Reset shown at around 0:09. Played on the Switch-Contra Anniversary Collection. Switch Pro controller. *Turbo fire used-the rules and this category allow it.
At the moment, there's no category tab for "Contra Anniversary Collection" (Switch; Playstation, Steam etc) From what we've seen and played with the MAME version-it looks generally the same to this Anniversary Collection version *Of course, with testing-there can be subtle differences.
We hope this run is accepted either under the Arcade tab, or a new category tab. Regardless, this is a fun and cool game, that deserves to ge more love!
We also have an Arcade Contra run that got verified under the Anniversary Collection, and also played this Switch version vs Edo on the Super Contra Race.
I think we can get that sub 6 with a revisit!
Thanks to the mods for taking the time to check our runs