1 year ago
Ontario, Canada

why do you have beat galaxy reactor twice in 120 star?

South Carolina, USA

Because 120 Star is the Special Ending Speedrun and your save file needs to have two crowns on the character you play as!

Freezeira menyukai ini
Toronto, ON, Canada

I think it is because there is once to beat the game and unlock the Purple Coin Comets and the second time for the game to know that you collected every star!

Artemis dan Freezeira menyukai ini
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No Co-Star (1P) and Co-Star (2P) Runs Have Been Split!

First of all, thank you to everyone who voted. This was the biggest turnout we've ever had, reaching 112 votes! Here is the final verdict: Co-Star (2P) runs will be split from No Co-Star (1P) runs for ALL categories, but Co-Star runs will appear first by default. We will not be implementing th

1 year ago
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