benang: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

Pretty sure he said "sorry Australia!" because of the time difference...not because he isn't giving you PMs....

Ivory, Merl_, dan YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

Yep I switched to Brave and this site works much better. Still has the slowdowns tho, but thats expected with the maintenance.

Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

Be lazy like me. Everytime you start a new run, alt-tab to stop/start recording in OBS real fast. It's like 5 sec extra work and you don't have to deal with any video editing....you will at some point have to go back through and delete a bunch of failure tho.

benang: Speedrunning
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

SRC does not have the capacity to upload your runs to. This site holds no actual videos, only links to videos.

benang: Death's Door
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

Great points m8! I'll start working on a straight through 100% run since we're missing one of those on Current Patch anyway, and I'll add comments in about it and then bring it up on Discord afterward to try to get the ball rolling. Good feedback :)

benang: Death's Door
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

Spending lots of time in the speedrunning Discord for this game, the magicians of gaming exploits have produced a plethora of skips/fake spells/etc that allows the player to skip major parts of the game or do things in vastly different orders. Which in my opinion, is amazing. I love this stuff, but it also begs the question. Should we make a decision on which of these things (if any of them) are game breaking enough to warrant a NMG category that excludes them?

6oliath menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

Yep mine started loading again too, so hopefully the issue has been resolved!

benang: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

I can't get messages to load at all. I can see a cut off version of what my last message was but when I click on it to go to the messages main page they just wont load at all.

Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

@PakLomak Yeah.....I guess we're stuck with him. We'll just lock him in a cell somewhere and throw away the key @PakLomak Да ... Думаю, мы застряли с ним. Мы просто закроем его где-нибудь в камере и выбросим ключ

JamesNightstalker, HosteL dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

Gah! That's what I get for going out on a limb. The lesson of the day? Always trust the majority of Russians because they're probably right. Burned again :)

Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

@PakLomak Никаких возмещений, мне это нравится. Это сделка. @PakLomak No refunds? Its a deal!

The rest of his runs all look legit to me too, so if we get burned...well, what's one more burn for an American?

PakLomak menyukai ini
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

@Werzhil sweet looking run to me! I didn't see anything super-human or impossible in that full clip. Obviously I'm no expert in SGNG but I have watched it run a lot and I do mod a game of which the protagonist of my game is an antagonist in SGNG....so I think we can all agree that gives me near god levels of authority in giving my opinion here.

Seems like a pile-on to me, if Russia doesn't want him; we'll take him.

benang: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

Knee-jerk nonsense. SRC has no culpability in posting a link to a video hosted on an entirely different platform of a game played off ROMs. SRC isn't hosting ROMS, or even hosting videos of ROMS.

O.D.W. dan MrMonsh menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

Thanks @Lawliepop, just hearing from you makes a huge dent in community concerns as to Elo's level of care and concern for this site. As long as this great group of players and perfectionists feel their concerns are being seen and responded to at some point if necessary, I don't think we could ask for much more than that; and the CEO taking the time themselves to make sure we know that is a great thing.

O.D.W., chilsie dan 5 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

[quote] They're kinda busy programming.

edit: shoutouts to merl for teaching me how to use quotes properly [/quote]

I get that to an extent, but when I was doing database management out of college for a certain fortune 500 company, they set aside us all 5-10 hours a week to respond to community and internal customer inquiries. No one is physically sitting there coding 50 hours straight a week with no stop, the brain needs breaks from that kind of monotony to be truly productive in a valuable way.

I dont think any of us are saying they're not doing a good job, or are blaming them specifically for the lack of response; but the management really should look into having their devs have more community engagement on a basic informative basis. This is the world today, instant and evolving information; and our desires for further knowledge and insight can never be fully quenched. That's the human condition; but a glass of water from time to time would be nice.

Merl_, Pinka dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

I don't know web publishing, but I have to assume removing things are quicker and easier than adding them. Maybe they're just leaving the reminder up longer so people can still reach out to those possible now missing vids?

O.D.W. menyukai ini
benang: Speedrunning
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

Yep TG is insanely accurate with their record keeping these days. New ownership has done that site well to a fault almost sometimes. I love the site and frequent it often, but I've never had one accepted there either. I like to run jp version of GQII but they won't accept any regions other than NTSC-U/C on top of all the other restrictions. So as a north american site, they expect you to play the north american version with english text, plus all the other reqs @1 pointed out.

Edit: Autocorrects

Pear, MrMonsh, dan Merl_ menyukai ini
benang: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

Such impatience in the world today :)

benang: The Site
Indiana, USABrakshow2 years ago

2DS and New 2DS are just the same platform as the 3ds without the 3d scroll bar (which no one uses) and a flip screen. So there's no need to add them as their own platforms.

O.D.W., Pear, dan Merl_ menyukai ini
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