Cat hovering
2 years ago

While playing this game casually I found that if you die (while in cat form?) you enter a state where pausing dose not fully pause you while in cat form, allowing you to hover at a specific height among other things.

That is a video where I trigger the glitch, and show/talk about some things you can do with it. With it you can... ... hover over invisible walls ... climb steep hills ... avoid trigger zones (enter the snow area early)

and probably more things that I don't remember/know about.

United States

I’ve been playing around with it for a few days. It works on cat and dog but you have to die as that animal. Vicsyyy on twitter figured out a way to get crazy speeds. I was able to get from the first shrine to the mountain in under a minute.

Maryland, USA

Thanks for posting this! It opens up a lot of cool routing options (I have a run in waiting for approval that uses this glitch a ton).

I'm still trying to figure out the dog invulnerability aspect of the glitch. If you die as a cat and then go find a badger or bear to fight as a dog, it'll still hit you. But there's something you can do to basically remove dog's hurtbox after you've died as a cat. It's happened to me only twice: once in my casual playthrough, when I got the cat death state, played the game casually for probably 30-60 minutes, and then realized my dog form had no hurtbox. The other time was in my initial segmented trial "speedrun" when I was testing out routing. I died as a cat during one of the prologues, and tried to die to a badger as a dog like an hour later in the run and had no hurtbox. So I figure it's some accumulation of actions or playtime or something that causes the dog to lose its hurtbox but idk. I've tested warping, sleeping, and completing quests (main or side), and none of them cause dog invulnerability while in cat death state.

For what it's worth, in my current route, I've just punted and I go a bit out of my way to the electric fence near Lake Sutrains to get my dog death. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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