Lrt time
4 months ago
United States

What is there lrt time in any% 8-4?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Because there is a loading after 4-4 since this game was loading it's second part and it does depend on the console and how you load the game, like VC loadings are different from people who does play on Everdrive or in a real copy of the game.

United States

So after I touch the axe in 4-4 I would pause my time and resume it after the start screen of 5-1?

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Not AFTER touching the axe, but when the screen turns black, because this black screen is the loading I was talking about, normally moderators retime the run afterwards tho to avoid miss timing but if you want to do a manual LRT, pause when the screen turns black and make the timer run again when the text appears "Like Mario 5-1 3 Lives"

United States

Oh ok so I just have to do the rta time

Diedit oleh penulis 4 months ago
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Following investigations regarding the accuracy and integrity of FCEUX, the SMB1/2J moderation team has decided that FCEUX will not be permitted for future submissions, effective September 17th, 2023. The accuracy of FCEUX has come into question following 108Pi's discovery that the current SMB1 Warp

1 year ago