Slyfecta setup
Slyfecta setup
Diperbarui 2 years ago oleh Slysonic

This guide goes over the most optimised setup of the Sly games for use of a Slyfecta (Tri/Quadfecta).

#Consoles/Languages Sly 1: NTSC-U / PAL BC PS3 (PS2 disc played in a Backwards Compatible PS3) (English) Sly 2: NTSC-J (KOR) PSN (Sly 2 from South Korean PlayStation Store installed on an SSD) (Korean) Sly 3: PAL PSN (Sly 3 from European/Australian PlayStation Store installed on an SSD) (Dutch + Norwegian) Sly 4: PAL PSN (Sly 4 from European/Australian PlayStation Store installed on an SSD) (German or Swedish)

Since the ruleset allows you to class a BC PS3 as a PS2 when using backward-compatibility, this allows you to save about 30 seconds on starting up Sly 2 with the correct setup. A full video explaining the optimal setup has been made by @Remo:

A hyper-optimal setup would involve having two PS3s: a backwards-compatible PS3 and a Fat (A-through-K model) PS3.

#Pre-run preparations The Fat PS3 should have KOR Sly 2 and PAL Sly 3 (and PAL Sly 4) installed on an SSD. The Fat PS3 should be set to Dutch (Nederlands), and Sly 4 should be set on either German (Deutsch) or Swedish (Svenska) in the Options > Game menu of the game. For a hyper-hyper-optimal setup, Sly 3 should have no save files on it.

#Before and during the run Before the run, have the Fat model on Sly 2's New Game screen with Sly being mid-air, as Remo explains above. Then plug your splitter into your BC PS3 to get ready for Sly 1. Once the final hit is delivered on Clockwerk, change the splitter input to your Fat PS3 and start Sly 2 once you get video input on your capture card. Once you take the hate chip in Sly 2, you are free to Quit Game and transition to Sly 3. If you are doing a 100% Slyfecta, you must make sure Sly 2 transitions to the animated cutscene, or else the game will not save 100%.