San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck11 months ago

that's due to there being 2 die% categories in IEYTD2 (where the category was invented). when the category got ported to the original, they elected to just have a no shoot/stab rule (technical note, it's very hard to stab in IEYTD1 due to handling of weapons)

The_Duck menyukai ini
San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

Hello, I seem to be unable to get deep dive to trigger the fires (I want the souvenir for 100%) even across save files. I got it my first play though but haven’t gotten it since, anyone know what’s going on?

San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

Just look for the conditions (due to the aforementioned jank, they are very simple, ie in winter break 2 of the six are putting a hat on things

The_Duck menyukai ini
San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

I agree (just as a technical note, the Original IEYTD does not have saved files and would require deleting and redownloading the game every run, and has a very buggy souvenir system, namely on seat of power, and the community for that game does not require the souvenir sounds to be heard as they are only heard when you get the souvenir for the first time.)

SchnapPea, I think the best option is to have both all missions and story%, following the respective rules for that category in each game (both categories use all mission rules for ieytd1, except story% must have missions done in order) including timing. OOB and Death Engine skip would follow game rules.

1hand would be set up like it is on the IEYTD3 leaderboard.

San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

Hello, I'm Alachuckthebuck, but please call me Chuck.

here's my proposal for rules (for those who wandered in here, a version of this was posted on the 3 main IEYTD leaderboards.

My Proposed Categories are:

  • trilogy%
  • 100%
  • Die% (no shooting yourself with guns or knives)
  • possibly 1-hand%
  • with the meme categories of DeepWater% (hot water into deep dive) MountainHouse% (winter break into cold shoulder) and BOOM% ( getting all exploding souvenirs in all 3 games)

sample "Game" rules (open to feedback, especially timing)

  • Timing is combined in-game time (CIGT)
  • Each game's timeing is governed by the home leaderboards timing rules (with the exception of when time stops when Prisim shouts "no!" during the blackout before the credits)
  • New save files are required for IEYTD 2 & 3 for full runs (meme runs do not need new save files.)
  • Must go in story order (except for meme runs)
  • One continuous recording
  • Time pauses in between games
  • No glitches abusing the pause menu or guardian (death engine skip does not count as guardian abuse, but first class, jet engine, and stage fright skips do count and are banned.)

Any% rules

  • timing uses combined in-game level time, with RTA being the tiebreaker (RTA stops on loading screens, game changes, and the first 2 seconds of level complete screens
  • must show all level times
  • must beat all levels and the ieytd 2&3 tutorials.
  • time starts on pressing the start button on friendly Skies, pauses after death engine, resumes after loading a new save file on ieytd 2, pauses again after rising Phoenix, and resumes on starting a new save on ieytd 3 and ends on the prism line "... phoenix, NO!".
  • All Any% rules from the leaderboard of each game must be followed for that game except where these rules contradict, with these rules overruling the local rules


  • Timing uses combined in-game level time, with RTA being the tiebreaker (RTA stops on loading screens, game changes, and the first 5 seconds of time on level complete screens
  • Get all souvenirs, trophies, robots phantom trophies, and speedrun scorpions/watches
  • IEYTD 1 MUST BE 100% before the run starts to avoid issues (if not, the missing souvenirs must be earned with the sound effect playing during the run)
  • time starts upon creating a save file or starting friendly skies, pauses after the final end of level screen for ieytd 1 &2, and ends at KBOOM credits
  • Once time stops, show all mission souvenir menus in IEYTD2
  • must show the end-of-level card for every mission in IEYTD3


  • Die in every level of every game, as fast as possible
  • Timing is RTA but pauses for loading screens and game changes (nothing else)
  • No shooting yourself with guns or stabbing yourself with knives, but both can be used as tools
  • Clipping out of bounds on death engine is not allowed


  • Any% rules apply except that only one hand may be used at a level
  • You can change hands in between levels as many times as you wish



  • Use combined in-game level time (2 level times combined)
  • Beat Hot Water followed by Deep Dive
  • No new save file required
  • Must be one recording


  • Use combined in-game level time
  • Beat winter break followed by cold shoulder
  • No new save file required
  • Must be one recording


  • Get all exploding souvenirs in all 3 games
  • Can use a new save or a save without any souvenirs (watch saves are ok.)
  • Timing is done through in-game level time
  • Exploding souvenirs are any explosive, purple crystal, alcohol that explodes when lit, and any lighters or ignition sources (will get a full list)
mententen menyukai ini
San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

how long do you think it will take to get approved?

San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

where should we have the rule discussion?

San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

Are you kidding, the dive helmet works to avoid the poison. (the more you know)

San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

for implementation, I think Schnapea (because they mod all 3) should file the ticket asking for the leaderboard with support (and a series ticket as well, we met the criteria for a series last year.) and then go from there with posts on all 3 leaderboards and probably a centralized discussion on the new leaderboard (lmk if they need sample runs)

San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

to answer questions about leaderboard imlementation

Based on the fallout anthology runs (and leaderboards) it would be a separate "game" as the series page doesn't look like it can host runs( and series-wide category extensions don't exist, i think)

San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

I've crossposted this to the forums for ieytd1 and 2 as well

A mod from one of the games (SchnapPea maybe?) has to request the leaderboard for the series. If we need another mod for that, I'm happy to volunteer once I get some more runs up on the leaderboards.

San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

the voice lines lock at 27 seconds, there might be a way to bypass this with a well-timed souvenier claim, but ieytd does souvenirs differently from the other games, where I noticed this.

San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

just saw this, if ieytd runs at 120 fps on quest 2, might be possible, but incredibly inconsistent with grabbing the gun due to inside out tracking.

San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

Hello, I'm Alachuckthebuck, but please call me Chuck.

I haven't been running much in the last 2 years (and still haven't beaten my winter break time on video) and would like to thank Falsefruitgamer for singlehandedly managing this leaderboard and keeping it alive all these years (and thanks to the new mod team, your doing a great job,

I'm back and wondering about full trilogy runs of the 3 main games.

Categories would be:

  • Any%
  • 100%
  • Die% (no shooting yourself with guns or knives)
  • possibly 1-hand%
  • with the meme categories of DeepWater% (hot water into deep dive) MountainHouse% (winter break into cold shoulder) and BOOM% ( getting all exploding souvenirs in all 3 games)

sample "Game" rules (open to feedback, especially timing)

  • Timing is based on category timing rules
  • New save files are required for IEYTD 2 & 3 for full runs (meme runs do not need new save files.)
  • Must go in story order (except for meme runs)
  • One continuous recording
  • Time pause in between games
  • No glitches abusing the pause menu, guardian or moving out the window in first class (death engine skip does not count as guardian abuse. FIRST CLASS SKIP DOES COUNT)

Any% rules

  • timing uses combined in-game level time, with RTA being the tiebreaker (RTA stops on loading screens, game changes, and the first 2 seconds of level complete screens
  • must show all level times
  • must beat all levels and the ieytd 2&3 tutorials.
  • time starts on pressing the start button on friendly Skies, pauses after death engine, resumes after loading a new save file on ieytd 2, pauses again after rising Phoenix, and resumes on starting a new save on ieytd 3 and ends on the credits after KBOOM.
  • All Any% rules from the leaderboard of each game must be followed for that game except where these rules contradict, with these rules overruling the local rules


  • Timing uses combined in-game level time, with RTA being the tiebreaker (RTA stops on loading screens, game changes, and the first 5 seconds of time on level complete screens
  • Get all souvenirs, trophies, robots phantom trophies, and speedrun scorpions/watches
  • IEYTD 1 MUST BE 100% before the run starts to avoid issues (if not, the missing souvenirs must be earned with the sound effect playing during the run)
  • time starts upon creating a save file or starting friendly skies, pauses after the end of level screen for ieytd 1 &2, and ends at KBOOM credits
  • Once time stops, show all mission souvenir menus in IEYTD2
  • must show the end of level card in IEYTD3


  • Die in every level of every game, as fast as possible
  • Timing is RTA but pauses for loading screens and game changes (nothing else)
  • No shooting yourself with guns or stabbing yourself with knives, but both can be used as tools
  • Clipping out of bounds on death engine is not allowed


  • Any% rules apply except that only one hand may be used at a level
  • You can change hands in between levels as many times as you wish



  • Use combined in-game level time
  • Beat Hot Water followed by Deep Dive
  • No new save file required
  • Must be one recording


  • Use combined in-game level time
  • Beat winter break followed by cold shoulder
  • No new save file required
  • Must be one recording


  • Get all exploding souvenirs
  • Can use a new save or a save without any souvenirs (save for watches)
  • Timing is done through in-game level time
  • Exploding souvenirs are any explosive, purple crystal, alcohol that explodes when lit, and any lighters or ignition sources (will get a full list)

I'll try to get some runs up soon after I finish 100% IEYTD 2&3.

-Chuck :)

San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

Hello, I'm Alachuckthebuck, but please call me Chuck.

I know I'm new around here, but I used to run IEYTD back before Spy and the Liar came out.

I'm back and wondering about full trilogy runs of the 3 main games.

Categories would be:

  • Any%
  • 100%
  • Die% (no shooting yourself with guns or knives)
  • possibly 1-hand%
  • with the meme categories of DeepWater% (hot water into deep dive) MountainHouse% (winter break into cold shoulder) and BOOM% ( getting all exploding souvenirs in all 3 games)

sample "Game" rules (open to feedback, especially timing)

  • Timing is based on category timing rules
  • New save files are required for IEYTD 2 & 3 for full runs (meme runs do not need new save files.)
  • Must go in story order (except for meme runs)
  • One continuous recording
  • Time pause in between games
  • No glitches abusing the pause menu or guardian (death engine skip does not count as guardian abuse.

Any% rules

  • timing uses combined in-game level time, with RTA being the tiebreaker (RTA stops on loading screens, game changes, and the first 2 seconds of level complete screens
  • must show all level times
  • must beat all levels and the ieytd 2&3 tutorials.
  • time starts on pressing the start button on friendly Skies, pauses after death engine, resumes after loading a new save file on ieytd 2, pauses again after rising Phoenix, and resumes on starting a new save on ieytd 3 and ends on the credits after KBOOM.
  • All Any% rules from the leaderboard of each game must be followed for that game except where these rules contradict, with these rules overruling the local rules


  • Timing uses combined in-game level time, with RTA being the tiebreaker (RTA stops on loading screens, game changes, and the first 5 seconds of time on level complete screens
  • Get all souvenirs, trophies, robots phantom trophies, and speedrun scorpions/watches
  • IEYTD 1 MUST BE 100% before the run starts to avoid issues (if not, the missing souvenirs must be earned with the sound effect playing during the run)
  • time starts upon creating a save file or starting friendly skies, pauses after the end of level screen for ieytd 1 &2, and ends at KBOOM credits
  • Once time stops, show all mission souvenir menus in IEYTD2
  • must show the end of level card in IEYTD3


  • Die in every level of every game, as fast as possible
  • Timing is RTA but pauses for loading screens and game changes (nothing else)
  • No shooting yourself with guns or stabbing yourself with knives, but both can be used as tools
  • Clipping out of bounds on death engine is not allowed


  • Any% rules apply except that only one hand may be used at a level
  • You can change hands in between levels as many times as you wish



  • Use combined in-game level time
  • Beat Hot Water followed by Deep Dive
  • No new save file required
  • Must be one recording


  • Use combined in-game level time
  • Beat winter break followed by cold shoulder
  • No new save file required
  • Must be one recording


  • Get all exploding souvenirs
  • Can use a new save or a save without any souvenirs (save for watches)
  • Timing is done through in-game level time
  • Exploding souvenirs are any explosive, purple crystal, alcohol that explodes when lit, and any lighters or ignition sources (will get a full list)
San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck1 year ago

Hello, I'm Alachuckthebuck, but please call me Chuck.

I know I'm new around here, but I used to run IEYTD back before Spy and the Liar came out.

I'm back and wondering about full trilogy runs of the 3 main games.

Categories would be:

  • Any%
  • 100%
  • Die% (no shooting yourself with guns or knives)
  • possibly 1-hand%
  • with the meme categories of DeepWater% (hot water into deep dive) MountainHouse% (winter break into cold shoulder) and BOOM% ( getting all exploding souvenirs in all 3 games)

sample "Game" rules (open to feedback, especially timing)

  • Timing is based on category timing rules
  • New save files are required for IEYTD 2 & 3 for full runs (meme runs do not need new save files.)
  • Must go in story order (except for meme runs)
  • One continuous recording
  • Time pause in between games
  • No glitches abusing the pause menu or guardian (death engine skip does not count as guardian abuse.

Any% rules

  • timing uses combined in-game level time, with RTA being the tiebreaker (RTA stops on loading screens, game changes, and the first 2 seconds of level complete screens
  • must show all level times
  • must beat all levels and the ieytd 2&3 tutorials.
  • time starts on pressing the start button on friendly Skies, pauses after death engine, resumes after loading a new save file on ieytd 2, pauses again after rising Phoenix, and resumes on starting a new save on ieytd 3 and ends on the credits after KBOOM.
  • all Any% rules from the games leaderboard must be followed except where these rules contradict, with these rules overruling the local rules


  • Timing uses combined in-game level time, with RTA being the tiebreaker (RTA stops on loading screens, game changes, and the first 5 seconds of time on level complete screens
  • Get all souvenirs, trophies, robots phantom trophies, and speedrun scorpions/watches
  • IEYTD 1 MUST BE 100% before the run starts to avoid issues (if not, the missing souvenirs must be earned with the sound effect playing during the run)
  • time starts upon creating a save file or starting friendly skies, pauses after the end of level screen for ieytd 1 &2, and ends at kboom credits
  • Once time stops, show all mission souvenir menus in IEYTD2
  • must show the end of level card in IEYTD3


  • Die in every level of every game, as fast as possible
  • Timing is RTA but pauses for loading screens and game changes (nothing else)
  • No shooting yourself with guns or stabbing yourself with knives, but both can be used as tools
  • Clipping out of bounds on death engine is not allowed


  • Any% rules apply except that only one hand may be used at a level
  • You can change hands in between levels as many times as you wish



  • Use combined in-game level time
  • Beat Hot Water followed by Deep Dive
  • No new save file required
  • Must be one recording


  • Use combined in-game level time
  • Beat winter break followed by cold shoulder
  • No new save file required
  • Must be one recording


  • Get all exploding souvenirs
  • Can use a new save or a save without any souvenirs (save for watches)
  • Timing is done through in-game level time
  • Exploding souvenirs are any explosive, purple crystal, alcohol that explodes when lit, and any lighters or ignition sources (will get a full list)
luckyOne menyukai ini
San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck3 years ago

Umm you wiped my 159

San Francisco, CA, USAAlachuckthebuck3 years ago

Could a mod explain what the issue is with the leaderboard on winterbreak 100%? (btw ggs to @flamdar for the new any% and beating me to the one run title.)

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