Kaiser% Guide for WRs or Casual runs
Kaiser% Guide for WRs or Casual runs
Diperbarui 1 year ago oleh Pluko

Hello, in this guide i will teach:

  • The WR route
  • Some tecnical stuff
  • How to reset

Very Quick introduction to the category

The run is about getting 3 teleporter coills, using a teleporter, defeating a mega zombie and then using the teleporter again to finish the run.

Teleporter coils Positions

This is a coil.

The first Coil is located in the train tracks in the very north of the map, inside a red cointainer that fell to the side of the train.

Exact location on map:

The second one is a tricky one to get normally, its in a radioactive city, but you will see its easy getting it in this route.

Exact location on map:

Third Coil

Third one is in the sewers in berlin underwater, you will get it at the end of the run no matter what, so its better to show it later anyways.

The Route

If you want a really barebones version of the route, this is it, you start in the red line in Berlin, get basic supplies, then get guns and Plane/Heli in the military base, get 2 of the coils that i mentioned above, die by resetting after the second coil, respawn and go to the sewers in berlin to finish up everything

Now lets explain things in detail

Berlin Split

Little map explaining what you do

The red things are the possible spawn points, there are different ways to play Berlin but this the best one for various reasons, just always go to the gas station first

In the gas station you will need

  • Gas can
  • Car (A bike also works but will be very slow)
  • Flashlight (optional but will help you a lot)
  • Every piece of clothing you can get

Remember that if the car has a good amount of gasoline you might not even need to put anymore gasoline, this depends on the car, because some cars are really slow, but if it is a fast car and has like 22% gas you can probrally make it to the military base if you drive well enough.

You can see in the map there another stop right before leaving Berlin, thats a Laundromat, get a lot of clothes to make cloth and then make a bedroll and set your spawn on the street, like the picture below (Print from my run).

sometimes there is little clothing there, so always get mechanic clothing in the gas station if you find it, you can also scrap the clothes you spawn in with to get more cloth.

This is important because we die at the radioactive city, so this way we use the plane to airdrop all of our items before that

Going to the military base

After setting your spawn drive to the Military Base as shown on the map from earlier, you can skip a lot of time in this section by doing 2 things

  • Go in the water instead of going all the way to the bridge
  • Scrap the battery of your car to jump the military base wall

There is no right way to do this, you need to adapt it to the way you prefer playing it, I suggest watching my run, KCDQantonin's run and Kiddy's run to see how we do it.

But the ideia is to go somewhere on the river where you can get across and then learn a part of the mountain to climb, there isnt really a right place, its justo where you find it easier.

And to jump the wall, take out the battery of the car, scrap it, craft a metal pipe, rotate it using the right mouse button and then jump on top of it, really simple.

for reference here is my run (if the timeStamp isnt working just go to 2:42):

Im was going for World Record, so i took a riskier route

Military base Looting and Routing

In the military base you will need 2 things

  • Plane/Heli
  • Guns and ammo

Very Basic map of 3 routes that you can take to enter and loot the military base.

  • Purple is the slowest, but its the most safe since you take the road and dont have to worry about messing up while driving or jumping the wall, you can also check all the relevant places for guns and ammo
  • Blue is Faster and doesnt require a lot of luck, since you can check all the relevant places, but thats also the reason why its not the fastest, you take too long looting
  • Red route basically is just for world record, you are pretty much resetting for a hell's furry since there are not a lot of gun spawns there

Its important to know that you can leave and rejoin the map to reset the ground loot if you dont have enough ammo/guns (doesnt work for vehicles)

The peacemaker is your best option if you dont find a hell's fury (its really rare)


You will need something that flies.

A plane can spawn on the Runway or inside the Hangars, And a heli inside the Helipads


Fill them up 100% with gas from any of the gas tanks nearby, you can also fill a car up with gas to then transfer the gas to the plane/heli incase its far away, this way you dont lose time running around too much

(you dont need to fill up a plane to 100%, its just safer in case you mess something up, but if you want put it to 85%)

Flying split

Leave the military base and head to berlin to drop your items.

You have 2 options:

  • Remove all backpacks and etc while in the air, dropping the items on top of your bed
  • Land the vehicle and drop everything on the ground (safer)

If you have an helicopter its very easy to just land on the street, if you have a plane, things are a little bit more tricky, but you can just practice

If you want to drop things from the air, go to third person and look down to see if you are above the road, then just drop all the guns, and a flashlight, this will take a little bit of practice and there isnt really a right way to do this, just takes practice to get a good timing to drop.

I suggest you watch some runs to see how we do it.

After that go to the train tracks, use your map to get the right angle.

Landing the Plane/Heli at the train

I really dont know how to explain how to land a plane, just make sure to slow it down a lot, the path i take to land a plane is always the same, maybe this helps so you have an idea on what to do.

I try to aim for the beggining of the tracks, and when im getting close i start to slow down and turn, so i can land on the part that has grass, to be safer.

the coil is where im at in the screenshot, inside a cointainer, just get there really quick get the coil and then return to the plane, if possible ignore the zombies.

And to takeoff again make sure to tilt the plane in a way that makes it not colide head first with the train, almost using the train as a ramp.

after that go to the radioactive city behind the mountains (cologne).

Radioactive City Coil(Cologne)

Since you wont have a mask you need to be quick. The route is pretty simple, you fly there, get the plane really close to the city, jump off when you are on the city, get the coil, and reset (the Sulcide button)

Your view will look like this:

The red circle is where the coil is, you need to jump there but make sure to not wait too much, because the plane will hit a tree and kill you, and also you need to make sure to not die of fall damage.

On the map (inverted it so its make more sense):


after this we will be in the last split of the run.


In this split we will get the last coil, enter the boss room and finish the run.

After you respawn:

  • Get your bed, you will need it later
  • grab all of the items that you dropped
  • if you think its necessary, go to the pharmacy and get medical supplies
  • Enter the Manhole right in the middle of the road

Navigating the sewer:

If you have a flashlight things get easier

The easiest way to explain how to get to the teleporter is to just take the first tunnel to the right, ignore all the ones to the left, there will be a hole in the wall that shows the teleporter, set your spawn with the bed, drop all the guns and etc

after that continue the path you just took dont turn to other tunnels until you reach a part made of rocks, there will be a small gap on your right thats full of water, on the bottom of this underwater part there will be a coil, get it and die again, then you will be able to use the teleporter when you respawn

Killing the boss

There is a lot of spots where you can kill the boss, the easiest one is by making the zombie stuck on the teleporter, this spot may change with game updates because we are abusing some of the werid behavior of zombies

If you want to see a safe way to do it, watch this run:

You need to lure the Boss to the middle of the teleporter and then hide behind the yellow thing to not get hit, it might take some time to get it down but its not hard you can also just run around and shoot its not really hard

The run finishes when you teleport back.

How to reset:

Restart the run on any world that doesnt spawn you in berlin, you can kill the player once to see if you get lucky and respawn on berlin but if you dont just restart.

Restart the run if you dont find a car in berlin, you can get one in the parking lot of next to the gas station inside the gas station, or up the road near the school

Restart the run if you dont have a flying vehicle in the military base

The run is pretty simple and the route is not hard, I restart the run if i make a mistake, you might not want to do that, but if something happens like:

  • Car gets stuck underwaterl
  • Item airdrop goes wrong
  • forgot to set spawn

Just leave and try again, its not worth trying to recover

Little Things worth noting

  • If you dont have enough ammo just leave and join again to respawn the items
  • A gas can/flashlight might spawn on the military base, next to the vehicles, in case you dont find it on the gas station

will keep updating this

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elver parkour% time

hello gamers

new category

time to go fast

have fun <3


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