless are not the same thing as well (this became a big debate on several other games and the Ocarina of Time rule set have a wonderfully worded section in their rules: "This category aims to ban things solely based on the techniques used, not the results of those techniques. To the extent that common sense allows, we may explain this as: "If the means are not a glitch, neither are the ends." So if you do not perform a glitch, you may skip any part of the game, regardless of how important"). In your run, jumping down the ladder after the deer door, which "skips" the intended climbing animation is one of the examples. Also one could argue that shooting a guy with a shield over the shield is not intended. This is a discussion that needed to happen. I dont think that we have the perfect system in place, but something needed to be there. I also welcome this discussion as I know everyone has different thoughts. There honestly isn't a way to please everyone.

klearion menyukai ini
United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

These are the general ideas that were discussed by a few runners. if you disagree, feel free to comment giving your reasoning. Potentially overlooked skips, please bring them up. In the case you are unsure of what a skip is, please ask.

Using a scramble jump to skip a climbing animation on the cliff side at the start is NOT allowed.

After the Deer Door, you can start climbing down the ladder, then hop back up and jump down to save time. This is allowed.

climbing onto the roof edge to skip up the wolf cave is allowed. Wolf Cave

Holding aim to skip an animation in the wolf cave is allowed.

jumping over the door before the AR is NOT allowed. AR Door

jumping on the rocks to skip the rope arrow use after obtaining them is allowed. Rope Arrow Skip

before the monastery, jumping on the pillar to skip rope arrow usage is allowed

after exiting the monastery, there is a chance to get a Molotov airwalk accidentally. if this happens, reload checkpoint, or just kill the Molotov guy in the first place

the wall jump to skip fire arrows is allowed, but there is no way to get through the next gate without clipping it, so at least right now, it is not usable.

skipping Grim fight #1, the method by jumping on the fence and on the wall is allowed, the other methods, which require clipping, are NOT allowed. Grim Fight 1

Grim Fight #2, Molotov Airwalks are banned. Molotov Airwalk

Friendship Skip (end of Geothermal Cavern), is allowed as long as you jump from the fence. the pickaxe attack along the wall is NOT allowed. Friendship Skip

The deer jump (before returning to shantytown) is allowed. Deer Jump

Triggering the end of the airboat fight by going underneath is NOT allowed.

cutscene skip when first getting to the beach is allowed. Beach cutscene skip

Cliffside Bunker; using the pillar to skip to the second floor is allowed.

Elevator puzzle; clipping the door (in any method) or falling through the metal grating is NOT allowed Elevator Grating clip

jump rolling during the walkie talkie scene on the way back to the boat is allowed.

"crazy legs" is allowed

final puzzle skip is NOT allowed. Final Puzzle Skip

skipping the walkie-talkie on the final climb is allowed.

final fight skip is NOT allowed. Final Fight

United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

There's a "Tomb Runner" discord that has a channel for each TR game. I believe this is the link for it


benang: ReCore
United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

There's another forum post with the Discord Link. but here it is. I'll help out in any way I can. See ya in there https://discord.gg/3frsmZW

United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

what would the difference be between low% and any%? seems like there is only minor restrictions and assuming that the any% route defeats more bosses and possess more creatures to make a bigger difference. And it's probably just me, but do we really need meme categories? that to me is just silly.

United StatesBrassmaster6 years ago

Something to note about 100% (spoiler warning):

There is a secret ending at Peach's Castle when you obtain 999 moons, and I think all moons is about 830 (this number is a guess as I dont know the exact number). There is a shop that you can continuously buy moons instead of just the one required in the lists page. so 100% would probably include all the extra collectables and then end at this 999 Moon thing. Just my thoughts on it anyway.

benang: ReCore
United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

While adding a handful of different cores and additional content could make for a faster run, they removed the Warren loading zone from Shifting Sands as well as the Tower 1 loading zone from the base of the Tower. This means we now HAVE to open these doors, 15 for Warren, and 30 for the Tower. Thanks devs, we feel the love.

ResiliXia dan SpaceBroJakob menyukai ini
United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

It's one of those glitches that you can know the general idea, but to fully understand how to do it, is that it takes practice and personal experience with it. I know a REALLY good location to get the idea in RotTR, but I'm not sure about TR2013. Don't get discouraged if you are having trouble. take your time and practice it and it'll come in no time.

El0quenz menyukai ini
benang: ReCore
United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

yes, but let's see what the "update" does, whenever they decided to finish it

United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

interesting. we used something like this in the beginning that I believe Elajjaz called the "Narnia skip" that was patched out. we have another clipping method too, but I wonder if this will make it easier or perhaps possible in some areas that were previously not possible

United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

If you are indeed on an X360, it should work. I couldn't get the clip to work there on XBO. but that OoB is brutal on console. The reason I stopped trying to improve my time is because those clips are extremely random.

NerdyFoxTV menyukai ini
United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

I'm fine with adding both, but I dont want a lot of empty categories or 1 runner only as well (Cold Darkness guys, it's 10 minutes!). Let's start with 100%

genesisprobe menyukai ini
United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

100% would be the in-game 100%. achievements wouldn't be included

United StatesBrassmaster7 years ago

I'm still leaning towards 100%

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