Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

while a lot of us share this idea of a thread becoming/is spam needs to stop and making rules behalf of it with the list you've made it really comes down to a respectful response and getting to the point in these threads so to me " memes, arguments, name calling, pointless banter and anything alike of such " flat out needs to stop. As well if a thread is made that goes over a simple thing such as "what mods are approved?" is real easy to tell someone "go here (link)" and done and over with no need to lock a thread. Just keep out of mention above and I honestly think those inside the community and new comers can start to see less and less of the toxic that has drawn even myself to want to stay away from. In short professional questions and answers.

KZ_FREW menyukai ini
Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

No you will have to take those mods out. check the rules and you'll see the approved mods.

To make it a little easier on you here is the link for it. https://www.speedrun.com/gtasa/thread/ar4sg

if you want to play on controller Ginput is ban. xinput plus is it's replacement here is a link to help you set it up and as well some info that'll help you.


Hope to see you on the boards soon!

Ark, ult1matum, dan Billnyethegamerguy menyukai ini
Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

https://ibb.co/j8p6c6 controller in Vehicle

https://ibb.co/gB8hH6 controller on foot

is my set up as i feel as it most comfortable use as a reference

Edit: you will only want to worry about anything that has "JOY" in it and also if you don't already know you have to set the game up to JoyPad not mouse + key. if needed i can take better screen shots just let me know.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

yeah the AI aim is deadly and don't get me started on Act 2... i don't know how that'll all work so I gotta see for myself or at lease hear out how that works then I can give in a real Vote!

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

If you can have the vehicles and still do the prep then have two category's but if not then just the heist them self and skip over the prep. however that also would mean new runners to the game will have to get enough money to buy all the vehicles needed so having two category's might be the best if you can skip the prep. I've only mess around with the new heist just a bit and i'm not to sure how that works so I'm talking a bit blind here.

Florida, USABackmadeJay6 years ago

I know Flying made a video about this and it's thanks to his video i was able to do this. I run with a controller and wanted to show how it's done with it. I'm still learning it myself so please forgive me for the mess ups

Loyka32 dan GoingHam menyukai ini
Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

okay so i will have to test this out some more but thanks to the convo from @Patrick_ & @tduva is what really help with that so thank you both of ya!

if your using xinput and want to do GT skip walk to the marker not in i.t wait until the call is about to come in just like the SF dupes and then walk into the marker pause buffer until you hear the call undo the pause while holding your call and you should be good to go! if you used Ginput before you could hold the call before walking into the marker and pause buffer while still holding the call and so on and get the set up. now for holding the call with only "B or square " i still have to test that but for now it seems what i said above will work again thanks to Patrick and tduva for having the convo!

Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

As far into B as a hold call & alt. fire I haven't test that set-up to see if that makes a difference or not if needed i can give out my controller lay-out and see if we can find a common set-up that works. my only guess is to do a kb&m set-up but with the controller, idk how nor if it will work but i've been busy and haven't tested nor looked into it. also having to learn a whole new controller layout will take some time to get use to as playing with the one I had for so long kinda sucks but if there is a solution i would love to hear it and test it out! :D

Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

Reason I said time lost is how I get cop bikes in sf but that's okay. Thank you hoxy!

hoxi menyukai ini
Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

so, would joy2key need to be added to make the start button work w/o having to take time lost to hit esc to bring the pause menu up?

Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

your saying to replace one mod with an other, again this is pointless and it's been shown that ginput doesnt add anything to the game that will make it faster as hints to the fact the WR doesn't use ginput. what will change adding in hoxys mod huh? it's the same as ginput only worst at the same time. Nati had to re-download the game because of it it's a broken mod trying to replace a well working mod. I don't see ones so ever how hoxy mod is better in any way. If ginput get ban only cause of it being a mod cool but think how many runners you'll lose cause of something so dumb as saying it adds to the game files as so does hoxy mod. if you don't want mods ban all of them even hoxys not one at a time as what is trying to be done now.

Mackdanny dan Galla menyukai ini
Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

@crook4money for some reason it doesn't show my vote

B. Ginput only

it's fix thank you!

SolusOHKO menyukai ini
Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

okay thank you @illuminati7777 so you cant use dxwnd thanks for the heads up!

Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

easy fix. if you use ginput cant use kbm in the run has to be fully kmb or controller is that fair?

Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

no you can not hold a phone call through pause with ginput

LaserTrent menyukai ini
Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

hang on mtoms i'm going to test that

Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

mtoms did you not have issues with that though?

Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

let make one thing clear hugo_one hasn't ever said "go and vote B" has some of the viewers come in and cast a vote yes and hoxy take a other look at it and isnt that a mod within it self? your adding it to the game files just like ginput? and i thought you wanted all mods gone and deal with a broken game

EricaBby, finesta, dan PoorMillionaire menyukai ini
Florida, USABackmadeJay7 years ago

btw hoxy little fix isnt a full fix at all btw just pointing that out there but let the people cast a vote and if you dont count their vote are you really being fair? this can go both ways what Nati has said there isn't any free time saves.

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