benang: The Site
GermanyAvanor_7 years ago

Hello! Would it be possible to change my name from "Avanor" to "Avanor_"? Thank you in advance!

GermanyAvanor_7 years ago

Now I remember why I distanced myself from the SNES titles of DKC. I see, it was the right decision. :)

benang: The Site
GermanyAvanor_7 years ago

Avoiding a video would also be possible by just putting a single letter in the field were the URL is supposed to be, the verification is the thing that matters more. :/

benang: The Site
GermanyAvanor_7 years ago

Hey there. I wonder if it would be possible to have seperate settings for ILs and full Runs on the leaderboards. Right now, the options (video / verification required, for example) affect both IL and runs. Is there a way to make this happen? :)

benang: The Site
GermanyAvanor_8 years ago

A couple of weeks or even moths ago, these leaderboards: http://www.speedrun.com/dkctrilogy had at least two moderators. I submitted a run about a week ago, but now I realized that there is no one left marked as a moderator, but runs still need to be verified. Is there a way to solve the problem?

Avanor o/

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
GermanyAvanor_8 years ago

I never questioned the fact of how many mods there are necessary. I'd just think a game, no matter which one, regardless of how many submissions, and regardless of how big the community is, would deserve a mod who actually run the games. But it seems like I'm alone with that kind of thinking. So I might contact you in the next days to add at least one more category for DKC3 and rules for the runs, because there are no at the moment.

So, no bad feelings, and thanks for the discussion.

YUMmy_Bacon5, mt dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: The Site
GermanyAvanor_8 years ago

Well, as it appears nothing of what I've said is picked up in the way it was meant, which makes me kind of sad.

I never said "I run this game, mod me", and I don't dare to, because that wouldn't be the thing the mod-status stands for. I tried to reason, obviously without any succession, so this discussion is done for me.

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
benang: The Site
GermanyAvanor_8 years ago

He reacts to submissions, that's not the problem. It just feels odd to have a single mod on a series of games who doesn't even run them. Imagine working on a project, but needing permissions of someone who isn't even part of the project. What marvjungs said is totally right in my opinion. Why not have a mod who runs the games? It might sound weird, but for me it makes the series appear so unimportant that there just has to be anyone to mod it, no matter who it is. I'd like to take responsability for what I put work into. :)

YUMmy_Bacon5, MarvJungs, dan xDrHellx menyukai ini
benang: The Site
GermanyAvanor_8 years ago

I'd like to be a mod for the Donkey Kong Country 1, 2 and 3 GBA leaderbords. I asked the current mod if he could add me because I'm focussing on these games, but he didn't want to mod me. I don't really understand why there is only one mod on those three leaderbords, and he doesn't even run these games. As someone who puts a lot of work into these games that feels a bit odd, to be honest. :/

I'd be happy to be mod for the three leaderbords of the GBA-ports of Donkey Kong Country, linked below.

http://www.speedrun.com/dkc1gba http://www.speedrun.com/dkc2gba http://www.speedrun.com/dkc3gba

I hope you can help me. :)

YUMmy_Bacon5 menyukai ini
GermanyAvanor_9 years ago

Thanks for the warm welcome dude, appreciate it :) When I red your name it sounded kinda familiar, but it still doesn't ring a bell where I could know it from. :(

GermanyAvanor_9 years ago

Hey there guys, my name is Avanor!

I'm a 23 years old speedrunner from Germany, so please don't mind me screwing up your language. x_x At the beginning of 2014 I stumpled across the AGDQ-Uploads on Youtube and enjoyed watching the lot of them. It was Pheenoh's Twilight Princess Run from that year that really got me into this whole community, and made me try speedrunning. Since those days I watched so many videos from all different types of games, such as Yoshi's Island by Trihex, Pokémon by Werster, Zelda by Andy, Pheenoh, Mophat and Leon, besides speedruns of games I usually would'nt even watch or play. :D

It was Link's Awakening that I began speedrunning with, but I tried many different games and categories, until I found a game that I really enjoy playing and running: the GBA remake of Donkey Kong Country. During the last week I improved my time from a 55:26 to 48:32, and I'm really proud of that. We will see if I can make it to bring this game to it's limits. :) I'd like to stream as well, but unfortunetly my upstream is kinda crap.

I take looks on this site multiple times a day to see what new runs there are to watch, it's always a pleasure to see games runned which I played when I was younger. And I never expected the speedrunning comunity to be that big. :O

Greetings from Germany and never forget: running is not a crime! o//

benang: Wario Land 3
GermanyAvanor_9 years ago

Someflow, could you explain shortly why WL 3 is so hard to run? I didn't have the time yet to watch a run, or to look for a guide to read about tricks and glitches. As it is my favorite Wario Land as well, I'd really love to learn this game, but getting a simple idea of what would be necessary. Thank you :)

Tentang Avanor_
9 years ago
3 years ago
Game yang telah dijalankan
Donkey Kong Country (GBA)
Donkey Kong Country (GBA)
Run terakhir 6 years ago
Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA)
Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA)
Run terakhir 6 years ago
Donkey Kong Country 2 (GBA)
Donkey Kong Country 2 (GBA)
Run terakhir 7 years ago
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
Run terakhir 8 years ago
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Pokémon Red/Blue
Pokémon Red/Blue
Run terakhir 7 years ago
Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Game yang diikuti
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Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA)
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Donkey Kong Country Trilogy (GBA)
Donkey Kong Country Trilogy (GBA)
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