Mind if I start a "stupid questions" thread?
7 years ago
Alberta, Canada

I suppose once I hit "post", I have already started it, so the first stupid question is in the title of this thread!

My second, (and sadly, unlikely to be my last) is about what I believe is called "corner aiming". I notice nearly everyone using aim to turn 90 or 180 degrees very rapidly, yet I can't seem to dial in how exactly this is done. I thought it might be simply looking to one direction in advance of rapidly tapping aim once, but I'm not getting the "snap" that I see in many runs.

As I said, I'm sure this is a stupid question, but would anyone be willing to let me know what I'm missing?



Only works on controller. Must be on control type A. Move the aiming stick to the direction you want to snap to. Tap the aim button.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
RE_Snow menyukai ini
Alberta, Canada

I'm using a controller, but never confirmed which control type I'm using. I'll look into that.

Next question! I notice you and Trance especially almost always run with grenade equipped. I'm guessing it's faster, despite not appearing faster at all. Does it make a significant difference, or should I only worry about this once I'm shaving seconds off my time?


Grenade can be used in a run but for what your asking the grenade is the fastest for the quick turning that you asked about.

RE_Snow menyukai ini
Alberta, Canada

Ah! It's all coming together now. Thanks!

I'm certain I had more questions, but I can't think of them now. I'll do another run, and that'll probably refresh my memory.

Thanks again.


Feel free to ask any questions you have! :D

RE_Snow dan mackmcd menyukai ini

No question is a stupid question, unless you're asking if a "stupid question" is, in fact, a stupid question.

mackmcd menyukai ini
Kentucky, USA

The 'snap' you speak of is type 'A' or 'B' controls. It allows you to adjust the angle of the camera. Mainly by a controller. For running with nades, as Hoobie said, Just for C-turns (camera turns) The speed of running is only different for the Gatlin Gun Chris can carry. It does slow you down. But as everyone said, feel free to ask anything and we'll be able to help.

xF4LLEN_HE4RTx dan mackmcd menyukai ini
Alberta, Canada

Another question!

I grinded the SHIT out of this game closer to it's release. (loved collecting cash and upgrading stuff) I can't recall how many times I forced my way through 3-1, and yet, I can't remember once ever having to three cycle the Ogre playing solo. However, my last two runs, that's exactly what happened. As you can imagine, this loses minutes.

I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong, but I'd REALLY like to consistently avoid a three cycle Orge. 1 cycle would be great, but I'm guessing that's pretty much impossible to do solo, correct?

Can anyone watch my shooting at the growth on that giant asshole's back in my run to let me know how I'm dealing so little damage?

http://www.speedrun.com/run/7z0gn8ey (starts at about 30min)


Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
  1. Dont play on 120 FPS
  2. Shoot the bulb on his back and try not to miss a shot

You should be good then.

For your run, you delayed shooting him for around a second then missed 4 shots before hitting him twice also your aim was a little off from the bulb.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Yeah, solo one cycle hasn't been done (yet, Here's hoping) But 2 cycle is the best for solo.


for the last question maybe this forum post can help http://www.speedrun.com/re5/thread/b1az0

Alberta, Canada

Thanks everyone. Yeah, I knew my aim was subpar, but even with that, on Amateur, I remember it being hard NOT to kill him in two cycles.

Hoobie, the 120fps part confuses me. Is there a specific reason I should limit my FPS to 60? (PLEASE don't say I have to limit to 30)


Nah no limiting to 30. Just 120 fps changes alot in the game and not for the better. One of those things is it makes 2 cycle nearly impossable. The boss is easier the lower fps but 60 is fine for 2 cycle.

Alberta, Canada

Well, that explains why I never had a problem with that fight before. I played this game mostly on Xbox 360, and then a considerably less powerful computer than my current setup.

Thanks for the tip!

RE_Snow menyukai ini
Pennsylvania, USA

I know I'm 4 months late to the stupid question party but god damn it I'm full of em!

FPS switching and "kick through" doors. What is the deal with this? I see a few runners switching FPS during certain parts (PC, obviously), and something having to do with door kicks, seen here: http://www.speedrun.com/re5/guide/hoy7e

What exactly is a "door kick"? I've watched the guide and I understand changing the FPS will affect IGT and real time, as well as loading times, but still unfamiliar as to what a "kick through" is.

Diedit oleh penulis 7 years ago
Kentucky, USA

A door kick is when the second player (usually Sheva) gets through the door as Chris is kicking it. That allows her to be able to make it to the next door, checkpoint, whatever faster than having to wait behind Chris. The higher the FPS, the lower the change of the door kick or 'clip'

xF4LLEN_HE4RTx menyukai ini
Oklahoma, USA

Hey Snow do you still play X360?

Pennsylvania, USA

SO Sheva on lower fps makes it easier to do a door kick?


As stated by Snow just a few posts before, yes But I'm unsure if it's because it's Sheva, or if it's because Sheva is normally not the one that hosts the game? I believe that who's hosting and who's not FPS matters; shame that for an extensive document with all the possible combination of FPS between runners is hard to come by.