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QuébecBismuth8 years ago

You should have said "Please let us know what you liked about the event" if you didn't want people to share the points they disliked.

That being said, I also have some feedback.


  • Free passes for the weekend
  • Shokushu brought two packs of water bottles, great idea because I don't drink energy drinks
  • dark-aries was doing good work at tech while I was there (from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon)
  • I was happy to meet some guys and see old memers again
  • I got two runs which was great
  • Seeing people stop by and check out the speedruns, and sometimes sit on a chair for an extended period of time was pretty cool.


  • The Wi-Fi didn't reach all the way into our booth
  • The way DH set up the screen for the live audience had major issues: runners had no idea if there was anybody watching live, there was this giant dead space while the setup was cramped in a corner, and you couldn't enter the area without being a distraction on stream and for the runner
  • Sometimes the other events at DH were so incredibly loud that I couldn't even hear my own voice when I was talking - even with the headphones in my Splatoon run
  • DH in general was not very enjoyable for me; it really showed me just how much the gamer culture is something that doesn't appeal to me at all. I walked around a little bit and basically nothing interested me. What did people come to do there besides compete in the events?
  • Viewership was a disappointment for me. I expected between 200 and 800 viewers, but that might just be unrealistic expectations. Overall I think more could have been done to promote the event. I promoted my own runs in my circle of friends, and I think many showed up and watched them.
  • I was understanding that some runs were shortened in the interest of time, however I was kind of sad that Donkey Kong 64 almost got completely cut from the marathon. Thankfully, it didn't happen, but that would have been very very disappointing.
  • On the same subject, it was hard to keep a positive attitude for commentary when NLE was aborted 5 minutes in and turned into any%. We had been told a few hours prior to the run that NLE had been changed into any%, but then during DKR, I was told that there was a misconception that we'd get booted at 5 pm on Sunday that got cleared by talking to one of the Dreamhack admins who said they were staying until Monday so we had all the time we wanted. Because of that, there was no big rush to cut run time, so we were clear for doing NLE as originally planned. So that's what we did, until we were told that everyone thought we were doing any% and so we had to reset immediately and do any% instead. I can understand miscommunication can happen, but that was pretty major, it probably looked really bad on stream, and the confusion combined with disappointment made the any% race less enjoyable than it could have been.
  • My TV for the DK64 any% race had no sound on the right side, and it cost me enough time to lose a PB run.
  • The rest area was nice but I had no idea in advance that it was gonna be sleeping in a giant empty room on a cement floor. I felt sore and sick all day on Sunday, and I was tired of the atmosphere at Dreamhack, so I left early.

I'm aware a lot of these points were not in your control. Not everything in this is direct criticism at tech/organisation - they are my general observations about the event. Overall I enjoyed it, but I did feel like maybe it was not worth taking two days off work for it.

pixel911, darkfox36 dan 4 lainnya menyukai ini
QuébecBismuth8 years ago

Oh boy, this brings me back to SigNa grinding those runs with the helm lobby orange clip

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QuébecBismuth8 years ago

I'm good to go!

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QuébecBismuth8 years ago

Can we give out availability here? Anyway, if you end up picking one (or more) of my submissions I am free on Saturday and Sunday, but not on Friday.

QuébecBismuth8 years ago

Hi, I have a suggestion for a rules update. It would be nice if the timing could start at the end of the loading, because the initial loading screen can be highly variable. The biggest offender for me is Twilight, where there can be up to 20 seconds of extra loading time using the same computer.

As an example, check out this video. You can see my gold segment from end of Oasis to the start of Twilight is 26.68, and it takes me over 44 seconds this time.

Failfastfrank dan theballaam96 menyukai ini
Tidak diketahui
QuébecBismuth8 years ago

I almost forgot to submit - it used to give me an error when I tried to submit games in the first couple of days submissions were open.

I submitted a total of 7 categories from 6 games, hopefully there's something interesting in there to pick.

QuébecBismuth8 years ago

I've never fully beaten the game, I just took initiative of creating pages for all the turok games since I was the first Turok runner on speedrun.com (Turok 2). But like Turok 2 has nuke weapon parts that you can grab for 100%, I'm assuming Turok 1 can have the same. I'll try to take care of it and clean things up before I leave for AGDQ but I can't promise anything.

ZFect menyukai ini
QuébecBismuth8 years ago


I noticed any% had been split into Any% N64 and Any% PC Remaster.

I think if we're gonna split the game in two, it would be best to split it in two games rather than two any% categories, like Wind Waker HD was split from Wind Waker because it is a different enough remaster.

With Turok 2 coming out soon, I am thinking the same will be done with Turok 2 (which I intend to run, by the way).

ZFect dan BoredOfYou menyukai ini
benang: The Site
QuébecBismuth8 years ago

Cyberscore is what you want, yes.

benang: Splatoon
QuébecBismuth9 years ago

For me Sunday is harder because I work 10-7 EST but I'm not a big runner yet so do as you wish.

benang: Splatoon
QuébecBismuth9 years ago

I might join those as well.

Kaysick menyukai ini
benang: Splatoon
QuébecBismuth9 years ago

I've done score runs, which is essentially a speed run aside from the fact that you can sometimes kill yourself when you messed up a level to attempt to get a higher score on it. 39399 is my best score, which is something like 21.4 seconds per level on average. I believe it's the second best score in the world, behind 394xx by Master A1.

benang: The Site
QuébecBismuth9 years ago

Hey I just noticed that the Resources page for DK64 is getting a bit cluttered. We could remove a thing or two but honestly the best would be to be able to order them in a logical way.

I suggest to add a way to create groups within resources, or at least to be able to reorder everything without deleting and readding them in order. If that's already possible, sorry for sucking.

An example of what it would look like: Tools Fastest Routes link link link link

Alternate Routes link link

Knowledge base bunchalinks

Video Tutorials link link

You get the idea.

Thanks in advance!

benang: The Site
QuébecBismuth9 years ago

I'm not sure exactly how this happened, but I got this situation http://i.imgur.com/G6xAisT.png

Notice that it displays No Levels Early as being the currently shown category, but actually shows the any% leaderboard.

What I did:

  1. Load up the DK64 page using the url speedrun.com/dk64
  2. Click on No Levels Early, at which point I saw the correct times for long enough to get the info I wanted
  3. Click on my skype window on the taskbar, type stuff for a short time
  4. Noticed that it was displaying the any% leaderboard.

Edit: I believe I found what caused it. If it is still loading a leaderboard (Any%, the default one, in this case) and you click a different category, the first leaderboard will keep loading. If the category you clicked loads faster than the first one, it will first load that category's leaderboard, then when the first one is finished loading, it will replace it with the original leaderboard, while still having the category you clicked shown as selected.

JBMagination menyukai ini
benang: King's Quest
QuébecBismuth9 years ago

Hey, I think the abbreviations for the King's Quest series should be KQ1, KQ2, KQ3, KQ4, KQ5, KQ6, KQ7 and (I dare say) KQ8. It's a minor thing but it makes linking easier, especially considering how long these titles are.

benang: The Site
QuébecBismuth9 years ago

Gotta get the post count up somehow OpieOP

Galaxy_World menyukai ini
benang: The Site
QuébecBismuth9 years ago

It would be cool if you could have extra variables apply only to specific full-game runs. For example, Any% for Super Zelda VII has two major, vastly different routes that are close in time, but that does not apply at all to 100% and All Tracks no L to Levitate. You'd want to add the route variable to any% but not the other categories. Right now this is not possible, as adding a variable will add it across all full-game runs.

S. menyukai ini
benang: The Site
QuébecBismuth9 years ago

I think that idea is pretty good. Basically, in a specific game where you need a video and you don't have one, your time wouldn't be accepted; but you could, on your profile, add a time for a game that you claim is yours, so it is listed on your profile as one of your times, but not on that game's leaderboard. Therefore, you can show people your profile to have all your times (automatically from game leaderboards + manually entered for "lower quality" PBs with no video).

It's possible for people to lie and add a SM64 120 star 1:37 to their profile but since it'll only show up on their profile, it won't really hurt anybody. I can see the possible confusion and abuse that could come out of that though.

benang: The Site
QuébecBismuth9 years ago

I'd like it if it was possible to filter what game subforum I see on my forum page. For example, I'd like to have the Turok series subforum at hand but it's waaaaay down after 50 series I don't give a shit about and a lot of empty ones, too. Maybe you can already do that and I'm dumb?

benang: The Site
QuébecBismuth9 years ago

Tiny little gripe: Win is annoying. Winter, Windows 7, Winning a race, Winston Churchill, etc.

I know the W has to be capitalized and winter works fine but when you want to capitalize the W you're forced not to, e.g. windows 7, I would like to write Windows 7 without it looking stupid.

That being said, I love that you can use Twitch emotes. It would be nice if there was a little emote icon that opens up a menu like most forums have so you can see what kind of options you have, because right now I think the only way to find out is to Kappa FrankerZ Kreygasm SwiftRage PogChamp LilZ :P :) :D :( D: :'( :/ OneHand and figure it out that way.

Edit: Nice LilZ is there, so I guess ZreknarF too?

S. menyukai ini
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