Category Breakdowns?
8 months ago
Ohio, USA

I'm interested in running all figurines, and potentially all quests as well, but I'm not understanding what the currently existing ones are supposed to be? From what I can tell, "Tea Party%" is just a standard Any%, but past that I don't know if the other two categories already created cover what I'm looking for or if they are something different since there aren't any runs for either.

I know this isn't exactly a hopping speed game, but I wanted to dip my toes in with something accessible, and I beat this game in a short enough time casually to be interested in giving it a shot!

Kilkenny, Ireland

It would seem Bunny% is an all figurines run, returning them to the collector and then finishing the run as usual. Then Wonderland% seems to be the equivalent of 100%

But chances are if you route and record a new category of your own design that it would be accepted. That's usually what happens on leaderboards, as long as someone is willing to put in the time to run it then mods have no problem helping :)

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