Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

Personally, I would be open for a U.S. 10-Yard Fight category even though it's an odd run. However, it could probably be done perfectly which makes it not interesting... but Home Alone NES exists too. lol

thenesmaster menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

Will 4:54 ever happen?

The answer is maybe. It requires saving 2 frame rules as I think 4-2 frame rule and a TAS-level 8-4 are both very unlikely.

The only way I see realistically see it happening is by saving both 8-1 and 8-2 frame rules in a run, and a run which nearly matches Kosmic's 8-4. Unless of course something new is found. If the perfect plant despawn can be found, then it will be more likely that 4:54 could happen.

As it stands, technically it's possible for 4:54 to occur, but super unlikely. 8-1 and 8-2 have both been done in full under normal conditions, and Kosmic's WR proves that everything else can be strung together well enough to reach under 4:55.

As time goes on, and consistency/methods improve it will become more and more likely for 4:54, and even now it's possible. Will it eventually happen? Maybe.

WO_JDQ, RaggedDan dan 7 lainnya menyukai ini
benang: Kung Fu
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

Let me see if I can find out.

EDIT: I never really tried this out, but I think you would need a PAL console? That's to say, I think the game would run correctly as PAL, but in NTSC speed. I'm not 100% sure.

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

What are they? I just wanted to look at the potential for faster runs (though I doubt it's possible).

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

After some consideration, I've changed the rules to make more sense, and to encourage more submissions.

Selection A no longer requires you to qualify track 5 to submit. This was changed as many runs on the board already don't qualify, and as it's more of a pure time trial I decided this rule just discourages submissions.

Selection B runs still need to qualify track 5. All current runs accomplish this and the intention of this is to count the runs as "beating" Excitebike.

PAL runs were added under "misc" as there seem to be some people who want to submit PAL and had already submitted PAL runs on the leaderboard. These runs give an advantage as the game runs much slower and makes bouncing and such much easier to accomplish.

I think these rule changes make sense. Selection A is now purely a time trial and Selection B is a time trial and qualifying track 5 is required in order to "beat" Excitebike.

Twinstar dan NerdyNester menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

It's slower because you can't accelerate quickly from the walljump.

Shipwrecc, Novawolf dan 2 lainnya menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

I realized this a little while back and I think I discussed it with happylee. If I recall he said TASvideos wasn't interested. It's still pretty interesting though.

Marikh dan KilleDragon menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

Yea, the idea wouldn't exactly be low%. Beating the game as human isn't possible unfortunately. My run without the super werewolf glitch was almost 4 minutes slower than my run with it, so I think a category could definitely be made. It is also possible to clip through walls, but requires some ridiculously fast left presses.

I think no super werewolf glitch would make a good category, probably more so than just no super werewolf altogether. We don't necessarily need another category, but the glitch is quite a drastic change.

Just a side note: I believe the run would be fastest if performed on the J version.

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

Unfortunately, I know a way to perform the Super Werewolf glitch. Since playing the J version just the other day, I was kind of curious if it were possible. There aren't that many changes between the versions, but keeping them separate probably makes sense, especially as the Super Werewolf glitch isn't possible until stage 2. Time-wise, it's still not a huge amount, but stage 1's layout presents some other factors that affect the time.

I always thought that a non-super werewolf category could be a cool "low%" idea. Not sure your thoughts on that, or if there would even be enough people interested considering there aren't a ton of runners, but I might give it a shot for fun. A "no super werewolf%" idea could work just as well. Either way, the run is still vastly different than when using the glitch.

I also did do a run way back when before I found the Super Werewolf glitch:

It's well, it's a speedrun from 2008. Honestly though, this was not that bad a run.

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

It's been so long... I'm not sure I remember exactly how I did it. If I remember right, it involved doing some jumps back and forth as you slash him. I would have to really test it again.

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

Here is another one that is pretty tough, but doable:

(Jump, press left for as little time as possible, then right): repeat until you enter the wall entirely.

One other thing: if you shoot Fireman with the gun, you can save quite a bit of time on that fight,

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

I am a big fan of this game, and have been looking at the "top score" speedrun for a little while now.

If you were to complete Phase 01, immediately reset, and select Phase 02 I think this is slightly faster than waiting for the screen to transition. However, your score counter is reset to 0. Regardless, you can end up with a score over 26,000 even with the reset in Phase 01 (and maybe phase 02 and phase 03).

While I realize this defeats the point of starting on Phase 01, if Phase 01 is completed, I see no reason why it can't be a valid tactic. I'm still not 100% sure if it would result in a faster time.

EDIT: I'm completely fine with this not being allowed. I was mostly just trying to find a route improvement, but I guess I'll have to settle for the current strategies.

repuSoiraM menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

1 press is 1 input.

KilleDragon, Quivico dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

Woa, I'm stupid. OK.

KilleDragon menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

Since we now have a world record tie at 8:17, can we start adding milliseconds to the runs? I want to verify ILM's time, but want to rank people properly here and not just call it a tie.

It seems there is a spot for milliseconds in the submission area. Thoughts? I was about to time coolkid and ILM's times by framecount and just didn't want to add the milliseconds if people disagreed for some reason.

Also, I'm not sure about other times either. We could start adding decimals from here on, or say "sub 8:30" times get milliseconds. Thoughts?

EthanRTA, SheepDog_81 dan 3 lainnya menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

I just have a proposed suggestion. Can we link the category extensions page from the main page? I just feel like this would make a lot of sense. I'm not sure the best way to do this, but it seems strange this isn't the case.

Lul_ecks_dee dan KilleDragon menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

I didn't discover the wrong warp. I just developed the real-time speedrun method. It's been known since 1985 I would guess to be honest.

KilleDragon dan JJReed menyukai ini
Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

Does it line up the same without the spring jump though? Also hey, I hope you're doing well i_o_l (what do you prefer being called these days?).

Massachusetts, USAAndrewG4 years ago

It was timed as In-Game time initially. Real time makes more sense since it only records full seconds for in-game. This is why both are listed on the leaderboard.

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