All Power-ups%
8 months ago
United States

It's pretty self-explanatory, to get all the power-ups as fast as possible, time starts when you pick the character, and ends when you beat the level with the final power-up. Credits to @GreatLizard469

Diedit oleh penulis 8 months ago
SuperGamer64 menyukai ini
United States

Would you do it in a completed account

SuperGamer64 menyukai ini
United States

no, but I changed the rules in the discord to make it simple

SuperGamer64 menyukai ini
United States

I can't look at it I don't have discord

SuperGamer64 menyukai ini
United States

oh so basically I just deleted the twist

SuperGamer64 menyukai ini

I already suggested it its my idea

SuperGamer64 menyukai ini

Pls look before suggesting stuff

SuperGamer64 menyukai ini
United States

Mb I credited u if that's okay

SuperGamer64 menyukai ini
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The Leaderboard is Now Open!

The category extensions leaderboard is open for submissions! Please take note of the new ruleset as it has changed since the initial news post on the base-game leaderboard.

The category list/ruleset is not permanent, so please let us know here or in the Discord if you have any suggestions.

Happy r

8 months ago
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