Other version submissions TG16 etc... Submit anyway
3 years ago
United States

If you want to run this game on another platform, please submit your run anyway and I'll clear up the details and make a new category on the spot. Thanks

DBcade menyukai ini
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Hi @Aquas ! May I request a 1 Loop% Category? Also, thank you so much for the tips. This game is super fun but hard ahahaha

Diedit oleh penulis 15 days ago

Hey @BOSSCAT if you search more in the categories there is already one category for 1 Loop Arcade (Japan)... or probably your request goes for 1 Loop in USA region?

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Hi @manticor5! My bad hahaha. I see it now. I'll submit my run now.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

Oh, default settings must be used. Ok, I'll do another run with the JP version with the default set and submit.

Diedit oleh penulis 14 days ago
manticor5 menyukai ini
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